SOLVED: King Rabbit's Burrow: The Second Fragment

There is a book about Wilde, which contains lots of his works:

In addition to that both wedding portraits are present in this document

But looks like it’s not possible to read anything on sides of pictures.


Maybe we should keep a running list in a post of passwords we’ve tried in the forms on the burrow website? I think that might be helpful.


Great find @Piki! Was able to get a closer look at those wedding portraits thanks to the link you posted. However, since the text does seem indecipherable, it feels like the wedding portraits are a dead end. Anyone else agree? So does that bring us back to the Work Reconsidered #1 painting. I’m at a loss. :-/


I thought about that but I have thrown a hundred words at that site and now can’t remember what they are. :yum:

And I could be way off-base but I think the words may be unfamiliar, either made up or in a different language, so it’s not just something we can guess. Mind you, I’m still gonna try!!

And lastly, what are your thoughts on placement? For instance, if the four words are Kiss Me I’m Irish, if you put Irish in the first box, will it take it or do the words have to be in a certain order? I’m assuming any box will take any word and then give us clues that will give us the password to the 5th box. At least that’s what I’m hoping.


Cam- have you run a reverse image search on the vine like image from

Also, do we think the corrupted pages may yet have clues to offer? I doubt it but don’t want to make assumptions.


Interesting @Johanna I’d thought the same thing, that the final form would be based on clues from the first four, but I assumed we’d be hearing more clues from Kingrabbit so I’ve only been trying words and phrases in the first form. Now I’m really lost!


Yeah, @AlisonB. I hear you. I think I’ve hit a wall. If Mr. Rabbithole isn’t forthcoming with some more hints, I don’t know how to proceed.


I ran the vine image through reverse image search and didn’t get anything but others should try since it’s possible I overlooked something.

Keeping mg a talley of failed words is actually a good idea even if we can’t remember them all. At least it might give us all an idea of our different approaches.

That Wilde site is great. His first wife Helen Ashman died “tragically” in 66 though I can’t find out how. Not sure if that’s relevant since it isn’t part of his 1943 works. And I have to think that there must be something in the wedding images other than the text were unable to read.

Something that strikes me as interesting on the borrow in the fray website is the fact that it asks for “magic” words. Is it possible the Guide to Magiq might hold clues?


I couldn’t find anything about “OBJECTA e Dv.” online either. Objecta, sort of, but not the rest. Is the “e” a word on its own or is there a period after it which makes it an abbreviation? In Deirdre’s Instagram of it, it looks like a period, but there’s a speck below and to the left which obviously isn’t.


I figured it out! I don’t know if anyone wants to solve it on their own or if I should post the answer?


@AlisonB there’s a spoiler tag under the gear icon where you write posts. use that in case the other recruits want to figure it out too. so, what’s the answer?


I tried loads of words in all of the forms, and tried OBJECTA e Dv. in a bunch of different ways because it seemed like the most obvious “password”. There IS a period after the e! So the solution is “OBJECTA e. Dv.” with the spaces, capitalization and periods. It goes in the first form.There’s then a link to a video. It’s of a field with the sun rising. It’s fifteen minutes long.


I’ve watched the entire video and didn’t see anything. It’s a loop of the sun coming up and going down.


Way to go Alison! It’s good to know that kind of specificity is important because I tried several variations and got nothing. Way to be tenacious!

I haven’t had a chance to Watch it yet but there has to be a clue in there somewhere. In the description or title perhaps?


The title is just Her and no description. I’m downloading it to see if there’s anything else.


Well the first thing I’ve noticed about the video is that it cuts out at 1:34 to a black screen and then back in at 2:21. So, 47 seconds?

I also paused it at 7:17 to see if there was anything significant to the video there but nothing jumped out at me. However, that missing 47 seconds seems important.

There is also a description the side that says “Rabbit King will be notified.”


I just finished downloading it. It’s not fifteen minutes long. It’s six HOURS long.


Holy cow!!! 6 hours? I guess I’ll HAVE to download it now. That might explain the missing 47 seconds. That’s where the 5 hours an 45 minutes should be. Man, this is insane.


And I don’t see the missing gap.


Hmmm, the missing gap is on the 15 minute video. I had a friend play it and look for the gap too just in case it was my computer. She saw it as well. Of course, if you’re watching the 6 hour video, it’s likely the gap isn’t there. Maybe the gap is a hint to the missing 5+ hours of footage(!!!).

I still have another hour until the download is complete. What is in there?