SOLVED: Fragment Seven: Yule

I feel terrible that @CRSumner is going in blind tomorrow. You ready Cole?


I have no idea what Iā€™m doing or looking for but Iā€™ll be there at 10:30 sharp. If you guys figure out anything let me know.


@Endri do you think we have something that can help Cole, or do you think that whatever Lauren receives tomorrow, either in the mail or in the book, will be what we need? Nevertheless, we should still keep brainstorming and maybe we can find something that will help us tomorrow.

@CRSumner thanks for doing this. Iā€™ll be here to help figure this out and can type to you on Periscope (like last time) when youā€™re at the library if you end up streaming again.


How do we watch? Do we have to creat an account?


If Cole is streaming tomorrow, it will start at about 10:30 a.m New York City time (whatever time zone that is lol) and can be watched here:

To comment during the stream, I believe you do have to have an account and if I remember correctly, use a mobile device. But, you can watch it without an account and if you miss the livestream, you can watch the video later.


Apologies for being somewhat off topic, but Iā€™m new and am just now catching up with everything.

Do we know more or less what weā€™re looking for and not where to find it? Vice versa? Both?


No worries Chordie. Welcome to the party.

Iā€™ll try to tell you what we know.

Using the pictures below (click on the little arrow), we were able to find various locations around the world that eventually decoded to give us the Morgan Library.

[details=Click to see the pages that decoded to give us the Morgan Library]
The basics of this puzzle is that the writing in red gave us a hint to a title of a book, while the repeated and underlined words told us where we were supposed to count to in said book. The below pictures gave us Gansu, Lye, Mor, and Brierly, which when reordered gave us MorGansu LyeBrierly - or Morgan Library.


Today, the book that Lauren has gave us more writing (shown below) and we have yet to figure out what it means exactly. We could be looking for anything from a book to a drawingā€¦to anything really at this point lol.

Click to see the pages from the book we received on Monday

Interesting things to note are the locations, the elements, the ā€œsacred shapeā€ and the mention of a lullaby.

OH - edit - I nearly forgot, we also havenā€™t figured out what the weird green dots mean on the pictures below.

Click to see the weird dot pictures

The first is all of the triptych pictures put together, and below that are the individual pieces. The symbol of the triptych is one we have seen many times before and is a symbol for Ackerly Greenā€™s Guide to Magiq.

Beyond that, we donā€™t really have much to go on. In my mind, we donā€™t have enough information yet and I think we should be getting more tomorrow that will make what we are looking for clearer.

Anyways, if you are around before and during the livestream, you can help us figure this out and watch Cole retrieve whatever we end up figuring out, hopefully before Lauren gets her hands on it.

Hopefully that clears some things up and I also hope you can understand what Iā€™m saying since its currently 4 a.m. here lol. If you have any more questions, donā€™t be afraid to ask!


Part of me feels like the hexagon, the dots, the hex are part of something bigger and we just donā€™t have the full picture yet.

But I also feel like thereā€™s something weā€™re not catching in this latest journal entry that could help Cole. I try to keep in mind that SG wouldā€™ve left DG a clue if he wanted her to follow this trail someday, which is what this is about yes? A book/spell that could change her (or Cagliostroā€™s) life?


Didnā€™t sleep much last night. Was hoping Iā€™d have a helpful dream to tell me what to look for, no such luck. This Lauren person is gonna turn me into a frog or something, isnā€™t she?

EDIT: I wrote to Deirdre. Told her I wanted to talk, like really talk. I figure either Iā€™ll have something to show her or I wonā€™t, but I have some explaining to do regardless.


Try the rotundas. Hex skylight. Still in car though.

Edit: Actually it looks like most of the library has hexagon skylights. Never mind, I got nothing.

All I can think of is the 4 dots are supposed to be 4 of the 6 dots needed to make a hexagon. Maybe thereā€™s a clue where the dots are missing. But Iā€™m just guessing randomly at this point (Letā€™s be honest Iā€™ve been doing that most of this time.)

Sorry, Cole I think we failed you guys.

Edit: My best suggestions at this point. Look up these items in the library if you can. Theyā€™re the only other words for lullaby I can find. Neither relate to hexes. Maybe thereā€™s some magical note or something in them like with Brandonā€™s books.

William Blakeā€™s ā€˜A Cradle Songā€™

Sylvio Lazzariā€™s ā€˜Bercuse Tristeā€™


Maybe something to do with the hint of days in a week and lullaby - 7 lullabies?


Hey, no worries. We found a magical changing coin under a bridge in Central Park and a word from a guy in a dream. Book Schmook.


Iā€™m here, across the street. I donā€™t want to kill my battery so Iā€™m not going to start recording until Iā€™m inside. Not sure how long itā€™s gonna take.


Well itā€™s up to you, but given how little we know Iā€™d think youā€™d be better off focusing on looking and not periscope or your phone.


Blah. I was sure the book was going to give us one last push.

So based on what we have, the hexagon, the two pages from yesterday, the dots - what can we do? I thought about maybe having to use the numbers in the pages from yesterday to get a call number or something - ā€œthe other fourā€, ā€œsix elementsā€, the hint at the days in the week, etc. but Iā€™m not sure.

I assume these last parts are going to have to work together to give us the answer, but I canā€™t see how they all fit.


We donā€™t know what we donā€™t know. We obviously donā€™t know something important.

Iā€™m guessing what Sullivanā€™s mom used to call a lullaby is significant. Maybe he named the spell after that or something. But thatā€™s just a guess, and I have no idea how to figure out what his mom used to call anything.


Oh my god

Seven Cradle Songs - a missing AG book

From Deedā€™s blog:

More Ackerly Green books. Here are some of the titles:
The Animus Complex
Seven Cradle Songs
The Wolf and The Wild
Leadfoot Devil


YEEEEES! Okay! Iā€™m looking for an Ackerly Green book! Thatā€™s something! Hexagonal windows, the name of a book, weā€™re doing thisā€¦


Great job guys and minutes to spare. If someone found The Monarch Papers journals and didnā€™t know who wrote them theyā€™d never connect them to the old Ackerly Green Books. Only (we or) Deirdre could.


Whew. Iā€™ve been looking online and there are big ole hexagonal sky lights in Mr. Morganā€™s library.