SOLVED: Fragment Seven: Yule

I already took the day off. I’ll be there when they open. I just hope you guys figure out what I’m looking for and she doesn’t find it before me.


@Leigha if we wanted to send in your word yobthe book. Could you?

And to everyone. Should we? Seems like the best time for a hint I can think of.


You know what looking at those dots on the seal looks like to me? A dart board. I’ll have to brush up on my rules for scoring darts but it looks like 2 in the middle band, one in the outer and one on the s n all space between them which I think is extra. Maybe the point values go to call numbers or something whacky like that. I’ll play with it when Imy in front of a co.outer again tomorrow.


I feel like maybe the last part that Cags shipped is what we will need. It is arriving Tuesday - so perhaps Tuesday morning and we can solve it before Cole goes to the library? I’m not sure but I feel like we don’t have enough information yet.


@Robert The darts theory is interesting, and probably worth exploring since we don’t have much else to go on right now. And as far the magimystical word, I am hesitant because we may just be missing information which could be coming on Tuesday. Which would kind of be a bummer to use a word for that.

I have been thinking about this all weekend, and all it has led me to is wanting to beat my head against a wall. I am with the majority that we may not have all of the facts quite yet. I plan to spend a good chunk of tomorrow trying different things, and seeing if I can make heads or tails and seeing if maybe we are missing something or a lead somewhere


Good Magimystical Monday Morning, Mountaineers.

Random brainstorming ideas on the dots.

  1. The dots could be indicators of lines of the text of the triptychs that are significant. Perhaps the side the dot is on left/right means which line. Maybe the position of the dot from innermost to outermost represents the word?

For the record the 4 lines next to dots are:

the curtain and being a

led to its surface, how

to touch it back? All

The light of my my my

I like this theory myself because it uses the fact these are triptychs and takes the whole image into account. So far the fact they are triptychs hasn’t played much of a role at all in this puzzle other than the door imagery. This satisifies my need for loose ends to tie together nicely.

I dislike the theory cause those lines of text don’t seem to go together.

  1. Maybe the Morgan Library has a rose compass, famous artsy clock or something shaped like one? Maybe the cardinal directions indicate things to look at pointed in those directions, or places on the compass to touch?

  2. My dartboard theory seems pretty doa in practice. Was worth a shot anyway.

Edit: Or we could be drastically overthinking all of this. It looks like the Morgan Library has copies, in some cases first edition copies, of each of the books we’ve looked through. Maybe this is a simple case of finding the books like it was with Brandon?

A Study in Scarlet,2&Search_Arg=study%20in%20scarlet&Search_Code=GKEY^&CNT=50&PID=CnBAm-vXM1tNRAsD761UphIEtWxm0&SEQ=20170123094135&SID=3

Red Badge of Courage,7&Search_Arg=red%20badge&Search_Code=GKEY^&CNT=50&PID=jvGTdXXm-16F6tvUCb5wTAWqfcHh8&SEQ=20170123094230&SID=4

Love and Freindship,1&Search_Arg=freindship&Search_Code=GKEY^&CNT=50&PID=oUNK8W219Tq_YoM5ceCkcwXgzn-c3&SEQ=20170123094339&SID=5

Call of the Wild,2&Search_Arg=call%20of%20the%20wild&Search_Code=GKEY^&CNT=50&PID=0EUD7qeYP4H72x1LrMG7XP9H61vRs&SEQ=20170123094455&SID=6


I think there’s a good chance that it will be similar to the library search for the Glass Report with Brandon. We’ll need to monitor the email tomorrow and it could be that the relevance of the dots won’t become apparent until then.


@Robert if you need my word I’d it’s all yours. Do you still want to use it?


New email

That’s where he hid the spell. Right here in the city.

It’s closed until Tuesday. I tried to break in but nothing worked, immaterial doorway, unclasping, nothing. Why?


So far the majority opinion seems to be we will get more info tomorrow. I guess we will wait til then to decide to use the word or not. Thank you for checking in thoug!


Oh here we go people, some more information that could help us figure out what to do next:

I wasn’t going to bother you with this but new pages appeared this morning in the journal and I can’t make heads or tails of them.

I wish I knew what I was looking for tomorrow, but I won’t leave until i find it.

It’s raining where you are. Doesn’t help your mood. It’s about to start here too. Is it the same storm?




Good find.

So, questions and observations.


What is the sacred shape? The only 3 points we know are Philadelphia, Montreal and Central Park. Can we divine a shape from these?

Edit: Doesn’t seem so. We only have 1 line from Philly to Montreal.

Who were Sullivan’s friends? This is the first we’ve heard of them. We have names, Ishi, Colby and Mendelssohn. Are any of those names significant?

“What my mother used to call a lullaby”. That seems like an odd non sequitor. Is it important?


The 94 Mountaineers were ‘blown to the six corners’. Anyone else get the impression we’re about to find out what happened to them?


Cags replied

He was a clever practitioner. Hiding yourself (or someone else, in his case) from magimystic energy is like trying to keep out air itself. Even in our greatly diminished world, magimystic energy sticks to things, creeps through cracks…

It seems he was trying to create an airlock against magic by warping it around a person. Making it ignore them and they it. The grounding hex is an ancient spell, meant to regulate the energy he was attempting to summon and bend to his will.

The loft is at the center of a grounding hex of my own making. I have several around the world. They are useful when you are experimenting with spells that manipulate primal energies.

If he was successful he was wise to hide the incantation in the Morgan.


“This isn’t a normal spell. But she isn’t a normal girl.” Is he referring to Deidre here? If Sullivan created an “airlock” around Deidre, that would go toward explaining how none of us have been able to contact her (with Cole being the obvious–and mysterious–exception).

I also find it interesting that Ishi will “face” Montreal from Philadelphia. So finding the other locations may only be part of it. We may have to figure which location each of them is facing as well.


Well Cags calls it a hex. Now he might mean hex as a type of spell, or he might mean the shape. Given the fact his performance area is hexagonal, and there are 6 participants it’s very likely (but by no means sure) that it’s a literal hexagon they’re forming.

The problem being, for central park to be in the hexagon with Philly → Montreal as one side means at least 3 if not all 4 of the other spots would be in the ocean I think. Assuming it’s a regular hexagon and given we have the length and position of one size it’d be a pretty straightfoward math problem to figure out the other 4 spots. But…something tells me it’s not that regular.


I agree @Robert that there’s something about the lullaby line. It’s so incongruous.


Alright, I’ll bite. Sullivan Green’s mother was Sylvia Sullivan. Sullivan is a very Irish name and we know they have relatives in Ireland so let’s start there.

The Gaelic word for song is amhrán.

the Gaelic word for lullaby is shuantraí, with Einini being a common name here.

Fun fact you can watch someone sing an Einini here . It’s very moving.


Quoting myself quoting Cags lol but it sounds like Cags is saying that we and Lauren will be looking for the incantation in the library. With this idea of a lullaby, I think we are going to be looking for a lullaby at the Morgan.

Weird note - googled lullaby + Morgan Library and this popped up. What are the chances his last name would also be Sullivan like Sullivan Green’s mom?


You think we are looking for “Lullaby London”?


I have no idea actually. Just something that popped up when I was doing some Googling.

EDIT: I think it will likely be more of a puzzle than just Googling something by chance, so I still think we will get the actual puzzle tomorrow. I just thought it was a cool/weird coincidence.