@Kelsey asked And what do we think the giant blurry circle is about?
I’ve been trying to construct this in my head. Why the half pages? Why the are the rings on opposite sides of the pages?
There’s a visual component to this, I think. It took me 15 minutes to make this construct in my head, so I’m sure I’ll do a crap job of explaining it, but if you get a blank book it might help.
So Page 1 is not the first page in the journal. It’s the back of another page. Call it Page 0, I guess. Given where the holes are if you had the journal open on it’s spine, Yule1 would be on your left with writing only on the left (outter) side of the page. Yule2 would be on the right side of the book with the semi-circle facing away from the spine.
Page 3 and 4 are blank, so if you turned the page you’d be staring at 2 blank sheets.
If you turn the page again you’d be staring at page 5 on the left side of the book, with it’s semi circle pointing away from the spine, and page 6 is on the right of the book with writing only on the outside of the page.
Now, if you went back a page, so you were staring at blank pages 3 and 4 again. If you picked up page 3 and folded the outer edge towards the spine underneath you’d be looking at the text of page 1 on the left, and the semi-circle of page 2, now pointing towards the spine.
Similarly if you picked up page 4 and folded that into the spine you’d see the text from page 6 underneath on the right, and on the left you’d see the semi-circle of page 5 now also pointing towards the spine, matching up with page 2 to form a circle.
Although, now pages 3 and 4 are hidden inside this construct we just made. Is the circle a portal to what’s inside? Door handles maybe? Am I insane?