SOLVED: Fragment Nine: Galifanx

I believe it means we discovered it, but we haven’t solved it


I don’t know if it’s relevant but if you save the images of the text it says they are pages 3 and 4 - I wonder what happened to 1 and 2?


Caterpillar and fly??? I think the most recent page we got was 2?


Okay, been thinking… This is what the Book just sent us:

Starward reaching, mountain bound.
Heaven knows a fragment’s found.

Will you solve it? Win the prize?
Your fate is written in the skies.

With what you all have already figured out:[quote=“Chordie, post:47, topic:569”]
Thirteen volumes, the foundation of our universe until a revolution changed our position.Euclid’s Elements

At the whim of the master clock, Shepherd Gate shows all time. And in the courtyard the Astronomer Royal observes from here.Greenwich Observatory?

Because of the tenth there now are eight. When Xena fell, discord rose in her placeThe dwarf planet Eris (or perhaps planets/the solar system in general).What sees what we cannot? A giant, a Titan, a dragon, and all great light combined?A telescope (great equatorial telescope)

Three ancient stones mark the midwinter’s sunset, their faces toward Corra Bheinn and the mountain of the sound.The standing stones at Ballochroy, Kintyre

Borne from Ida to serve the wine, who waits in the celestial court between the whale and the eagle?Aquarius

Add to all of this @grimangel53 realization that there are six holes and six Guilds. We need to “look to the skies.” Each hole is much like looking through a telescope. Could part of the solution we’re looking for be the constellations within the Guild Compass? I know there’s a thread already discussing what they might be, so it might be worthwhile to see if they might be relevant.


Some of us have been trying to work out the constellations on the logo/discs, now I’m thinking it’s all tied together. The topic is here:


The first thing I notice is the books wording
“Mountain Bound”
Is it time the guilds take back Monarchs Mountain?


@Kelsey, I assumed that meant these are the third and fourth pages (not counting the illustrations) of the journal we’ve been collecting over the past six months. The first page was from fragment one, the second was fragment five.


My thoughts exactly @OracleSage.


I wonder where it is…


I would think one of the main 5 would know something about it. Maybe ascender told them something? I have no clue.


I have a theory, but we’re getting into tin-foil hat territory with that one.


Wear that tin foil hat with pride. You know Robert has all his crazy theories, no shame in theorising!


I wanna hear!!!

@Eaves @Endri @Bash @Itsuki
Did Ascender tell you anything about the mountain?


I think we are getting ahead of ourselves on the mountain thing and should focus back in on the puzzle. We are mountain bound, but we have to complete our journey before we get there.

@Endri - ah makes sense. Thanks captain


I heard there was a brochure

EDIT: I’ll look for that post now


Here we go


Also this by @Endri


Question - do we feel like this part of the puzzle is leading us to something specific at this very moment or will our findings be used in the next part of the puzzle we receive? I’m leaning towards the second one because of how I feel prior puzzles went (like finding the map of Fairy Land and then later receiving the path that the chicken followed). I think we should solidify our answers and not worry yet if it doesn’t lead anywhere in particular - does that make sense? Just my opinion and could most definitely be wrong, but I don’t feel like we have enough info yet.


This is a very good point. When we found the Cagliostro website, that was just the first part of the puzzle. We needed to figure out the semaphore aspect to go further. There was a similar find first, discover next aspect to the Fraylily fragment as well. Since this is the first fragment of this “lock” I suspect it will follow a similar pattern.


Typing up the story for those who are having problems reading it:

I could not return home. Though wonder had kept its unspoken promise and once again visited me, called me to its heart to witness the world of dreams, I dare not leave it. Not for fear of trusting it would visit me another time, but for fear of casting myself out to the cold world, the world in which I do not belong. I am a wandering man. Unshackled. Free from all that sent me from civilization to hide in the untamed country. Free from judg-ment and sideways glances. Free from whispers about the man who cannot remember. I believed that I was escaping the false comforts and trap-pings of this modern existence, to live an unfettered life. But in truth, I was running toward the heart of wonder. Running back as if I’d been asleep there all my life and only temporarily awakened.

My whiskers unshaven, clothes worn through and tattered. I wash myself in teal-blue streams by light of glow-ing vines like fair-ies perched on swaying swings. I eat fruit that joyfully stings my tongue and fills my belly for days at a stretch. At times there are baskets of sandwiches on the paths I follow, filled with gold-specked cheese and pur-ple squashed-flat tomatoes. The edible vines of the tomato still attached, coiled around the soft sliced bread as if they were holding their hats to their heads in a gust of wind. The things I’ve seen. I’ve followed the lilting sounds of children playing and instead found five moons circling one another play-fully in the sky.