Not TMP Related - The King in Yellow

I can only check for non-standard envelope sizes on Thursdays (apartment mailroom hours), but I’ll keep an eye out. And I will most certainly be snooping.


Oh yeah, for sure. I don’t think the Silver would ever send something out, they’d probably rather destroy it if they couldn’t have it. But I could see them wanting this kind of thing for themselves, and maybe in their pursuit, the madness reputation developed. The group who wrote the letter is anti-censorship, so they’re in opposition to the ideals of the Silver. I dunno, that’s just my wacky tinfoil brain going. If this is as important as the letter says it is, I’m sure a lot of people have pursued it over the years.


It almost looks like the postal code is M1M1P1…

Edit: I checked to see if that was an actual code, and it is off a Kingston Rd!

With the place that comes up, it looks an awful lot like the equivalent of a UPS Store, where they have mail boxes you can rent.


I’m away from my mailbox until Sunday, but the post office will be my first stop when I’m back! I hate the idea that I might be holding everyone back, so fingers crossed it’s empty right now…


So, after looking after over it again. I noticed a few things, they could honestly be nothing but I desperatly want to know why this play was censored, and why Lovecraft knew about it.

First, it references a Queen, and maybe I am grasping for straws but we all know of one queen whose mythos is pretty steeped in magiq. Anne of Brittany. That would also, at least partially, explain why this was censored by the proverbial “them” . It also refers a hall, again, possibly grasping for straws but I felt it might be worth mentioning.
It also feels very… Ghostly, which is incredibly unsettling because with whats been going on in Neithernor, and with whats been happening at the publishing house… It feels almost too close to home.
I also did some digging into some of the verses on the first page, and definitely felt like each one matched a guild, but that could just be me.
Do you guys think… This letter is from the Book of Wilds? I ask because Saberlane feels like the pins are from there, and like the ghosts… It could be bleeding into our world? My working theory is that, Robert, someone sent you this in that timeline, and you are just now receiving it in this once. Perhaps thats due to the output of magimystical energy the pin puts off.

Sorry, I am sure this post is totally non coherent, but I needed to get these thoughts out there before I fell asleep and forgot them all together.


Hey guys, you remember in Fragment Thirteen (And possibly related - this bit from Fragment Nine), when we got that story of a man displaced in time? He was transported to New York from a strange world and he couldn’t remember anything about his life.

Well, I looked into Carcosa a bit more, and I found out that the first reference to the city was Ambrose Bierce’s “An Inhabitant of Carcosa.” The main character is a nameless resident of a post-apocalyptic city who wakes up in a place he doesn’t recognize. He tries to return to his home, the city of Carcosa, and asks a man in strange furs if he can give him directions. However, he speaks in a strange language. In the end, he comes upon a grave, realizes it’s his own, and that he’s been wandering around the ruins of Carcosa. The man is trapped outside of time, the memories of his past life lost to him. Doesn’t that sound similar? :thinking: It’s not a perfect comparison, but the time travel and the lost memories… that can’t be a coincidence.

Also, another thing to look into - that page where Camilla goes “Mask? No mask!” is an introduction to a short story called “The Mask.”


oh! Nice catch Rev! I totally forgot about that! I checked out the Wiki page on Carcosa and found there is actually a snippet of the transcript we have on wiki. Wiki is magiq, confirmed.:tinfoilhat:


This may seem unrelated,
But what all do we know of M. Grey Ackerly’s son, James?
The only wiki info I can find is:
“James died somewhere in France in the early 90s.”


I do not believe we have ever learned more about James. I’ve wondered about him myself.


By the way. I’m sitting in a waiting room bored so I did some looking and the book the King in Yellow is available on project Gutenburg. In case anyone wanted it.


Woah, I am a little flabbergasted about this. I don’t have much else to add, other than if you need me, I will be down the rabbit hole with my tinfoil hat.

I will let you all know if I find anything.


Are we absolutely sure this isnt a completely different thing?

If we’re sure of this… Id almost say that its a MM Faction or the wool. i seriously doubt its the silver, but I can see the low, too. Maybe this is from the royal thornmouths too… AHHH I dont know! Tinfoil!


Wow. It’s also by a Robert…


The first story of the book, “Repairer of Reputations”, mentions the French government banned the play and had them collected and destroyed.

So far I’m two stories into the book. The first one was pretty great, that’s probably why it’s the first one in the collection. The second one was a tad underwhelming to me, but I’ll continue through as I get time.

You can definitely feel how this would have inspired Lovecraft when reading it.

Edit: If anyone else is reading through this let me know. We can have a mini-creepy book club!


Hoping to pick a copy up at the library today!!


I’m part way through the first story but I fell asleep during it. It was past midnight though, so I don’t feel particularly guilty.


More random things that I’m trying to make sense of.

In case anyone is curious, I’ve gone over the pages and envelopes from top to bottom, inside and out. There is nothing written on the back, in a corner, or inside an envelope.

There does not seem to be any basic invisible ink revealed by heat on the pages. (Hey you never know til you try.)

The person’s signature on the bottom of the introduction page is impossible for me to read.

I’m stuck on this first page, Act 1 Scene 1. According to the wiki Naotalba has no known lines in the play, but he speaks on this page. That’s making me wonder if the first page isn’t new. Although…

I’ve found 2 other places referencing the first line “Woe-begotten Cassilda, how she mourns. Her sighs are born upon the quiet wind throughout this dark manse.” on the interwebs. One is on some corset artists blog, the other is a single post on a kickstarter.

I’ve only found 1 place the second line, Naotalba’s first speech, is online. Also on the same kickstarter forum from an Erick Young. Nothing strikes me as particularly magiqal about him so I think it’s a coincidence. Anyway I can’t find a way to contact him.

I can find no sources for the 3rd or 4th parts of the first page online. Including Naotalba’s second line.

Also, Naotalba’s name is mispelled in the first mention. It’s missing an ‘l’. Interestingly enough Erick Young’s post containing the same lines contains the exact same spelling mistake.

And that’s my wracking my brain from this moment. For the record I’ve reread the first page of Act 2 about 412 times now, and I’m perfectly fine with no madenning affects. Now if you excuse me I need to take my cactus for a walk and then give it a bath. It’s been very naughty.


Would you mind posting a close-up of the signature?


Sure thing.


Wow, definitely unreadable :joy:

The kickstarter observation is a very intersting one.
The kickstarter site has the fiollowing quote which I find quite fascintating:
