Second Magimystic Assessment is here!

im just trying to path this correctly now, especially since it’s getting odd.

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the words are the problem. i have the pathing down, but in come cases, its a problem because sometimes the pathing retreats back on itself, and im not sure it should do that


I also had the same thing. I’m kind of accepting that the path might retreat on itself, but perhaps that would be a sign that it’s the other answer?

@Furia - Sorry I couldn’t be more help! :sweat: It’s definitely very tricky, and unfortunately we can’t use the power of communal puzzle solving in this case.


nevermind that we could have the same direction twice in a row. it is very twitch-inducing


Is there some way we can manage to talk about some of these traits? I feel like I’m super lost and I’m not sure where I’m going wrong. :cold_sweat:

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Hey what’s that animal SE of the Parrot, and East of the Monkey. Is that an Antelope? Kinda looks like one but no horns.


I believe it is an antelope. I don’t know what other animal it could be in our list

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I thought it was a dik dik?

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There’s not a Dik Dik choice though is there?

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Ah shoot, there isn’t. Antelope it is, I suppose? Only other thing I could think would be maybe a goat.


@Revenir Yeah…I’m pretty darn close to caving and just having a ‘let’s discuss all the words’ hullabaloo . There’s just a couple words in here that I don’t think match anyone and it’s just random guesses.

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Did u solve it?

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Not yet. As far as I’m aware, no one has yet.


So the rules of the assessment say

You may study with others but the actual questions in this assessment are not to be shared under penalty of transmogrification.

We’ve been hesitant to discuss the words for fear of incurring the Book’s wrath. But what if we listed the words in alphabetical order? Or maybe by Guild? As long as we don’t group them by question here, that wouldn’t be discussing the “actual questions.” I’m just trying to think of a way we can actually study together without breaking the rules. I for one do not wish to be transmogrified, but I certainly do want to solve this. I HAVE to unlock this Book and I know many of you feel the same way. We are literally four mouse-clicks away from unlocking the second lock. I don’t want to falter now. But what say you?


That seems fair enough to me. I don’t necessarily see a problem with discussing the traits in relation to the guilds, and I think we may have inadvertently discussed some of the traits in this thread. I don’t know, has anyone felt transmogrified yet? :scream:


Okay, so this is what I’ve decided to do. I’m going to list the words in alphabetical order with my thoughts as to their Guild affiliation BUT I will put them behind a spoiler window so if the Book frowns on my actions, I will be the only one turned into a toad. Here goes…

balanced - E
brave - W
careless - W
clever - F
cold - B
compassionate - G
courageous - w
determined - W
distracted - B
emotional - G
friendly - G
hard-working - F
indifferent - E
industrious - W
integrous - G
joyous - G
judgmental - E
methodical - T
nomadic - W
nurturing - E
passionate - W
reserved - E
righteous - W
strong - E
studious - T
unpredictable - W
warm - G
wild - B
wise -T

And since it might be easier, I’ve arranged them by Guild here:

Brave, careless, courageous, determined, industrious, nomadic, passionate, righteous, unpredictable

compassionate, emotional, friendly, integrous, joyous, warm

clever, hard-working

balanced, indifferent, judgmental, nurturing, reserved, strong,

methodical, studious, wise


cold, distracted, wild[/spoiler]

Looking at this, I know I’ve assigned most of the words to the wrong Guilds (so much in one Guild), but this is what I ended up with based on using the directions available for a given piece. Anyway, if you don’t hear from me again, send worms.


some of the words can be used to describe multiple guilds, and some fit other guilds better.

like the 5th Watch word in your list can be listed for at least one other guild for sure.


Ok, so here are mine:

Ebenguard –
Balanced, Industrious, Integrous, Judgmental, Nurturing, Righteous

Weatherwatch –
Cold, Courageous, Nomadic, Passionate, Unpredictable, Wild

Balimora –
Careless, Distracted, Reserved, Wise

Flinterforge –

Gossmere –
Compassionate, Emotional, Friendly, Joyous, Warm

Thornmouth –
Clever, Studious

And here’s a list with the logic I used to get there:

Ebenguard –
Balanced – “when the scales tip to the side of disorder and darkness, you are called to right it”
Determined – Instagram
Industrious – “For harmony and true peace are only possible through the dedication and diligence of those willing to swear their life’s work to it.”
Integrous – “You are a figure for good, for right.”
Judgmental – Just a call on my part – a bad side of super strong morals (in some cases) is they can cause some judginess.
Nurturing – ‘gathering people to a noble cause’ (maybe…?)
Righteous – “You are a figure for good, for right.”
Strong – ‘Combat Magic’

Weatherwatch –
Cold – “Your sharp tongue might land you in a scrape”
Courageous – Instagram
Nomadic – ‘Unanchored’
Passionate – The fire imagery and the descriptions just reminded me of passion
Unpredictable – “You are undoubtedly spontaneous.”
Wild –Instagram

Balimora –
Careless – “Only The Great Chaos matters now.”
Distracted – This was mostly a guess, based partly on the chaotic nature of Balimorans
Reserved – “While others talk ceaselessly, you listen.”
Wise – Instagram

Flinterforge –
Methodical – “You’ve always been drawn to the wonder of breaking and remaking things, both objects and ideas. To understand them, recreate them, improve them”
Hard-working – “You’ve never been one to shy away from big ideas or the hard work required to make those ideas manifest”

Gossmere –
Compassionate – “a community that embraces all.”
Emotional – Instagram
Friendly – “Offering your hand to another for support, encouragement, for solace and hope.”
Joyous – Mostly a guess but “You live in this moment, the dance of life.”
Warm – “You are here to inspire, entertain, and enkindle.”

Thornmouth –
Clever – Instagram
Studious – “You will study great magic and learn more than a common mind could ever hope to hold.”

I feel like I have way too many Weatherwatches and Ebenguards, but then there are quite a few tiles where those are your only options. :sweat:

EDIT: I should also mention that I definitely have a lot of the fourth question ones wrong… The path it ended up taking me was a total mess, and made me backtrack a ton.


PErsonally i’d put
industrious as flinterforge,
cold as balimora,
careless as weatherwatch,
and possibly distractred as thorn

industrious makes me think of building and creating which falls in line with FF, as does passionate, but i could be wrong there,

BM seems more cold than careless. given its propensity to be more in line with “i dont care what happens to society as it will crumble to the earth anyway”

careless screams daredevil to me, thus why i associated with WW

TM seems distracted, by their works and their research.


I’m not sure how much this approach helps but I’ll contribute anyway in case it helps someone else. These answers aren’t independent, so if you change one word/guild pair you’ll be at a different spot in the tetrahedron and end up having to change 3-4 more words/guild pairs down the line.

Edit: This is my latest attempt out of 20+ so it’s approaching near randomness at this point.

