Second Magimystic Assessment is here!

thank you Captain. we appreciate your support!


The All Encompassing Piece/Direction Discussion:

Discounting North and South, as there are no guilds associated with those directions, I believe we have:

Directions - NW, SW, SE, NE

Directions - W, E

Directions - W, E

Directions - W, E

Directions - NW, SW, E

Directions - W, SE, NE

Just the Lemur Piece
Directions - NW, SW, SE, NE


Feel free to point out mistakes in my above post and I will make the changes


I totally agree with the first one. I think it’s safe to say if we like it without comment we agree. Great work!


Bless this post. :ok_hand: Thank you, @Brendon!


I think this is exactly right! But there is one piece that might be problematic:

Even though the piece has SW, NW, and E possibilities, the E direction leads to two animals. I haven’t had to use this piece yet but that could be because I’m doing it wrong.


I’m basically a robot and my rule is pretty simple ‘If there are two on the east side it’s NE and SE’. So I assume that’s NE/SE.

I agree it looks more like NE/E but I’m trying to minimize ambiguity here.


I am going to take a screen cap of that one, and throw it on the post. I tried to find “exceptions”, which I would classify that one as. I would see that would as NW, SW, SE, NE

EDIT: Added. I put it as the four directions. If we can come to a consensus that it isn’t, I will edit it again. And again, if anyone finds any other exceptions please let me know.


Holy heck, that’s a lemur?! You’re right it is. In my attempts that used it I called it a Monkey. But yeah, I just went back and retried with lemur instead of monkey and I was still wrong.


I suppose that’s the other thing we could do, discuss any animals we aren’t quite sure about. And I don’t think we need to create a “directory” with screen caps of all of the animals but there are some interesting animals on the tetrahedron that might throw some for a loop

EDIT: Just in case people are getting it, I believe the animal right to the right of the Lemur is a Saki. I don’t believe it is the monkey either, as I think the monkey is below the parrot


Wow, so I’m going through the assessment and it’s making me realize I got a few ones I thought were obvious wrong. :flushed: I’m quite glad some of these are limited to two answers though.


I’ve been sorta inactive and haven’t been reading up, Can anyone fill me in?

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I’ll attempt to do a bit of a TLDR for you:

Basically, we are doing our second assessment. It’s the same as the first one - you need to find the icon below this paragraph. Take the first part of the assessment - it doesn’t require any puzzle solving, you just answer in a way that feels right.

The second half of the assessment is what we’re discussing here. Long story short, the book gave us access to this 3D pyramid.

Through puzzle solving, we also figured out that each of the guilds relates to a compass direction. They are the following:

Gossmere - NW
Flinterforge - NE
Thornmouth - SE
Balimora - SW
Weatherwatch - W
Ebenguard - E

In the second half of the exam, you will notice there is an animal picture at the top of each question. Find that animal on the pyramid.

Then, you will notice that there are a bunch of traits listed. Each of those traits links to a specific guild. Find the right guild, then you have the cardinal direction you need to move from the compass.

Using the starting animal, you follow the cardinal directions given to you on the pyramid until you reach the last one, which is the animal you need. That’s your answer for that question. Rinse and repeat it until you’re done with the exam and you get the key.


Cardinal directions given on the pyramid?

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I do not Understand this at all…

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As an example, here’s a made up question I did to help (because it was really confusing to me at first.)

Let’s say you see the following:


First, go to the fish:

Now notice that the fish is touching only two other animals on the left and right sides: The rooster and the flamingo. That means your only options are E and W.

Let’s say, for the sake of this, that Ebenguards are the sleepy guild. That means you would go east, to the rooster.

Now you are at the rooster. Again, you have two choices - east or west. Let’s say Ebenguards are also the sneezy guild. Then you go east again. Now you are at the wolf.

And because I didn’t plan this out super well, you again have the choice of east or west. So let’s say Weatherwatches are the grumpy guild. So you go west. Now you are at the bull.

Because grumpy is the final trait, you would select bull as your answer.

Now because I’m a terrible planner, there’s another situation this particular example doesn’t bring up. If you have multiple animals touching the left or right side of the piece, then they are broken up into northwest/southwest or northeast/southeast. Like so:

At any rate, this is my understanding of the exam. Anyone else is totally free to correct me if I’m doing it wrong. :sweat:


Ok, maybe I should slow down. I don’t think you were here during the first exam, right? Have you found the link to the exam?


I wasn’t here for the first exam, But I solved the first part of the 2nd exam a day or two after we found it

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Awesome, I just wanted to make sure! I didn’t want to be jumping into tetrahedrons and compasses if you weren’t quite there yet.

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This is still just too much for me, I will just wait for phase 3

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