Second Magimystic Assessment is here!

Like what @Robert pointed out, I am really struggling with movement around the tetrahedron and piece shape. For instance. a piece like the Spider, are the Narwhal and Dingo/Dog SW and SE or W and E. And in that breath, are the Toucan and Squirrel NW and NE or W and E. Maybe I am overthinking it, and they are on what would be the NW, NE, SW, SE sides, so I should just stick with that


That’s a good question, @Brendon. I’ve been working under the assumption that an adjacent piece is only W or E if that side isn’t “split” into two options. For example, the squirrel piece should only have E or W options. The spider could have NE, SE, NW and SW options, but not E or W, but strange pieces like the elephant could technically have E, SW, and NW. :tired_face:


Well, if @Endri is right then the only ways to move from a given piece are determined by the orientation of its sides. And if that’s the case, then we could probably figure out which Guild a given word belongs to by which ways of movement are available for a given piece.

As an example, let’s look at the parrot piece. There are only three directions one can move from there. SE (Thornmouth, W (Weatherwatch, and E (Ebengaurd). The reason they are W and E and not NW and NE is because the movement will take you to another side of the tetrahedron which, in theory, can only be done via W and E.

So if we are trying to ascertain which Guild an ambiguous word belongs to, we can narrow the possibilities down to only those Guilds that allow us movement from that piece. I think. I don’t know. All I don know is that I’m going to be haunted by this tetrahedron when I sleep.


Hmm, all great points @Mike, I would just argue that if the side is split, like the right side of the parrot piece, that it maybe it isn’t E at all but SE and NE, so the parrot could be W, SE, NE, with E and W only being a possibility on pieces like the dingo/dog at the bottom-middle of the parrot side.

I say that because if your idea held true, how would we determine what was a NW, SW, or W? I’m trying to work out the tetra’s internal logic and I think it’s this:

Single choice sides are E or W, split choice sides are NW, SW, NE, SE.


Ok, so I’m not 100% sure I understand this. Using the parrot, then, we have the options -

Camel - East
Elephant - West
Monkey - Southwest
Dik Dik - Southeast

Is that correct? Also, I’m assuming we should ignore the pieces that are just touching corners, like the squirrel is with the parrot?

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@Revenir, for the parrot there is no Southwest or East. The monkey would be Due South and for whatever reason there is no north and south on the guild compass. So you have Northeast - Camel, West - Elephant, and Southeast - Antelope/Horse-thing. You have Northeast/Southeast because the right side of the parrot is split into Northeast and Southeast. Those are the rules I’ve arbitrarily guess because otherwise it would just be a complete guessing game.


If you go by @Endri 's last suggestions (which I admit I had to read 4 times to finally grasp) then there will never be a piece that has E and SE or E and NE as an option. The piece’s eastern side will always have only E, or NE and SE. Likewise the same on the West side. It’ll either have just W, or NW and SW.

So following her example the parrot is connected to:
W: Elephant
NE: Camel
SE: Whatever the heck that thing is.

The monkey would be connected to the south, which we don’t care about for purposes of this exercise.

Edit: Dangit, beaten to the punch by the Captain!


I feel you @TheBellsAreRinging, i don’t really follow these guys train of thought, I’m trying though


Public Service Announcement if you’re working on this, check your words. One of them changed… gives the Magiq guide the evil eye


Well, now that we’re pretty sure we know how to navigate across the tetrahedron, we just need accurate directions by matching the words to the Guilds. The problem I’m finding is that I have no idea where I’m making a mistake. Or if I’m making more than one. I could have made one wrong move or several and I have no idea at which step I made the mistake. Gah! This is tough.

And there are certain words that I KNOW belong to a specific Guild because they are identical or a synonym of the Red Words that put us down this path. Only now I’m finding that direction isn’t an option from the particular piece I’m on when the word comes up.

Anyone feeling confident on their progress? Feel like they have at least one of the four pathways figured out?


Good catch! Hopefully that’s the only word that’s changed. Or will change.

UPDATE" other words have changed as well. So make sure to reevaluate accordingly.


I have full confidence every time I submit my four animals…every one of the 25 or so times I’ve done it now.

I’m with you. I try to make the best path I can each of them. Submit it. It’s wrong, and I have no idea why. So I try to pick one spot I’m not so confident in and redo that part. Still wrong. Did I correct something or break something? I dunno.

I hit dead ends where I don’t think either of the 2 or 3 options I have work with the word. Sometimes I try to back up to a previous call to make it fit, sometimes I just roll with it.

In all honesty, I do see parts where I’m pretty confident. I have a couple runs of 4-5 words in a row where everything seems to line up perfectly, but that’s bookended on both sides with more or else coin flips.


I hear you. That is pretty much me. I am getting to the point where I don’t know how we solve this without discussing the words as a group. I know I was pretty against it yesterday, but there are so many variables, so much ambiguity, I just don’t know. I am going to keep going, but if we decide that we want to start discussing words as a group, I won’t disagree this time haha :wink:


What I’m trying now is going step-by-step. So I assign a Guild to each word just to have a starting point. But at each piece, I see what my options of movement are (usually only two directions) and then see which Guild the word fits best. Obviously, this hasn’t worked yet, but I’m hoping.

But I agree with @Brendon. We may have to risk the Book’s wrath and discuss the words if we ever want to get through this.


Maybe before we get to that point, I should make a post with each configuration of the pieces and we can discuss which directions are “acceptable”? We can come to a set standard and go from there? It might be some work, and could be long but it might allow others to help out as well?


My only concern with sharing our ideas about the words is locking in bad choices. We might all reasonably agree a word matches a guild, but if we’re wrong, then only the wild person out there doing their own thing might ever notice.

I’d be all for discussing ideas about words, just not putting a ‘this word is this guild for sure, 100%’ stamp on it.

Discussing which directions are ‘acceptable’ seems totally find to me though. Fire away.


I wonder if it’s making it easier, or harder… :ghost: :skull::rolling_eyes:


this pathing is gonna be a challenge. especially if one or more directions seem correct

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Just a reminder, @Robert noticed that a word changed. I went through it and noticed several words have changed or been added in three of the four questions. So we need to be vigilant in making sure we’re following the most updated path.


And I’ll throw my two cents in when appropriate or possible.