New DG Post: The Three Manners of Magiq

What’s the symbol look like? I’d like to draw it out.


I’m going to talk him out of it: @CRSumner - we can’t lose you to the Storm. Use your head and not your heart. Stay away from that building until we figure something out!!!


You’re right @Augustus_Octavian, but if I can open a door to Neithernor nearby, maybe lure it out… I could give her a chance to knock. I could bolt for Central Park. But if it gets in that apartment and I waited HOURS to go get her I won’t be able to forgive myself.


drawing my Shield Sigil and pushing as much magiq into my hearthstone as i can.


Do magiq. Save our asses.




Cole, please be cautious. If The Storm takes you, then Deirdre is alone there, and she will risk her safety further to fix things. It would be a while before any of us could be there to provide support. We wouldn’t be able to stop her.

Edit: If you’re going to open a door into Neithernor, do it in Central Park, or as close as you can.


Maybe you could head to that cave we found from the end of Fragment 14? The Ramble in Central Park? There could be an entrance or something to help you there.


That’s the plan, in cab now.


What are some doors in central park? The Ramble? Triplets Bridge? It has a few places we know are tied to magiq.


Be careful, friend. If you’re successful, we won’t be able to make contact for a while, probably.

Is there a way we can get around that?


If a storm eats me I’ll text.

I joke when I’m terrified.


Please take care of yourself Cole. We still don’t completely understand this situation or what’s going on exactly, how the journal got there… I couldn’t stand it if we lost you in the chaos of this situation.

I don’t know that it’ll help, but I’ll be drawing a protective sigil as well…Maybe the good vibes will get to you at least? :worried:


How close is Gray’s building to Central Park?


Thank you, my spicy friend. Give it indigestion, at least. Some acid reflux.


please. it’ll make stabbing it with a spear much easier.


Grey is 3-4 blocks from park. But I never was able to open a door.


Okay so just to calm us down and prevent us from running in circles.

The journal was found in the brownstone, where a window was smashed.

  • How did it get there?
  • We can assume Deidre had a hand in it due to the note at the back.
  • If she sent it there, in what way could she have that would also leave her trapped still?

Deidre’s phone and wallet were gone.

  • Those are things she would realistically take with her if she was going somewhere in the Mundabe world, so hopefully she has them with her.

We also do not have the Chronocompass so potentially no way to start a new fragment to the past, even if we get there.

She’s trapped in Grey’s apartment.

  • The door is locked which means it cannot be accessed from the Mundane world.
  • The storm has her surrounded.
  • If she could have found her way out, for example, by opening a door to Neithernor, she would’ve by now.

So, if she enters our world the storm will get her. If she can use technology and does, the storm will get her.

Cole is on his way to the Ramble, so it’s a waiting game to see if that gives us any sort of insight to how to help.

Lots of questions.
Are we capable of distracting the storm?
Is that how we get her out?
Is there something else we can do to put the storm to rest?
What Magiq can we do, that is big enough to distract the storm, or hold it off to get her out?
Also don’t want to say this, but if she does get out, will it just continue to come after her because she’s been to Neithernor? So should we look at eliminating the storm rather than finding a way JUST to get Deeds out? She’s at least safe for now.


I think it would be a good idea to try to distract the Storm atleast. A giant spell or something that would create a maqic signal flare.

Edit: What’s an easy spell that we co do now, but multiple it by 10 or so people and focus the maqic output into a single area?


Cole. I know you can do this. I know you love Dierdre, and I know you can put your past trauma aside and call up a Knocking Door. I know you can, because I believe in you. And I believe, more than anything else, in love.