Guild House

Sounds lovely.

Sidenote: I think I’ll sleep in the light of the mindfulness tonight.



You better believe I’m never going to your room. If I’m within a square foot of glitter, it is already all over my clothes and in my hair for the next 48 hours.


Glitter is the disease of arts and crafts. Once it gets on you… IT WILL NEVER LEAVE. Its how I leave my mark on yo- I meaaaan… uhhh…


For no reason in particular, I’m also going to add a 7 layer puzzle door to my room, and I’ll probably also weld it shut, just in case.


I’m sure the Flinterforges would be happy to help!


As long as it’s glitter proof.


I’d be more than happy to concoct a potion that is guaranteed to make you glitter-proof for life. I promise, it will never make you grow antlers. However, you may occasionally sprout leaves or a random petal here and there. Which may actually be worse (or at least harder to explain to muggles) than glitter.


Sorry, but after my antlers there’s no way in hades I’m drinking anything made by Balimora. But glitter proof does sound desirable…


Balimora juice?

I think I’d rather drink the glitter


But my glitter is gonna get so looonely :crying_cat_face:
whispering its okay my beautiful babies, I understand you :heart:
What? I wasn’t talking to my glitter bottles! Y-you were!


I feel my room would be off one of the basement levels, with a big window looking out over the sea. I’d have my flowers and succulents. It would be a cozy home away from home. I would have a big bed and multiple chairs for lounging. It would be more of a lounge really. I would have a writing desk and a bookshelf with my personal collection and anything I deem deserves a read from the lighthouse collection.


Sounds like my room is right next to Vic’s (@VictorianFlorist not sure how you feel about the shortened name), rather far up on the cliff with a glass face out to sea strictly for sounds of crashing waves and rain, however the rest would be very much like an old study, the remaining three walls would be shelfs with a personal collection of books for both entertainment and reference. Large heavy wooden desk facing the door (opposite of the glass) with a computer, as well as an extension off of it for a work space for binding and setting books as well as repairing them.


My room would be in the Winter hall cold but not too cold how I like it, The room is round shaped like the rest of the hall, It has a large bookshelf filled with books on winter and snow, The ceiling depicts a battle of magic, The walls have a few snow flakes painted on finishing the room, The carpet is white, My bed is a queen sized bed with a large post and a black blanket


So as some of you know I also have a high aptitude for Weatherwatch so I thought I’d make myself a room.
It’s more a cubby really.
Okay, I sleep in the Broom Closet in the spring wing when I come to visit XD


My room in the Lighthouse is on the cliff as well, but on the ground floor, next to a nice little apple tree that hangs on to the cliff… and strangely has started to root itself into the side of my room (kind of nodding towards my Balimoran side). The tree has been producing fruit every day since I started to take up residence in that room, so if anyone wants a Granny Smith, you’re welcome to stop by.

The inside of the room is fairly quaint. Cushions and pillows thrown about, with no particular bed anywhere. Bookshelves line the walls with all of my favorite novels and short stories. On the wall towards the center of the Lighthouse, along with the door, is a nice little hearth with a fire that is always going, so I can keep my room warm (I hate blankets). Aside from the apple tree, I have just a few nice little vines that I have let grow from pots, and climb their way up the wall, trimming them back every now and again.


@Revenir If we have every tool, does that mean we have 3d printers, because if so I will spend all my time there. XD


Oh yeah, for sure. The big industrial grade ones, too!


XD, To the Forges!!! (even though we may not have old timey blacksmith forges calling it “The Forges” still sounds pretty cool just my opinion though)


@Chordie A puzzle door would be fun, we could have riddles, a geometric maze, a weighted door with a hidden latch, an automaton guardian , oh and if we really wanted to get into it, we could make the door timed so that if they don’t solve it in time a small charge of explosives goes off, of course it wouldn’t effect your room, we would have to use steel reinforcement on the walls and door though.


As I said before, the specifics of a multi-layered puzzle door aren’t important as long as glitter-proofs my room, so I’m down for anything :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

You know what would make me immensely happy? If the lighthouse had a door that led to magiqally generated escape rooms, so it’s a new experience every time. Go alone or with friends, race the clock, sharpen our minds in a different way. More to knowledge than book smarts!

Plus it would give us a damn good activity for those occasions when we throw a lighthouse party.