Guild House

Yes that sounds like that works. Maybe this is an eventual, material location, a sort of home for a second family. If that’s what everyone could call it.


I personally see them as separate, we all can visit and see eachother but they are somewhat in the distance. However this is a reality so deeply steeped in magiq I wouldn’t be suprised if we all saw it diffrently.
However, we the Gossmere are not just healers we are warriors and teachers as well. Our compound provides for all.


Magiq can do wonderful things. I’m sure the guilds are magiqally connected.


Yeah I feel you. I suppose I was thinking of what mainly stands out about each of the guilds. Gossmere appealed to me as a place of safety.


Every guild will have their scholars, their healers, their warriors, etc. The guilds simply organize those who would use the same methods into one place.

If you think about it the guilds need each other. These six guilds have groups of people with similar thought processes. That’s why the guilds are important, not just to it’s members but also to the other guilds. If only one of the guilds worked on the puzzles it would take so much longer to find the solution. By having multiple guilds you can bounce ideas around to different perspectives.


Exactly. Like during Cags, Balimora saw his death as a necessary, and said it was okay because he had lived for so long. However, the Gossmere stood more towards helping him.
We are each diffrent sides of the same coin.


Honestly ever since we started talking about all this I guess I realized I’ve been going to these sort of places in my head and in my dreams! Just last night during a nightmare I swear I was running through some Balimorian woods. Its pretty crazy, I think.

Also, do we think that our familiars chill at the houses? I’m thinking a nice aquarium in the lighthouse, for our octopi! (And yes, we are having more than one kind of octopus :wink:)


I dreamt of the guild halls too!
I wasn’t in the forests, I was running away and suddenly I was in the compound.


Honestly I don’t see my familiar as an octopus… more like a raven, or a stag. I know the latter is more of a Balimoran concept, but “to each their own”.


I feel like both the guild familiar and our personal familiars reside at the guild halls unless summoned. Well at least I leave my familiar at the guild unless I call it.


Just getting caught up on this thread, wanted to put in my, well, input. I’m down with the treehouse as a guild hall, but let it be known that my own dwelling will be in a cave, mossy and overgrown with vines. You can find it downhill from the stone circle next to the oak grove. There is no path, so follow the will-o-the wisp (if you dare). If I’m not in the kitchen with my potions, or hovering over the map table, I’ll be round back in the garden. Mind the dragon-wolves, they’re pups and not very well trained yet.


im gonna go with the notion that each mage has their own sanctum, a sanctuary only for you and those you invite (effectively your own house) and then the guild house that connects back to your sanctum, and to the greater network of the 6 guilds. The cave is yours.

I like @aTomic’s idea for Hearth’s Home, as a kind of place that acts as the common ground and a place where all six are represented, Like the All-Guild Hall, but its not bound to a physical location like the other 6 Guild Houses seem to be.


The thing is I had a dream of the ship last night, I never went it but it seemed like a still image of the ship with the black drape blowing gently


I think my home is a small room in the compound, one overlooking the fire pit. It’s humbly adorned but the windows are stained glass and depict the Gossmere logo and a Flinch in flight. The words ‘All Are Welcome’ written above my door.




I’m sorry for the mixup, blame my lack of sleep.


MY room will be explained soon


My room would be somewhere halfway up the lighthouse, a little on the cozy side, but enough to fit my stuff with a little wiggle room. Cool lighting and smooth, concrete flooring. A nice, comfy bed is the only real contrast against the otherwise harsh-seeming room.

Magical library lighthouse or not, you wouldn’t catch me dead without my pc and internet access, my books, and a lot of pillows to block out the world.

Edit: Oh, and a window, of course, because a nice view is always lovely.


Think I’m gonna get out of the compound tonight, recharge after the day I had.
Think it be okay if I stopped by the lighthouse? Or mabye the gardens?


YOU CANT COME IN!!! NO GOSSES ALLOWED! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Nah I’m just kidding. Come in if you want.

Now, for my room… I’m sure you can guess but it would basically be right by the fairytale section of the library. A little woodsy place with a nice comfy bed, I’d definitely want a window so I could at the sky while I rest. A small nook in the folds of the Librarynth (get it? :wink:). Of course I’d probably place some cute posters and maybe sprinkle some glitter around, just for my own little touch! :smile: