Guild House

I keep joking and coming back to find serious discussion. It’s beautiful <3


I had a sneaky suspicion you were joking but decided to roll with it anyway. I had fun thinking about how each guild defines “best water” haha :grin:


Weatherwatch would have the rotting ship but in the middle of you pull a certain book a large staircase appears going down into the ground, After the walk down a large Flame is in the middle surrounded by Two large Telescopes seemingly made of the purest gold, Surrounding the Round room there is 4 Hallways all leading to a special rooms dedicated to the 4 seasons, Each room has its own sleeping quarters located through a opening bookshelf, When more Weatherwatch come the flame glows brighter welcoming the new adventurers into the hall, Back into the old ship in the captains quarters there is a small door that seems to defy logic leading to a Lounge-ish area filled with Large couches and a telescope to look out into the sea


Uh… you guys… In my dreams I went to the Thornmouth lighthouse. Hope I didn’t make a mess :sweat_smile:


Is that why I found the card catalogue in ruins?


You guys have got to put a bell on here (get it?) A few nights ago I found her wandering outside the compound. I gave some blankets and coco and then she promptly headed south… must have been headed to the lighthouse!


It was cold okay! I’ve been sick to! Can’t blame me for wanting some hot coco from the friendly Gosses! Much like myself, the Thornmouths don’t seem to take to kindly to people interrupting their research :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I spent three hours reorganizing the catalogue. Resources such as that are shared, meaning it is everyone’s responsibility to ensure it is neat and tidy.


I’m sorrrrryyy… you guys aren’t gonna kick me out right… :crying_cat_face: cause I wuv you guysss :heart: forgiive meeee


If they do you’re always welcome at the compound! But I doubt they will, you’re far too brilliant.


No! I didn’t mean that! You’re fine. Just clean up next time, our guild house is a communal space.


That’s our new thing, we will get people to help by telling them we have the okay to ship them off to the Gosspound.


THE GOSSPOUND LMAO!!! We are always happy to have them!


So too recap

Thornmouth - Lighthouse - a.k.a. Thornhouse
Gossmere - Compound - a.k.a. Gosspound
Ebenguard - Castle-like House by the Sea - Sentenials Rest - a.k.a. Ebenrest
Flinterforge - Workshops - a.k.a. Flintershop
Balimora - Treehouse - a.k.a. ??
Weatherwatcher - Hideout Underneath Sunken Ship Ruins - a.k.a. Watchers’ Post or Crow’s Nest




I’ve been daydreaming of the compound. It seems a memory to me, like a place I visited when I was very young and cannot wholly remember. I saw the fire pit, which burned every night to guide lost souls. I saw the sick bay, homeless men where being treated alongside runaway teens. I found my room, among the many in the compound, and slipped again out of my dream.


I dreamed of the lighthouse many times before going there. Of course being a Thornmouth the astral arts are second nature. But I can tell you the dreams never live up to how it really is, the houses are truly magiq. In every sense of the word.


I truly hope to visit your lighthouse one day.
I have a thirst for knowledge that even the common drum cannot quench.


Dang everyone thinks that we Thornmouths don’t like to party. Just because we tend to stick to learning doesn’t mean we don’t need to get up and stretch our legs. And on top of that, we may be introverts, but we are completely open to those that we get close to.

As to the whole Guild House debacle, I’ve had a thought. What if they’re all in the same place? The Lighthouse is there for Thornmouths to find their way. The Beacon of Knowledge, and within is the warmth and coziness of a home, and the bookshelves of even the most expansive of libraries. Past the Lighthouse, we come to the Balimoran Gardens, sort of like a courtyard, with a massive Treehouse, where the Balimorans like to hang out, and sometimes stargaze. Moving farther into the grounds we find the Crow’s Nest. The tallest tower of the premises. This is where the Weatherwatch make their base, where they can look out to the farthest horizons, and plan their next adventures. Exiting the Crow’s Nest, we come into the most inner parts of the grounds. Here is where we come into the Workshop, the home of the Flinterforge. Here, they can draw up schematics, and test out their newest inventions. Next to the Workshop, we come to the Hospice, the home of the Gossmere. This is where any who hurt themselves come for healing, and comfort (especially the Flinterforge and Ebenguard, if something goes wrong with an invention, or a weapon). And finally, at the rear of the grounds, we have the Training Ground, the domain of the Ebenguard. They can be found practicing and exercising every day, with a barracks off to the side for rest and off time. All of these together make up the Hearth’s Home, where all are welcome.


We’ve tossed around the potential for teleportation-esque spells, so it wouldn’t surprise me if the guild homes were both together and separate all at once. The latter is the “reality” of it while the former is a nice means of quick travel between?