Guild House

I must now go create 10 new accounts on this forum so I can ‘like’ this the necessary number of times.


I’d like to present an alternative suggestion for Flinterforge: the Flinterforge vocational college.
Since part of the ideas around Flinterforge involve solving problems by doing, and doing things better than before there has to be an inbuilt teaching element. Maybe not in the strict linear or academic sense (except me, I’m the bookworm of the vocational scene), but in the sense that you have to prepare the next generation to be better than you are at the fixing and the solving and the getting stuck in of things.


I’ve always imagined the Flinterforge headquarters to be whatever we need it to be, kind of like a magical labyrinth of workshops, hands on classrooms, supply rooms, assembly lines, and enchanted items. XD


I agree, but I also picture it as an almost hilltop Presidio with a couple of acres of land surrounding, leaving much of it untouched so that it could be used to practice various Magiqs or, conversely, to simply go and be alone to ground oneself.

I also imagine that, at one point in time, each of the Guild Houses held a piece or significant element of a protective ward, shielding the whole. If one piece fell, it weakened the protection, and if even one was overrun, each Guild would be immediately alerted.


Whatever works is best, but I love the ideas you have. As long as it’s semi comfortable and gives us a good overlook of the sea, I’m happy.

And a zen garden. Because I want a zen garden. Because where else would I practice my sand and stone scrying?


I particularly liked that image in my mind.


Both other those will do. The wards, and the zen garden.

The presidio imagery sounds good.
Now to design rooms


In the main hall of the Seasons there is a hatch, if it gets opened it reveals a small stairway to the Observatory, The Kitchen, The lounge, the Hall of Wonder, and the Empty. The Observatory seems to defy all logic as it overlooks a large sea filled with marine life even though the room is underground, The Kitchen is filled with Never Rotting fruit and many types of cereal and drinks, The Lounge has a Large Couch and a few Chairs, The wall which the chairs are facing has a Large tv and a fireplace, the carpet is a dark blue the same with the walls. The hall of wonder is a hall of Many Pictures of Telescopes, Lighthouses, Seas, Animals, and so much more. The Empty is an Empty white room with a single plain white bed and a white bookcase with White books, In the empty times feels as it is moving slow, the Empty is perfect for relaxing


I think I’d go crazy in the empty to be honest. But that’s just me haha


The Weatherwatch guild hall sounds amazing.


Well… I imagine a few possibilities. Common areas. What are your thoughts?


I always imagine something like rivendell with more trees… or something like this photo (that I do not own or claim any rights to)


Common areas: the zen gardens, a mess hall/dining room, the kitchen, a gym/fighting ring, meditation rooms/a bunch of places to hide or chill, like those places to study in some college libraries


I feel that one day when the flame was first ignited the ship will rise up and repair itself letting the People of the Weatherwatch explore the sea while still having the bottom area, i have a small story about this…
In the past when magiq was infinite the Flame lit up and graced the Weatcherwatch a part of it along with the other Guilds, The first Weatherwatch whos name has been lost through hundreds of years found an old wooden ship outside his cabin on the beach, The person knew the destiny of the flame and went aboard the ship seemingly vanishing into time and space itself spreading his body out in to the Ever growing Weatherwatch, On the Anniversary of its spreading the ship will return to its former glory becoming more modern as time goes on, As many faces pass and many faces come along, as the fire burns and magiq exists the ship will exist and the memory of the Destiny


Ebenguardians, I have a suggestion.

A tunnel leads off from our guild house, under the ground we walk upon. Tightly packed dirt, and hewn stone. The walk is long, but not excessive. It’s meant as a time of reflection. Of preparation. The walk through the dark, rough tunnel is meant as a reflection of those who are struggling to find truth. To find balance.

The tunnel leads to the cavern of the ebensong. It’s a naturally occurring grotto, with no external entrance, except for a fifty foot swim under solid rock that leads to the sea. The cavern is spacious, and decently well lit. A small hole in the ceiling was made by an unknown Ebenguardian upon finding it. There is a lake in the center, and patches of moss all around. Even a shrub-like tree growing near the lake. The stalagmites and stalactites have been hollowed out so that they can make noises when wind rolls through the cavern.

Long ago, it was used as a place of reflection, and somewhere along the way, someone or a group of someone’s turned it into a place unlike anything most have experienced. This person or persons used their affinity with truth and calling magiqs, as well as some talented individual’s skill with instruments to create a singing cavern.

When someone is troubled, and no amount of meditation or conversation or musing will solve it. When the path someone is on doesn’t seem clear, they can go to the cavern of the ebensong. If you sit in the cavern to meditate, it will sing to you. It will bare every truth about you to yourself, and every truth about what you face. It is not an oracle. It cannot see all. It only brings the knowledge of your truth and your path to light.

It is not a place to visit lightly. Though most will venture there upon visiting the guild house eventually. It’s one of the wonders of Ebenguard, and the location of the tunnel and cavern, a tightly guarded secret.


@Remus @Skylad @WarriorRose Do you think we should organize our Guild house?


polyguild awkwardly makes bed in the corner XD


I’m down for organising :grin: Let me know what you’d like me to do
Scoops up Oracle and bed and relocated to the hold


I never ask for anything but now I’m begging… CAN THIS BE OUR GUILD HOUSE?


I’d like to propose this as the Gossmere guild house… Only with a few more out buildings.