Fragment Sixteen - The Book of Briars

There are three keys already in place. It’s just waiting for the fourth key. It started out with 4 keyholes.


Ah no, the keyholes have been unlocked as we’ve gone on. Here’s a picture of the original BoB (ignore the bookmark, it used to recognize individuals after fragments when there were fewer of us):


Whenever we unlocked one of the locks, the lock would be replaced with an image - the flower, butterfly, and moon.

The dirt is new… I’m assuming that’s battle scars from being whisked away by the Storm, and then being caught up in the battle between Deirdre and the Storm.


Ah the goid old bookmark. And i like the scars. Makes it look distinguished and rugged.


I agree. Our dear old BoB is beautiful just the way it is. :smile: :green_book:


Yep. Had to look at some of my old pictures of the BoB to make sure.


It was the counter clockwise spin of the locks that confused me. :sweat: Made my brain jumbled.


Just like we aren’t the same through this entire process, we couldn’t expect the Book Of Briars to make it out unscathed


So, nothing back from Deeds or the others… hm…


Deeds responded to @MissEvans’ post.

September 26, 2017 at 2:57 pm

Hello Fairy Godmother. I’ve taken to sleeping in Cole’s hospital room. After I let Marty out of the warren I came back to the hospital and nearly collapsed. They decided I was dehydrated and overtired from everything that happened with Cole. I received an IV which unsurprisingly didn’t help my INTENSE spell sickness at all. When he’s asleep tonight I’ll go investigate the coordinates. You all were wonderful. If you hadn’t done all you did, I wouldn’t be sitting here learning how fussy a patient my Mr. Sumner is.


Well bless the man and his fussiness. I’m sure he’s ready to be up and about. They can’t put the cure for spell sickness in an IV-well. Actually. Not true. They can. They just wouldn’t feel very comfortable with it.

My head is still spinning that this is Fragment 16. At last.


Allright, Mountaineers. If you haven’t read Deeds’ latest blog post… you need to. ASAP. Right now.

The long story short is basically what we all guessed - the trip through time messed with the Book. It has no idea what it is, who we are, and what it’s for. It’s confused. It’s lost.

Our job, our mission, from the words of Sullivan Green himself, is to remind it.

This is a call to all Mountaineers. Tell the Book of Briars the story of itself. Of our adventures, our trials, our emotions while we were hunting Fragments and learning lore.

If you can’t write - not everyone can, or likes to - then draw. Build. Create something that tells the story. Create artifacts of its past and our hopes for its future.

This is a call to all Mountaineers. This is our last task before we finish this thing and do what we set out to do a year ago. What generations before us have been destroyed for attempting. We can succeed.

This is a call to all Mountaineers.


As @Cj_Heighton says “The beacon’s are light! Gondor calls for aid!”


“And Rohan will answer. Muster the Rohirrim. Assemble the army at Dunharrow. As many men as can be found. You have two days. On the third, we ride for Gondor and war!”


(Epic music plays as @Rimor @Cj_Heighton and Mr5yy done their armour)


Don’t tempt me to actually post that music/scene…


Do it!


rolling up sleeves this end. Let’s do this.

I’ll start where I come in, roughly: making the tea.


In a more useful thought - we need to recount our experiences (in order?) and share how this has made us feel.

And then craft these into a ritual somehow to bring the book back to itself.

We have the skills. We can rebuild it.


Something just struck me - reading through all of the posts people have brilliantly and lovingly created for the Book of Briars. Something was missing. We’re all talking about magiq but what about the magiq itself?

I may be waaaaay off base here, but…

The magimystic words. We tried @Robert’s back when the book was burned. Maybe this is why the Book gave them to us in the first place - parcels about what the Book is/contains, in case we ever needed to remind it of itself?

Should we make a thread where everyone just posts their magimystic word, and they’ll rush along back to the Book once we’re ready and Endri “@”'s it?


Certainly can’t hurt. It’s been a while since we’ve discussed them. I believe @Leigha still has one as well? I forget who else. Time to dig through the archives a bit.