Us making some kind of lament sounds goo, though if it is of the musical kind I can’t make heads nor tails of it. But poetry and music aren’t too far apart anyway…


Actually, I think @Endri is on to something.

All of our tasks in the Fragments have led up to us performing more and more magiq that we have designed and given purpose to on our own. Fragment 12 required us to write a spell.

The Minnying is a great piece of work that we can look to for inspiration, certainly. But it’s not a mourning song, a dirge. The Book’s instructions make a hell of a lot more sense if we consider that we are meant to write the song ourselves. Especially in light of what we have learned about Deirdre’s upcoming and inevitable attempt at Figuration magiq.


We could also look to hymns, which have one standard melody, but with varying lyrics laid over it?


Just in case someone didn’t see, these are the words we would be working with.
Here’s all 32 answers in order from 1-32.
Flour, F, hive, silk, fever, faun/fawn, sip, mix, inn, time, mime, night, the, fee, there, tree, fore, fear, give, S, file, rivet, North East (NE), none, sigh, weight, fight, tight, feign, nought/aught, light, Neigh.


Zilch/nada/zero was the clue, none would be the word we’re working with for that one.


Counting just the notes between and on the lines, there are nine.

If it’s music, I’m thinking the repetition of numbers is maybe quarter, half, and whole notes.


Actually, a scale is only 8 notes, though yes, repeated numbers could represent the note duration.


This is my first guess for how my thought would come out (disclaimer: I haven’t played regularly in a good 15 years, I probably remember just enough to get myself in trouble :wink: ).

Order of notes: EFGABCDEF

1: 4 A
2: 4 A
3: 5 B
4: 6 C

5: 5 B
6: 5 B
7: 6 C
8: 6 C

9: 9 F
10: 9 F
11: 9 F
12: 9 F

13#: 3 G#
14#: 3 G#
15#: 3 G#
16#: 3 G#

17: 4 A
18: 4 A
19: 5 B
20: 6 C

21: 5 B
22: 5 B
23: 9 F
24: 9 F

25: 8 E
26: 8 E
27: 8 E
28: 8 E

29: 8 E
30: 8 E
31: 8 E
32: 8 E



Audio of @Ashburn’s notes above. Generally though it’s best to start scales from middle C unless told otherwise, cause you end up in some weird mode starting in other places. Also, as said above, a scale is 8 notes (C to C)


I’m pulling from a good 15 years ago on my sheet music reading, accuracy may vary. But it’s a starting point, yeah?


If it is treble clef, isn’t the first sharp on F in the standard key signature progression? So if we’re only given one number with a sharp I think that points to that number being F


Yeah, it’s a great starting point! I’m just not convinced we’re after notes here. I mean, the above kinda works as a lament of sorts. It’s kinda dark sounding thanks to the G#s and F naturals.

@Tinker, standard key is without sharps (so all the white notes). The first sharp key though is a single F#, yes

Edit: I just had a thought: the sharp could imply A minor, which is also a natural key, and would have G#s.


Sorry about the confusion…I’ve been out of music classes for ages. I just meant when you start having sharps, the first one that’s added is F.


I think the question is, what do we want to send today? Music? Story? Encouragement?


By the time I have a moment at work to finish typing up a thought, you guys have already tried it and put it to music :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Good work Mounties.

I like what @Ashburn and @Nimueh did, but the box said six verses? So we need to figure out lyrics then?
Could we use the tune you guys created to figure out maybe how each verse is made up? Especially if we use Ashburn’s idea of number repition as different note lengths?


We might want to prep an encouragement message since we might not get the song ready by cutoff. Now that she knows we’re here, she might be more receptive and remember more things.


I agree, an encouragement message/story is needed here I think.

@Ginger, that’s (the six verse thing) what makes me think maybe the music idea is wrong, though what we have there could be a single verse. It repeats at the right sort of point to sound like each verse could consists of 2 sentences. Maybe the words we have will for each answer will help write it?


I love the numbers to notes translation! However, now I’m even more confused. Isn’t the unrhyme in the book’s message talking about the “Scurious breath” passage that came with the first set of clues? How does that fit into the song? Even if it was just there to explain the codes, why was it so long? I can’t imagine putting all that on the box was just for kicks, but I’m not sure what we are supposed to do with it.


To you and @Viviane I feel exactly the same. They (the unriddles?) have to be important but how exactly do we use them if not notes in the tune? Using them as lyrics leads to gibberish. It makes the most sense currently to me to use them as notes, but I think we’re far from knowing what sense is. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

There’s still the clue from the BoB about bringing characters together. Characters can mean letters. So we can either bring the letters together to form the tune because they represent notes or … write stuff …?


I think we need to tell her who we are like with did with augie as she has figured out that we have been communicating through her dress. We need to reassure her that we are on her side and are trying to help her