the instructions in the beginning did also say “fill the holes in this unrhyme” so maybe we have to add to the poem to make the mourning song instead of looking for something that’s already made?


40 PM

I wonder if there are clues to what we must find for the song in the rhyme?


Maybe we have to further unriddle what we have from the 32 riddles to get the mourning song.


Here’s all 32 answers in order from 1-32.
Flour, F, hive, silk, fever, faun/fawn, sip, mix, inn, time, mime, night, the, fee, there, tree, fore, fear, give, S, file, rivet, North East (NE), zilch/Nada/zero, sigh, weight, fight, tight, feign, nought/aught, light, Neigh.


I GOT IT!!! ONE MOMENT I THINK I HAVE IT! Bar every 4th word of the 32 then the mourners are every ninth term in the 24 that remain!

Nope im wrong, unless mime and north east mean anything to you guys xD

Im convinced im on the right track though.

Edit: agh. This nines parts confusing me. Ive gotten mime and northeast from the four barred words, (24 in total), and inn, fear, and fight from the unbarred words (32 total). Does any of these words mean anything to you guys?


We already know that Unowl, toad, mouse and cat are the mourners


16# also, thee instead of three.


You mean the Minnying? Here it is:

The minnying of Ojorad
was held at Vidivinty’s glade,
a notion Good King Capra had
that proper reverence be paid
to one who fell on Baryn soil,
in diamond coat of blue and red.
The four who stood in mourning voiles
with deep respect their tributes said.

In vermulid tones the cat first spake
Through briaring fronge her tones did rake
from catafalque to ancient tree.
Said she, “Here Magister Woodland lies.
A brave sourl released from jewelled eyes,
bereft of home, his light soars free.”

The second, the Unowl
evinced a brillatent scowl
for she found not the words to mote.
So she unfurled her cowl
to charm fallen and fowl
with the weaves of an outstretched wing

From the third, a mouse with girlish hair,
as her mournful tears clad hallowed air
declaim’d the Plaint of Nhadastra.
“Lo, the stars shine less intently now
in the firmament of glory’s crown.
The lustre of our friend moves on.”

And finally, the julbous toad,
in his gown of winking woad,
sang a stark yet stirring ode
on the hauce his master rode
from the Crook of Ghyver’s Cross
to the Fallen Mokonode.

The Merest part a way of weather
when Watch elects the final frinning
Ebends unbound Mora’s tether
and Forged the Thorns in drubbin minn’ing

To mark the end of their lament,
King Capra rose o’er gathered sways.
“We’ll sing no more! Dance our assent
to morrows and our yester days!”


Could the Minnying be the song?


Could be. Definitely worth a shot, at least. And if it doesn’t work, we know it’s something else.

It’s going to be a long recording getting the Minnying and our “we are friends” message into the same thing.


Something tells me we’re missing something.

I don’t think the Minnying is the song. I could be lit-nerd tinfoiling here but there are weird inconsistencies that lead me to believe that yes, this might be an unofficial “prequel” to the minnying but it is a new, separate work. Like how the pronouns for the unowl have changed, and this poem hints at a song while the minnying infers a poetic, spoken lament. Or we could just be seeing how even the stories of “the other time” change as time goes on?

The facts are… there are several clues in the Book’s message that we haven’t addressed (barring fours from 32, bringing characters together, etc.) I think we’re supposed to somehow apply the answers we uncovered to the poem but I don’t know how. I like @Robert’s concept that we’re supposed to be creating a dirge of sorts.

There are a lot of words in the poem that work as musical vocabulary as well. Bars, Holes/Wholes, Trouble/Treble. Note, Air (another word for song.)

I don’t know. My arms hurt from all the reaching I’m doing but I’m trying to help. I realize more and more you all can totally do this stuff on your own. At this point I’m here as a very quiet cheerleader.


Just about to say, I was thinking something similar about “air” and “bars,” Endri! As in, musical bars, like measures!

What if every group of four numbers represents a “bar” or measure of the song? That would work with the barring fours clue, although there are probably other ways it could be taken. I’ve started with trying to figure out whether the numbers could represent certain words or letters in the unrhyme that came on the front of the box. And if that doesn’t go anywhere…back to the drawing board. We can figure this out.


Great thinking, @Viviane!


There are 7 verses instead of six needed in the Minnying.


Also, no idea how this would work but, given all the musical terminology and symbolism, could the pound/hash symbols be sharp signs?


I wouldn’t be surprised.


I’ve tried three or four different ways of counting letters in the unrhyme, but they all seem like gibberish and I need to take a break.

New thoughts: 3,4,5,6,8,9 seems like a really specific subset of numbers. And if 13-16 really have sharps attached, maybe they’re supposed to represent notes, somehow?


I like that idea. Maybe # and 3 means c sharp?

And now I have exhausted all my music knowledge.


Bah poetry and music my two weakest subjects!


There must be holes in this unrhyme.
For else how could you find the time?

I don’t think we are supposed to create a six versus song as we don’t have enough numbers to words. I’m gonna go with the popular opinion of sending the Minnying