Just to throw another query into the mix:

Can we ask Augie to hide his copy of the book at the co-ordinates we’ve just been given before the storm hits him?

Then we could pick it up now, and have a functional copy…


I think it’s still a digital copy like we have. When we gave him “Inlaudetus” he referenced “plugging it into the book,”


Hell, I’m not opposed, my only concern is that we don’t know for sure what format their Book is in. From what I could gather it still communicates with them via email.

So, we clearly have plenty of time. But we might should be thinking about our next message. I know we’ve been hit with a lot since this morning, but we have to sort it out enough to construct a response and decide what we’re going to do.

^what Augo said above.


Maybe there’s some way he can archive it for us then? Save it on a disk and put that disk at the coordinates?

Edit: Though who knows if an archived copy could give fragments or respond like an original…


They still had floppy disks with storage that measured in the MB back then. I’m not sure that is a viable option either, but I admittedly don’t know anything about Magiqal Data Compression capabilities. Or how much data the Book would be in digital form.


Is there a spell Augie could use to transfer magiq into megabytes? Download it, and hide the hardware at the coordinates?


Unless someone here knows more or has any other ideas, I think we should ask in our message today. We’re running out of time with him, and I don’t think it would be unreasonable for one of his contemporary lodges to be asking him for this…


It’s possible, maybe, but I’d be worried about the potential risk of damage to the Book or the file becoming corrupt after 20 something years in floppy disk form.


If it is a site of archeological interest, it should have controlled conditions to preserve the artefacts. We can advise Augie on how to wrap it, too.


Perhaps, but then… I’m… pretty sure that if we lose Augernon and the 94s, we lose the Book.

I don’t think we get one without the other.

I could be wrong, but that’s my gut feeling.


Sullivan’s plan is (assuming I understand it right and he’s being honest with us) for us to help Augie unlock his book. I’m always up for telling Sullivan to stuff his plans and we’re going to do it our way, but I’m not sure it’s an option here. By allowing the 2017 BoB be destroyed he backed us into a corner.

I think @Deyavi is probably right. The '94 BoB picked these people to reveal itself to. If they all vanished, I doubt the council would keep expending the energy to maintain it here and protect it from the storm for 23 years.


So we’re massively on the clock.

Can’t hurt to have insurance…


There’s a part of me that wants to say “folks, let’s just trust the flow of magiq.” But then reading threads like this make me also start thinking of contingencies and back up plans. I think we’re all underestimating Sullivan, though. From what I’ve seen so far, he’s really already thought this out such that it’s working in surprising ways without any of his person involvement being, er, post-mortem.


@Robert, @Augustus_Octavian, where would we be without your level heads…


I’m still pretty in-favor of suggesting to Augernon that he and the 94s “go public.” The how would be up to them, but it may buy them time. As Endri said before (paraphrasing), it can’t be more dangerous or problematic than being picked off one by one.

And 5’s question about where Augie’s grandfather served is a good one, I think.

I don’t think we can progress in this Fragment without Deirdre. So we need to strategize how we plan to shield the 94s until the Book is open, at which point, hopefully, the Storm will no longer be a threat.

Sending spells to Augernon has helped put him more firmly on the path he was always going to walk. Perhaps we need to try a different tac.

And it wouldn’t hurt to find out what Augernon learned from his grandfather, either.


I completely agree.

But what can we do by way of shielding a soon to be public group of people?


I mean, we are technically “public” ourselves. I was hoping that, maybe, playing on what Ascender said about it after he was attacked might… generate a dialogue, at least among the 94s.


It’s a start - they same to be opposing directions to protect people. Normally, people go into hiding to stay safe.


I know the council protected us instead of the book but are they still protecting us? If they are how long can they protect us for? Has anyone considered the possibility that the storm might come for us while we’re to busy looking in the other direction? Sorry for being so morbid.


Oh good I was just getting over my fear of zombie Mountaineers. I needed new nightmare fuel. Thanks @Rimor!