We’re of the same frame of mind, at least mostly, seems like. The implications are a little chilling. But I’m not all that comfortable with temporal magiq, myself.

He is acting now to preserve the lives of his friends and the future of magiq as we know it today - and we know, to an extent, that he succeeded. But we also know now that if he does it, then we in our time will have failed, with no way to complete our mission.

Everything comes full circle.

If we don’t find a way to protect them… then what are our options? It seems that solving fragments is having little impact on the current situation and it’s no longer the 94s biggest concern. And I’ll be honest, it’s not really mine, either.


So, we know Augie is our one and only link to the Book of Briars. The Chronocompass doesn’t allow us to send messages to anyone we choose, and we have no idea whether we could actually use it to contact someone else. We think that whatever he’s about to do is going to make him the Storm’s target, and we need to find a way to protect him, and ideally some of the other 94s, so that our last chance isn’t completely gone?


Where should we even start?


A Panic at the Disco? But being serious, which is hard for me at times, do we know what unit Sullivan’s Dad/Grandad was in? And we could ask Augie what unit his Grandfather was in. It could narrow down the likely places that they would be found.


Well to start we should probably ask Augie if his BoB sent out anything for fragment 14. We need to keep him at least a little focused in the task at hand.

If Augie knows the storm is cyclical now and comes for each generation then he may know there’s a bigger picture to fight for her then just this one fight. That might encourage him to help us find a permanent solution… or it might drive him further to something drastic. We got to try to support him as best we can.

But we need something to work on to make progress.


@Mr5yy are you thinking they could have served together? Could Warner have been part of Grandpaugernon’s Mountaineers?


The BoB gave him the numbers


One of Warners handwritten notes Deeds posted listed the name of the castle they found the books in. I recall it was a place the Nazis used to store occult materials.


Nice catch, @Robert.


Another question: if the path of silver is related/responsible for the Storm, why would Deirdre’s mom have anything to do with it?


She may not have known much about their involvement in any of this. And ultimately, our understanding of the paths of silver and wool, and their history, is pretty muddy.


The fundemental issue with that question is that we’re using a single term for two different designations. The “Path Of Silver” refers to a methodology set down by 1/2 of Anne of Brittany’s court to discover the magiq that was hidden from the world at some point before that, with the “Path of Wool” being another methodology set down by the other 1/2 of the court.

What we’ve fallen into doing is referring to the group of people whom initially laid down the “Path of Silver” by that very same term. The path and the builders are two separate things, and we muddy our own understanding by using the meanings interchangably.

What we know from communications from Sullivan, whom apparently knew more than anybody else about this, is that the people whom originally laid down the Path of Silver became twisted in both their means and ends after exile from Neithernor. We know that from Sullivan’s journal, decoded by Colby and Dierdre with tome kindling magiq that Dierdre’s mother tried to follow what was left of the Path of Silver, to no avail. Sullivan tried to follow the Path of Wool, to no avail. Sullivan forged his own “path” for Dierdre to follow some time in the future.


Excellent summation @Augustus_Octavian!

I do question how honest Sullivan was in his journal about the paths coming to no satisfying end though. Deidre’s parents did leave her a wool scarf and a silver amulet. Were those just mementoes? Or were those the actual artifacts, or raw materials used to create those artifacts they found at the end of their paths?


I think those are pieces from the other paths that Sullivan cobbled together to make his own path, and left for Dierdre to follow. I’m looking for the reference where it’s mentioned; I thought it was in DG’s blog, but I wasn’t able to find it just now.


There’s a good chance. It could also be how Sullivan’s Grandad/Dad was introduced to the BoB.


I have no idea, that still confuses me. I was just building off of the idea and it still doesn’t make any sense why Deirdre’s mom is part of it.


In a phrase, “she ain’t.” She tried to follow the path laid down, what, 5 centuries before, but never made it. I think it’s safe to say that Dierdre’s late mom has nothing to actually do with the Storm or it’s master/creators.


I haven’t been able to find it either, but I thought at one point either Sullivan said or Deirdre thought (or I conspiracy theorized) that the wool scarf and silver pendant were actually made from the bedding and veil used to cover Anne’s heart. The actual wool and silver? Which, if true, would lend credence to @Robert’s theory that Sullivan might not have said everything in the journal about what they found at the ends of the paths.


She mentions it in this post.

tl;dr version. She basically says the same thing. Maybe these were just presents from her parents. Maybe they are the actual artifacts. We may never know.


@Robert the Historian saving us again.


There’s a favorite quote of mine from a Billy Wilder movie.

Some of us are cursed with memories like flypaper. Stuck there is a staggering amount of miscellaneous data, most of it useless.