Hmm I hadn’t thought of that. Maybe we could try saying that her daughter will be alright like @robert said


I think this is a good way to go!


I’m working on something right now, another encouragement/safety dream. I’ll post it soon.


Heh, @Brendon To be honest I’d be perfectly fine not sending anything. My suggestion was more a means to get out in front and guide the idea that we have to send something today.

My thinking is her thoughts are going to focus on her daughter anyway, and it’s going to be emotional. If we get in on that and join her with our own emotional thoughts of her daughter, admiration, pride and other positive thoughts on her actions, as well as sending the message that her daughter is alive and well in the future perhaps we can take her natural inclination and harness it a bit. Then she could react out of hope and less out of fear.

And I’m totally down with telling her that Ali is risking her life to save people. That’s exactly what Knatz is doing now after all. Ali is her mother’s daughter. (See what I did there?)

My two cents anyway.


Ooo this is gonna be good!


That seems like a fair assessment. On the other hand, given our previous lack of success with sending any sort of positivity, I’m sort of worried that giving her even our most positive impressions of Ali won’t come across well. Is the risk of her taking it incorrectly worth the gain if it does work?


I think we should be giving her grounding and happy news. Saying Ali’s going to risk her life may make Knatz abandon what she’s doing and go to her daughter.

Edit: for clarification.


Yeah, when you put it like that, it makes sense. I guess what I was getting at was, are the things we are sending actually doing anything? And now that I have had a moment of thought, yeah, we have done something. We have steered Knatz back to the puzzles and now she is constructing whatever the heck she is constructing which could be pivotal to helping the Past Mounties open the Book.

If we are sending something, I like your idea a lot. Play into her emotions a little bit.


Is the risk worth it?

I have no idea. We don’t really know what she’d do with no message. We unfortunately lack a control group.

I don’t know telling me if I stay on and work on solving the life threatening problem in front of me means my daughter grows up to be a hero who saves people. That’d be kinda powerful to me.

I’m okay with leaving it out if I’m seriously out voted. But I just don’t think we should be playing games with this. A clear, emotional, solid message is my idea of the best chance we have. And nothing is clear and emotional and solid in this case as the truth. If we leave zero room for gaps, doubt and confusion we may stand a good chance.


Well, alternatively we could give her a happy dream about completing the Fragment.


Sorry, if this wasn’t what you were looking for, but I did make this.


I’m afraid she’ll take it as “If you fail, your daughter is going to follow the exact same path. No pressure though.” She seems to be in a very dark place…


I’m not sure why she’d take it that way. But I am bad at reading real human beings.

My idea was if we told her what the future held if she carried forth with her current path unlocking the Complications that the future was bright for her daughter. I see it as ‘This is the future we live in that your actions now are building’.

She’s a mountaineer and the storm is mind wiping her friends. She needs to know she’s on the right path. She already knows if she fails everyone is screwed. I doubt we’d be breaking that news to her.

And she’s already said ‘If I fail, at least Ali will know her mother didn’t give up.’ Let’s give her all the ammunition we can so that her wish is carried out. Let’s do everything we can so she doesn’t give up.


Ah, okay. I think I see where you’re going with this, and it’s starting to make sense to me, especially since she seems to be catching on to the idea of at least connecting to the future. We can show her a glimpse of the future she’s creating by working to open the book. I can get behind that, the more I consider it. Thank you for spelling it out! :grin:


Everything in her dreams get warped, so even if we’re very clear: this is what the future is like now, you can change it, we won’t know if she’s even going to perceive it as that.
I don’t mean to knock your idea Robert, it’s a great idea. If/when we get a more direct way to message her that would be a fantastic one to send. I’m just not sure she’ll get anything other than “Ali has to risk her life in the future” out of it.
Just my worry wart showing.


What she dreams seems to be highly abstract and not at all concrete like the messages we try to send. Why don’t we just send an abstract story or song about feeling that one’s on the right path? Like what @Mr5yy said about a dream about solving a Fragment/Complication, but even more elemental in terms of raw feeling? Leave no room for her subconscious to warp it into something nerve wracking.


It seems like your idea has more support though, so we can definitely go with that!
I’m just trying to think of the ways her dreamscape will filter out the good or warp it into a nightmare.


Fair enough. I’m certainly not an expert on this.

Here’s a stab at what I was thinking of. Based on my interactions and what I remember from AlisonB.

In the future there is a Mountaineer.

Her name is Alison.

Her wit and intellect have aided us through many complications.

She has a sense of humor which can make people smile.

She gets frustrated when it takes her too long to solve a puzzle no one else could have ever solved.

Her bravery leads her down her own path, when it would be easier to sit idly by.

She has risked her own life to save an innocent girl who was being tormented for her abilities.

And she succeeded in saving this girl and getting her to safety.

She is without a doubt a member of our family, just like she is is a member of yours.

You will have much to be proud of.

You are not alone.


I love this, awesome job Robert!!!


That sounds great