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So it seems that it was a bust? She doesn’t confirm that she tried our dates, but she did try some other pretty significant ones.,


It appears it did a tiny bit. Knatz said she woke up thinking about dates.


If the years as they are didn’t make it through, maybe describe a series of things that are there in numbers we want her to remember (one of one thing, nine of another, another nine of something, etc).

Or, maybe try describing the numbers being written somewhere (kind of like the one suggestion I had for a communication where Ali was looking at the BoB that she got from a mailbox, post 486 of this thread).


That’s a good idea. Maybe switch the BoB with the suitcase though?


I wonder if maybe we just didn’t get the dates right? :disappointed_relieved: I’m struggling to think of other combinations, but it sounds like maybe the dates got through, but they didn’t work. Although maybe she didn’t try 2017 because it wouldn’t appear to have any significance to her?

Actually…that’s another question. 2016 and 2017 have a significance to us because it’s already happened. But the briefcase came from the Ackerly Green offices, right? So it could be two dates that are significant to the company, no? Perhaps something before they shuttered in 1961. Maybe we could compile a list of significant dates?

1916 - The year Meredith Grey Ackerly was born
1917 - The year Warner Green was born
1945 - The year Warner Green returned from WWII
1954 - The year Ackerly Green Publishing opened its doors
1958 - The date Sullivan Green was born
1961 - The date Ackerly Green shut down
1962 - The year James Ackerly Price was born
1977 - The year Sylvia Green died
1978 - The year Sullivan Green took control of A&L Printing, and Warner Green died
1979 - The year A&L Printing was burnt down, and Sullivan experienced something magiqal in the fire.
1981 - The year Meredith Grey Ackerly “died”
1992 - The year Deirdre was born
1994 - The year the 90s Mounties were founded
2016 - The year our current Mounties came together, and the year Sullivan Green died
2017 - The year our current Book was destroyed by the Storm

Just thought I’d throw out some possibilities. Do we want to stick with 1998 and 2017 or is it possible some other dates are the combination? (Now that I think of it, it could also be month/day, as well…)


Not to get off topic, but did she say Martin? As in, our reporter friend Marty?


I think so. Maybe someone can contact him and see if he knows anything about the suitcase?


I could be wrong, but I don’t think we ever found out what happened to him after he escaped KS and the Storm.


Now that you mention it, youre right. Did he dissappear with Aether or am I remembering wrong?


These were my thoughts on Aether, Marty, Alison/Climber and Portentia a while back:


Well, I’m disappointed. As others have said:

We have no idea if she heard our specific dates.
If she did we don’t know if she tried them.
If they didn’t we don’t know if they didn’t get through to her because we didn’t push hard enough.
Or maybe they didn’t get through because they were wrong?
We don’t know if we even have access to the right answer yet.

I do feel somewhat strongly that if they could have opened the briefcase using only information they had access to they would have done so by now. But other than the year 2017, I don’t see what information they wouldn’t have access to yet.


I think that concrete, direct messaging plainly just doesn’t work. The closest we’ve come to getting anything across was when we wrote a story (about a lioness), which her subconscious took and ran with.

This is probably the best option I’ve seen offered so far if we want to try to get a set of numbers across. Or crafting a story where the “punchline” is 2017 - for example a story when a set of confusing events occur, but seem to make sense when she notices the date on a newspaper is 2017 or something.


I wish we knew how old Ali was. We could weave a story about her xx th birthday party and she could work out the year 2017 based on that.

I agree the best option we seem to have is to try a story to get these numbers across.

Someone needs to make a story.


They know that the Fragment is to do with the past and present but maybe they think they are that present and there is something in the past they need. So if we go along that line of thinking which significant event that @Revenir listed is a likely candidate? Sorry if this doesn’t much sense


There are plenty of rhymes that use numbers, maybe we could have someone say the specfic verses corisponding to the numbers we need?


Wait, would this person know the doomsday thing with the Mayan calendar? Or y2k? Anything that would seem significant to her we could use as a base.


That way, we could make a riddle out of it.


She might know about 2012, I suppose. It wasn’t a common bit of trivia though.

In 1998 most people who used computers knew about y2k. Serious panic hadn’t really hit yet for another year.

Fun fact, I had a new years party on the eve of y2k. None of us “actually believed” anything bad would happen, but under duress we all admitted we had made sure our cars had full tanks of gas, we knew how to easily get our hands on a first aid kit and flashlight and most of us had more canned food on hand then normal. Fun times!


You’ve set him off again! Careful or he’ll start reminiscing about the Great War next! :joy: