KS’s notes did mention that Portencia’s biological dad had similar abilities to her.

Also wracking my brain I do believe one of the ‘those who did not die’ was a mermaid type of adapt who it was hinted at inherited her ability from her family as well. (Well whether it was an adapt ability, or just her biological nature we’re not sure of, but it was in the family at least.)

So yes, inheritance seems to be a thing in Magiq.

Although, Knatz and Ali seem to be a special case. It sounds like when Ali was born Knatz lost her ability and ‘passed it on’ to Ali. My guess is that their particular magiq is less like inheriting your mom’s blue eyes but more like a family hat that automatically gets passed down to the next generation and only one person can wear it at a time


It’s a shame Ali is just a child in 1998. If she was the full-force adult Alison we knew, that book would’ve been opened in a month flat and we’d all be using our internet cauldrons right now.


Remember how we got ‘help’ words after past fragments? Do we know if the 94 Mounties got them to? If they didn’t, or they used all of theirs, would one of ours work if we could get it to them?


that might be the way to go.

I’m not sure i like where this is headed, and we can only do so much to change what has and will happen.
tap into their minds, and give the numbers we may have.


I actually like that idea a lot, @Nighteater. It’s a great thinking outside the box idea.

I’m not 100% sure it’d work. It seems their version of the BoB is a bit different from ours. It calls it’s Fragments ‘Complications’ it seems, for example. But hey, all ideas are worth thinking about.

If someone wants to send it, here’s the word I got at the end of Phase 2. It was never submitted. Although good luck communicating this word in a dream.


As a reward for your valiant efforts you’ve been granted a magimystic word you may use while in search of a future key. If you choose to exchange the word for a clue you must send it to The Book of Briars. Within a day’s time you will have a response.

The word is “Cartocrasmucatalystic.”

Use it carefully and remember… many magimystic words contain hidden perils.


How would I send it? Or has that already been done?


I believe after our Book was destroyed someone tried to send their word to our book and got no response. I don’t think our Book is listening anymore. The usual method was via email.

I assume the 94 Mountaineers would have to give it to their book.


Okay so…thoughts on what we should send today? Is it back to the story, or are we waiting for a reply from Deeds and trying to send more specific information?


The only two numbers I can think that we have are basically what @Ashburn suggested.

Except I’d suggest 1998 instead of 1994. So 1998 and 2017.

I don’t have great support for this idea. Basically it ties into the ‘then and now’ theme, and I haven’t seen any other hints anywhere.

Edit: Although, there are those 2 numbers from the end of Fragment 13 too. Maybe we could shoe horn those into a backup combination somehow?

Edit 2: The numbers from fragment 13 are. 40.7038 - 74.0108 So maybe 8038 and 0108? I still like sending the years, myself.


Do we even know how many numbers the lock takes?


Yes, 2 groups of 4 numbers each. 8 in total.


So sending the years works, but maybe hold onto those numbers just in case?


Can we just record someone saying the words “1998, 2017” over and over to see if it sticks?


That’s basically what I’m thinking, yes. Maybe we could find a way to do it as a catchy jingle that sticks in your brain, or something. Maybe put a rhythm or beat to the words. Or even put the number into a nursery rhyme, but I don’t think we want to go too clever on this.

I’m envisioning kinda like one of those weird earworm ads for a local plumber you still remember the phone number of years later because it was so damn catchy.

That may be more likely to reach her conscious.


I agree, I don’t think we want this too metaphorical. Every time we’ve sent complicated things with lots of detail, things get lost. If we focus on a simple message with lots of repetition or other things to help it “stick” I think we have a better chance of getting through


Male the numbers into an annoying tune that gets stuck into your head. :rofl:


I’ll be around after 4 cst, but the years sound like a good starting point. Let me know if you need me to record!


So, trying to think this through here, what happens if we send her a combination that’s not correct? While the years tie in nicely with the theme, we can’t really give context for the fact that we are just other Mounties who might have another piece of the puzzle. What would be the consequences if Knatz wakes up with a very clear memory of dreaming 8 numbers, but they don’t work? How do we think she would respond to that?


Nothing would happen. She would try the numbers and that’s it. They already have been messing with the lock, so I’m guessing Knatz would have an urge to try the numbers, numbers don’t work, we try again.

Edit: We’re pretty much being a little voice in the back of her head.


Well, as a mountaineer I’d hope she’d respond with curiosity and interest. I figure right now the ‘worst case’ scenario is we have half the code that she doesn’t have, and she has half the code that we don’t have. That would match the last fragment.

We’re kinda of assuming the best case scenario here where we have all 8 digits and she has the briefcase.

In that worse case our 8 digits don’t work. Well even in our worst case we’d probably be giving her part of what she needs, and maybe she can piece that together with what she has to finish it.