I really wouldn’t worry about not getting a new entry for one day. If she was stuck and needed guidance she would have said so. All this says is she just didn’t write in her journal for one day.


I’m back! Sorry about that, my internet went down yesterday. How can I help? Should we start today’s poll soon?


I get the impression in the long run I’ll be seriously outvoted if it comes to that, but I don’t think we have anything to do on this today other than wait for her next journal entry.

We don’t know if she needs our help, or if she does what we can do. So there’s not much to do.

Unless something else pops up I think it’ll be a quiet day. (Cut to three hours from now when we’re all on fire, figuratively and literally.) Maybe keep an eye on deeds blog, and the other sites out there to see if something new crops up.


I guess the essential question is whether, mechanistically, this mode of communication works like it did when we were emailing directly with Augernon - whether it’s a “message-reply, back-and-forth” type. Since we’re reading this woman’s private journal, conceptually, it should not be. She should write in her journal regardless of what we do to her dreams. She will have daytime experiences that she would want to write down, as this doesn’t strictly appear to be a “dream journal,” per-say.

That being said, we didn’t send a dream message yesterday, but did not get an updated journal entry last night, leading me to believe that it is a more back-and-forth than it would initially appear.

Honestly, I can see both “sides” of the “to message today or not” argument, and I don’t think there’s a right or wrong answer whether or not we send something today.


I personally say we should send a message. Who knows how long we can communicate like this, we might get cut off again, like we did with Augie. That’s just my opinion though.


Wait, maybe we send a repeat. If she sees the same dream again, she might become suspicious.


Let’s send a message today. And let’s have 4 people do it and see if that boosts what Knatz dreams.


I think I agree with sending something. Even if it’s just encouragement. This seems to be a back and forth communication channel we’ve been given access to.

Alright y’all, just ping me when it comes time to record.


If we don’t have a thing we want her to try, I think we should still send like, a general encouragement or something. That way we can see if sending something without a “plot” will still prompt a journal entry. Given the stakes right now, it makes me uneasy to not be getting updates from Knatz, even if we know she was on track and working towards something the previous day. That’s just my two cents though…


I half to agree. Not getting an update seems a little strange. I think just a general encouragement would work also.


Let’s just record something pleasant and positive.

“The late afternoon sun is streaming through the windows on a mild Autumn day. A steaming hot cup of cocoa, a warm quilt and a favored book sit waiting for you. You feel a surge of joy and optimism.”


She’ll probably turn it into a dream about her burning her gizinters on the hot Coco! :joy:


I’m not sure I want to know what part of the body “gizinters” are. It sounds painful, though.


Hahaha it’s a saying that means that you’ll burn your tongue or tonsils, I’m not sure which. Either that or it’s a made up thing in your mouth! My Nan would always say “Don’t drink it too fast or you’ll burn your gizinters!”


We could add “as you sip the cocoa, you feel a pleasant warmth in your chest. It does not burn your gizinters at all. There are also no terrifying zombies, no majestic animals with weapons sticking out of them for you to pry apart or anything else disturbing what so ever. Stop doing that. We said stop it. We mean right now.”


That sounds much better! We should definitely send that! :wink:

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This is going to turn into a nightmare… :rofl:


Oh, can I do the fine print at the end of the dream?

"The Mountaineers are not responsible for any ill effects of this dream. Common sideaffects of bad implanted dreams include nightmares, visions, hallucinations, strep throat, nausea, neck pain, speaking in tongues and temporary possession.

Please do not dream while operating heavy machinery.

If you imbibe alcohol while dreaming please jot down in your notebook if you have any good drink recommendations. We’re always interested in new cocktails.

Lastly, if you believe your dreams are being controlled by a shadowy (But benevolent, we swear), future organization or dreams last longer than four hours please contact your local lodge."


This is why I always need more @Robert in my life


So if good dreams are turned into bad dreams then shouldn’t we send her a bad dream? Logically it should turn into a good one!