A sword, death, hunting and light are all the words that stand out to me


A lion is shown to be courage and control. We could use it as a leader into the story we make, to guide her through what she needs to see.


Weā€™re setting up pathways for her to choose from in each story. While looking up words for their symbolism might work, the word might not mean the same to her as a dream dictionary has it put down. Objects and places mean different things for different people at different times. Take for instance a forest. Before we began Fragment 13, a forest might have been representing a choice, a happy time, or wanting peace. If weā€™re to use a forest now, it would bring up nightmare because if what happened to Ascender.


Be aware though small differences in things change it tremendously in oneiromancy. Lion and lioness are similar but mean different things.


To see a lioness in your dream represents your maternal instincts. You will go to great lengths to protect your loved ones and your interests. Dreaming of an attacking lioness suggests that your personal space is being invaded; someone or something is threatening your family circle. Alternatively, a lioness symbolizes hope, victory, tenacity and stamina.


To see a lion in your dream symbolizes great strength, courage, aggression and power. You will overcome some of your emotional difficulties. As king of the jungle, the lion also represents dignity, royalty, leadership, pride and domination. You have much influence over others. You also need to exercise some restraint in your own personal and social life. Alternatively, a lion represents your need for control over others. You have to be in charge.

Dreaming of a dead lion refers to your fall from power or status.

To dream that you are attacked by a lion suggests that a force may be driving you to self-destruction. You need to overcome these challenges and obstacles.

To see a black lion in your dream represents a negative force. You or someone else is using their position of power to do harm. To see a white lion in your dream highlights your majestic power. A white lion may also indicate sudden awareness of the power you hold.


Understandable, dream interpretations tend to be somewhat generalized and I do know each individual will have a slightly different interpretation depending on what they see. I figured since thereā€™s tools out there to find the general means, you could then piece something together easier than shooting in the dark. We can take what we know and weed out what could possibly trigger bad memories before we send( i.e. a forest) but I do believe itā€™d be bennificial to construct a dream with the general meaning of what could possibly happen.

(Edit:spelling and such)


That answer might make more sense given the current situation and information we have. Thanks for the correction.


Let me know when we need the recording done :innocent:


So then anyone have any ideas on what weā€™re gonna send tonight? We know she is trying to find Nib and open the briefcase. But Iā€™m not sure how we can help her to find him or the case

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Im thinking its time we try and let her know that we are here to help, we dont have to reveal who we are, and if she gets suspisious we can just say we have an adept dreamwalkerā€¦
Is there anything we know that could benefit her?


Wait a sec the briefcase belonged to Ackerly green offices so could we ask Grey if he knows anything about the case?

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We would have to ask through Knatz, which would create a challenge: how to implant the question in her mind?


Is there a spell we could give her that might help? Something to help her keep in contact with her daughter?


Deirdre has visited him so surely she should be able to visit him again?


Hmmmmm, not that Im aware of. I have a book I left in PA where I listed all the spells we have learned of and whatever info we have on said spells, but Im not remembering a spell for that.


I donā€™t think we can directly communicate with her as it seems like the dreams change and only some elements are kept


Alrighty, that just means we will have to get more creative! What can we do that symbolizes that this is the right path for her?
A long road with a golden trophy at the end?
Her daughter all grown up practicing magiq?
What do you guys think?


Whatever we do, we should decide asap, so that @cheyyyme can start recording.


My two cents is sheā€™s already on the path, so Iā€™d say let her walk it. Maybe without us in her head tonight her normal dream abilities, whatever those are, will help her out.


Do we think weā€™ll get journal pages if we donā€™t send anything?


The journal pages appear to be a mod of her day and her dreams, so there should be a new entry.