If it’s okay with everyone I’ll do it. But I’d need a script to ruin, I mean read off of.


I think the gig is yours if you want it!


Same :joy:


I am just doing this for discussion sake, because I don’t think either is a bad decision as we really have no idea how any of this works. But with Robert’s message last night, I thought he was pretty direct in asking if they can help us find Augie, and Knatz came back with “… and I heard someone I couldn’t see asking her to help them find something they lost. Don’t know what it was. Just weird dream gibberish, but it made me uneasy.”

And the phrase on the Fletcher Dawson site is “Like leaves swept into a stream, are sounds and stories in a dream.”. I am unsure if this defends or goes against my point, but yeah. Like I said, I am totally good with a more conversational style, I just want us to be confident that is the best approach for tonight.


I guess the way I’ve been thinking, it might have just been an indicator that the intention wasn’t strong enough. We didn’t know what we were doing or who we were talking to. I think at this point we should just try one and see what happens…I’m sure we’ll get something out of it - even last night, we got a lengthy response for the message we sent.


Oh, I wasn’t entirely aware of what was said in the previous message. I really don’t know how this works, just trying to pick up the strands of magiq here and there while tryign to make some sense. Did we directly tell her anything besides that? Maybe telling her that we can see her blog could help? All speculation here…


I’m worried that might freak her out, knowing that whatever is causing her dreams knows she’s writing about them.

Could we maybe find a way to combine the story approach with the conversational? Conversationally tell her a story about her making the choice that guides her in the right direction? Maybe that’s too convoluted, but I’m sold on the idea that stories have power, and more power in the message seems like a good idea, at this point.


@cheyyyme @Mr5yy Looks like one of you is reading the opening and one the dialogue. Up to you who does what, though if you can’t decide you could both record the full thing with a slight break between opening/dialogue and I’ll just cut out and use half of one and half of the other.

We need to work on the actual body of the message though, but if we want it done with anythign fancy we’ll need a message pinned down fairly quickly. And yes @Viviane whatever ways you guys want to play the main body is great. My idea was simply the safe, recurring place to do it, hoping it might ground the dream into something more real for her.


Okay @cheyyyme! Rock paper scissors! Winner gets to chose! We’ll post at exactly 2:39 our choice!




I went with rock. Bleh. :yum:


Looks like I’ll do the opening :slight_smile:


Okay, I’ll do the dialogue!


So we’re going to do a story with a conversational piece?


So what should we say? Using @Nimueh’s script sounds like a good idea for the opening, but what about the dialogue?


May I recommend that we take the drafting process slowly? We still have hours to draft, and need to consider carefully what to send.


I’ll repost the opening bit for now to get us started, but I don’t think we’ve decided on the main body yet. Story or conversation?

You are in a large room. Before you, a fire burns brightly in a stone hearth. You can feel the heat on your face as you look at it, the smell of pine burning tickling the back of your throat. Two oversized armchairs are in front of it, both well-worn but clearly still very comfortable. On a small oak coffee table between the chairs are two steaming mugs of sweet hot chocolate. The whole room feels warm and somewhat homely.
You take a seat in one of the chairs and pick up one of the mugs. Suddenly, you notice the chair opposite you is occupied. [Insert a description here]

Of course, feel free to embelish/alter above as you see fit @cheyyyme, and some sort of descriptive part needs to go in there so she can visulise a person there with her.


Of course. We have, what some 10 hours?


I haven’t been following perfectly, but from what I understand it might be best to keep whatever we send short and sweet so that nothing is lost in the dreams? Maybe even repeating what we want to say multiple times so that she will remember what we said we she wakes up? If it’s too lengthy and wordy, I doubt she will remember much and we might miss our chance to get important information.


I agree with @Viviane we need to hone the message. My part is simple enough, I just need to set the scene. However we should really focus on how the conversation goes.