I definitely agree with you on waiting on the creation of our own story until we understand more :slight_smile:


So basically we need to find away to tell Knatz something and possibly send Augie a message later on, while using things that she knows to alert her about whatā€™s happening and possibly telling her about the future people messing with her and Augie. Sounds easy enough.


I would suggest we ignore everything that isnā€™t in their present. We need her help, and she likely needs ours, we donā€™t want to scare her. Keep a focus on the fragment with other small reasurances as we were doing with Augernon. As much as I hate to be cold, the frgament is our priority, as is opening the book. Without those, weā€™re not really of much use.

Iā€™d really liek to try and link this for her with our communication of Augie, but if sheā€™s looking at backing away from the Book, we need to try and change her mind first.


A way to get her to get closer to the book would be telling her about future Ali. It might not sound like a good idea, but Iā€™d like to keep it open as a very, very back-up plan. Kinda of like a shock tactic. And you are right, linking this to Augie is a priority.


So, sounds like itā€™s story time? We can adapt fairy tales, we can write our own dreamā€¦ Where are we going? Iā€™d also like to offer up use of audio editing software I have if we want to do some stuff with our story/dream thing.


Thatā€™s true, Iā€™m just not sure that telling her about the stuff with Kemetic Solutions is going to make her change her mind right now. After all, itā€™s not a happy story and it doesnā€™t have a happy ending. Telling her that her daughter is going to be kidnapped by a magiq-seeking organization, tortured for months, and then will eventually come to some unknown fate in an attempt to escape the Stormā€¦that seems like itā€™d scare her away from magiq, not draw her closer.

I just feel like right now we need to be very positive and inspiring in our message. What happened with Alison is justā€¦scary, and devastating for a parent to hear about. We still donā€™t know if Alison and co. made it out alive, after all. :disappointed_relieved:


Agreed on all counts


Maybe we can just start with part of the first page(?) Of the Ant and the Caterpillar. Then as we progress, we can edit it the story or something like that as we know more.


I agree 100% with Revenir. Also,

We donā€™t have any proof what so ever that Knatzā€™ daughter ā€œAliā€ and " @AlisonB / Climber" are even the same person, outside of the fact oneā€™s nickname resembles the otherā€™s first name.

This is how the Game of Telephone goes. 12 hours ago, @Deyavi is like ā€œHey, thatā€™s weird. Her daughterā€™s name is Ali. I wonder if thatā€™s anything to do with this other Alison person we used to know.ā€ 12 hours later, weā€™re acting like itā€™s Gospel truth that theyā€™re one in the same person and that we desperately need to use this fact to our advantage. We donā€™t. It may not even be true. Letā€™s all go back to the drawing board. We have about 12 hours to come up with something.


We just donā€™t know how much time weā€™re going to have unfortunately. Sheā€™s dealing with her friend being stabbed. Her child may be in danger. He friends are being mind wiped. Augieā€™s talking about being a ā€˜lightning rodā€™. Stuff is going down. Iā€™m not sure if we have 1 night, 4 nights or 8 nights to break this down into.


So we need to make it positive all the way through if we partition it - upbeat all the way.


That is trueā€¦ Do we want to have the full story read? And maybe a different person reads each page, to try to make the dream more memorable and strange. That way she will definitely remember at least some parts of it.


If we want to make our own dream, Iā€™d suggest we create a dream space where we always meet her. Somethign sheā€™s find safe. Maybe a cozy log cabin with a fire blazing in the hearth, big armchair, hot chocolate readyā€¦ that sort of environment where she would be willing to trust someone speakign to her.


Ohhhh! Okay, like someone narrate a setting where it will be read! Like, ā€œOh, so you have arrived!!! Come in, youā€™re just in time for a story. Here, sit on the coach across from me and warm your self by the fire.ā€


Okay, so I was very on board with Ant and the Caterpillow, and then I re-read the journal entry more carefully, and with more sleep.

Iā€™m like 85% certain that Knatz is keeping this journal because sheā€™s been dreaming of the future. She says ā€œsome small part of me knew all this was coming.ā€ I feel like maybe she dreamed of the Storm coming for them? If thatā€™s the case, is the Ant and the Caterpillow is the best way to communicate to her? I mean, I think it would be a good test of exactly how much of what we record and send might get through to her, and it might inspire her to return to the fragment search, but on the other hand she might just think, ā€œOh, a dream about a childrenā€™s story I remember. Not about the future. Nothing important.ā€ Do we think we have enough time to take that chance?


I wasnā€™t talking about reading a story, but lterally setting up a meeting place in her mind where she could go to every night to meet us and communicate with us. Think of it as giving her a location in real life where we could meet, only here itā€™s in her dreams.


I agree with you that itā€™s very likely that Knatz is dreaming about the future. But what if we put a message between each page of the story, something that she wouldnā€™t remember or would make her feel like it doesnā€™t belong?


So like a spell? Sounds awesome, but we would need to be careful with thatā€¦

Edit: Iā€™m liking that ideaā€¦ letā€™s have someone read the story and a couple of people do the spell in the background, so that she isnā€™t aware of whatā€™s happening.


@Nimueh thereā€™s a real precedent for the idea. A safe space in the inner realm that she can feel safe in. In that space our messages can start to become more direct.


Weā€™re already involved with both temperal and dream magiq here, so certainly any more magiq would not be a good idea. No, weā€™re askign her to imagine a safe place, giving it to her in her dreams, and then using it to help keep her calm while we talk to her. Weā€™re not perform a spell.