I like you past theory. It seems very plausible, especially with St. Genevieve.


Maybe she regularly sees things in her dreams or has something happen at night?


I was more thinking it was either Aliā€™s momā€™s journal or Knatzā€™s journal. Though they could end up being the same person, who knows.


It sounds like whatever audio we send will feature in Knatzā€™ dreams, which then get shared in this private blog. Apparently what we sent this time didnā€™t translate well in dream-speak. We may have to word things in such a way that a story brings up the things we want mentioned, rather than stating things directly.

One would imagine, with everything living forever on the internet, that the blog would be somewhere out there, but I have the feeling that trying to search it out wouldnā€™t really get us anywhere.

I wasnā€™t here yet for all of AlisonBā€™s involvement, but I remembered the name coming up and could see the Ali mentioned in the dream being her (again, based solely on name).


Knatz is hands down the only person who this journal could belong to. She was the only one with Ascender when he got attacked, and for a while after as well, I assume. She has a daughter, but we donā€™t know if it is the Ali she mentioned in her dream or not, though Iā€™m leaning towards that.


I agree with @Ashburn, it sounds like @Robertā€™s messaged translated into Knatzā€™s dream. ā€œI heard someone I couldnā€™t see asking her to help them find something they lost.ā€ This is simply remarkable.

Sounds like we may have to weave a story into our voice messages that can translate into a dream.

Whoā€™s ready to write a story Mounties?


Sounds fun! What should our story be about? Us?


Well, itā€™s a dream, and it sounds like her dreams may be on the prophetic side occasionally, we could come right out with the weird Mounties Augieā€™s been talking to being future people.


Maybe we could make it sound like a prophecy or something like one?

Edit: Also, if Fragment 14 needs a name, I propose Voices of the Past.


I think the first step is to figure out what wexactly want to communicate first, and then write/record something after. If itā€™s a dream we"re orchestrating, then being straightforward like we were with the emails isnā€™t going to work. Weā€™ll likely need to be symbolic and maybe include some narrative elements.
First things first, what do we want to tell them?


Luckily, we have some very talented storytellers among us! The question is how to craft a story that will lead Knatz down the path of opening Fragment 14.

I donā€™t think we need to find her actual journal, because since we are using magiq to work through time, we are changing the past and therefore changing the content of her journal (hopefully!). Fletcherā€™s magiq time portal/Hackercat will hopefully continue to supply us with her private journal entries.

I agree that this is Knatz, and right now she is spooked. Sheā€™s considering going underground to protect her child - trust me, this is a very strong drive. Right now, we need to tell her a story about dedication to a cause, perseverance against all odds and eventual victory to get her back on the road to open the BoB.


We could do with pointing her to a safe, open space, psychologically speaking.


Maybe this is how all prophetic dreams occur - some group of frantic investigators trying to steer the past via the internet and some poor psychicā€™s sub-consciousā€¦


You know. The more I think of it your original idea was pretty rocking, @Augustus_Octavian The Ant and the Caterpillow is a story about a choice between playing it safe and hiding in your house for the winter, or taking a chance to do something bigger.

Except, we donā€™t have an ending for the story. Unless we write one, I suppose.

Edit: i wish I could like that comment more than once, @MissEvans

Edit2: I also wish to apologize for any emotional scarring having my voice ramble through any personā€™s dreams caused that poor woman. Sheā€™s been through enough.


Love it - keep within our own mythology, but deviate to our own purpose. Every generation of myth does the same.


So do we want to edit The Ant and the Caterpillar to include some stuff about us or send the story regularly?


I am not sure there is much good in trying to work in stuff directly about us, it doesnā€™t seem like this is as much a conversation like it was with Augie, but perhaps more of a gentle guiding to help these Mounties through the storm (potentially?). Plus, I am not sure how our added stuff will be interpreted come dream time. I donā€™t know. My mind is still being blown.


I justā€¦ wouldnā€™t feel right writing an ending for the Ant and the Caterpillow. I mean, we can all conjecture how it probably will end. It would just feelā€¦wrong finishing that story ourselves.


Iā€™ll try to look up some dream interpretations and reverse-engineer something.


Thatā€™s my reaction right now. I donā€™t really know what will happen to our reading in the dream. So maybe just reading part of the story and possibly saying somethings at the end to hint at who we are would work? If we do it right, we could get a message to Augie.