I know there’s a few shots of the other Chronocompass in the Fragment 13 thread, but that’s a lot of posts to go through. I’d just assume it’s the same (Cut to 2 hours from now where it’s pointed out it’s not the same and I’m wrong…again.)

Man, for being in a race against time we have a lot of obstacles we can’t seem to do a lot about rearing up on us.

It makes me think we’re missing something and should be doing something. But all we have is these 2 numbers.


It doesn’t seem like Augie’s personality to have left us with what essentially amounts to a huge cliffhanger regarding what he learned from his grandfather and what he plans to do about the storm, unless he deliberately doesn’t want us to interfere with his plans.

Is anyone here local to or planning a visit to NYC where they could at least snoop around the Portal to Old New York for any clues - I think we’re putting too many eggs in one basket by expecting Cole and Deidre to schlep the Neithernor journal around waiting for new messages from Sullivan to pop up.


I think we need a new code of reopen the Chronocompass. Is it possible that it’s hidden in Augie’s last reply? I don’t know why it would be in there but it’s just a wild guess. Either that or the code is in a journal entry that we hope will be unlocked when the place in NYC is visited


I would schlepp up to New York this weekend if I thought it would help, but I still feel like this clue is dependent on the journal. Much as I wish we didn’t need to put any pressure on Cole and Dee, especially now, Sullivan - and the Council by extension - have made the whole process of opening the book dependent on them and that journal. We never would have had the pieces needed to solve the last fragment without them, and like it or not that seems to me like our only way forward.


What if there’s something intrinsic to the design of the monument (like a plaque) or something that makes reference to the guilds. Sullivan spent a lot of time in NYC. I agree that it’s probably going to eventually do with the Neithernor journal; I’m just saying that it can’t hurt and might help to scope out this location ourselves.


Okay, theory time. What if it is 18 messages ot something like that, but after every 18 messages this happens?


Maybe we should look around online and see what we can find digitally. Maybe knowing more of the history could help…

Edit: There do appear to be a couple plaques - I’ve seen pictures of one marking the old tavern and one for like, pottery fragments? It also seems to be not just one window in the ground but maybe several. I’m not sure how close the journal has to be to the exact location for it to react, but unless someone has another idea, we could look at the sites that are encompassed in this “portal” and see if one has a stronger tie to us than the others?


Any “guild-y” words that look like a possible Chronocompass lock combination on any plaques?


I have yet to find a picture with a fully legible plaque. As best I can make out, there’s definitely one for the Lovelace Tavern (found a picture that I might be able to read), one for pottery (no legible picture yet), and one for the cistern in the street (not sure how close it is to our coordinates though). The biggest problem is that the plaques I’ve found that are DEFINITELY in the immediate area of the coordinates all appear to be under the glass at the level of the old street so the pictures I’ve seen are hard to read with blurs and glares and stuff. And so far, nothing particularly guild-y. I’ll keep trying, though!


If anyone is interested, #3 on this list describes the “portal” (the descriptions match up with the Atlas Obscura stuff, so I’m pretty confident that it’s at the right location):

Relevant names would be William Kieft (the governor), Stadt Huys (the city hall built in 1641, remains not actually found/visible), the Lovelace Tavern (the second city hall, right next door to Stadt Huys from 1670 to 1706, actual remains and artifacts preserved), and the Phillips (family that owned the cistern/well that is preserved at the site. The tavern bricks are grey and the recreation Stadt Huys bricks are cream/yellow.

There’s a lot of possible directions from there, but does any of that jive with the history we know?

Edit: It is still possible that the journal just has to be in that general area…so maybe these names don’t lead anywhere…so everyone take a grain of salt I guess?


While that might be it, I also think that it wasn’t an “18” at all, but rather was just the way to continue work on Fragment 13, rather than a time limit. After all, Deeds dismissed it as just a weird 18, but it was important for a different reason. I’m not saying that it couldn’t also be a time limit, but I don’t think that’s the reason we’re here now. I’ll count the exact number of messages and replies we’ve gotten from him later, and then I’ll check the days to be sure.

Edit: I wanted to fix the wording there.


Yeah, I’m not sure what’s up with the Chronocompass, either, and it’s making me heckin’ nervous, but I also doubt that Sullivan, if he really wanted us to open the book, would hide such an important consideration as a time-limited spell in such an abstract way.


I was also thinking that the number “18” was a red herring, but rather just simply visual instruction on how to use the Mobius Strip clock apparatus thing (which still totally eludes me, and I’m still thankful that we have clever folks like @Viviane here).


If we’re getting the 18 from the doodle, I agree that I think it was just the mobius strip instructions. In any case, either we get back in contact with Augie or we’ll have to find another way to get access to the book. Either way, as much as I would like to know what’s happening with Augie and what he learned from his grandfather, I think we should focus on finding the next fragment while we’re in limbo with that and the journal.


Okay, so I went back and counted, and here is a list of things relating to the messages:
First Messages sent 22 days ago:
First Reply sent 21 days ago:
Up to this point, we had had 12 replies, and 15 days had passed:

Since that day when we didn’t get a reply, we have received 4 more messages. So, in total, including Augie’s first message where everything got super messed up, we have 16 replies, 17 if you count the one where we got a blank page that just said “A Reply.” The messages we’ve sent probably number in the low 20s (Not including the first day when everyone and their aunt sent a message). While it’s close to 18, I don’t think that there was or is a time limit on this. As @Viviane said earlier, I don’t think that Sullivan would have rested his plan on an 18-day time limit. I think something much bigger is going on. Do with this information as you will.


Thanks for clearing that up for us!


Get this guy a medal!


Dang… The idea I was going with was that the maqic only worked for 18 somethings until it needes to be recharged.


Thank you, @Remus.


As some pretty cool people have said in the past, “Trust the flow of magiq”. There may not be a reason why the message screen has changed and locked us out, or there may be. But all we can do is trust in the magiq, trust in the process Sullivan has laid out for us, and trust in ourselves in that we are literally transcending time to make this happen, and we are kicking butt while doing it.

Have we sent in a message to Augie about potentially going public in '94? Obviously a little hard to do when we seem to be a little locked out. I have been a little disconnected, work and family vacation, so I am still catching up on what has been sent and what hasn’t.