Fourth Fragment: The Secret Mission Part Three

It’s nice hear Brandon’s message ourselves. Thanks for that.

I’m still thinking there are actual numeric times as (in 3:33pm), that we need to find and pay attention to. It just feels right coming down after a puzzle all about clocks.

I’m pretty much at a loss at this point where to find those times though. Tonight when I can comb through the archive I’ll see if I can find anything.


Holy shit guys, I just called Brandon’s number and right after I got a text that said 2pm


So the number just texted me back saying 2pm.


It’s 2 pm now


I just called back, it’s a new message!


I couldn’t really hear the message (so if someone can transcribe it that would be awesome) but I think we have to keep calling back at the times listed for new messages from Brandon.


It’s really garbled, but he said the glass report is the key it contains everything we need, and continue to mind the times, bet there on the 29th… More to follow at the next (7pm?)


The message is back to the one from last night. I called a few times, this is what I got…

(can’t hear anything before this) first step on the trail. It isn’t easy communicate like this. I’m getting a lot of help. We’ve done everything we can. We all want what you want. …open the book. I hid the report in the city when I was a kid. It’s still there. Be ready on October 29th. The closest we’ll… the glass report is the key now. It has everything you need. Continue to mind the times. More to follow at the next.


Thank you @CRSumner, I have a crappy phone, couldn’t hear very well.
Guys, how do we find the glass report? We’ve been looking for this thing for ages. Maybe he’ll tell us more in the next message. i hope.


So it it sounds like for a few minutes after 2pm, 7pm and 10pm he sends a new message before reverting back to the old one? Very interesting.

@Leigha Well at least we know it’s something he hid in the city 30 years ago. That rules out anything created more recently and says it’s probably something we can see.


Random edit: Didn’t one of Brandon’s voice messages say he tried to do a book report for school on The Unbound Stories and his teacher wouldn’t let him? Maybe his teacher’s name was Mr (or Mrs) Glass? Yeah I’m reaching here.

Edit: Or is he possibly saying ‘Class report’? No, sounds like Glass to me I guess.


I’ve dug up copies of some of the early Brandon voice recordings. Here’s some interesting parts to help frame what we’re now doing.

Sept 21st 1986: (File named 102486…)

“What if I really find them? The discs? What do I do with them when I do? There’s got to be a place to take them. I have to figure it out. Maybe they’re not just discs. Maybe they’re tokens.”

Feb 9th 1986 (File named 101186…)

“Mr Ashwood said I had to write a whole new book report.” (So no, his name wasn’t Mr. Glass)


ughh sorry sorry i’ll see if i can photoshop the pictures to be any clearer than @Mike did, I swear i should just give y’all my phone number so you can wake me up when something happens


Wow, I sure missed a lot. But hey, at least we got some new clues.

Also, wasn’t one of his voice recordings about some kid that beat him up? One of them stole his book or something? Maybe he found that and hid it later, thinking that someone would take it from him again? It’s a stretch though, probably best to wait until 7, which isn’t too far now.



  1. Can’t get the photos any cleaner than Mike did
  2. I’m gonna record the 7pm call so we have an archive of it. Sorry i couldn’t do that with the last one though :frowning:

It’s cool Lux, you already record and upload a lot of stuff anyways! Thankfully Cole has literally the best phone ever/the best set of ears ever, haha


In case we need it, I have the generic message available on Dropbox here - the actual message starts at 0:40. I’ll call back at 10pm in case there’s anything different, but my guess is it’s only the 2pm one. I’ll try to record the 2pm message when it comes around again, though.


Oh, i think we should assume new messages at 7pm and 10pm as well until proven otherwise. Safer that way.


Ah yeah, my brain mangled things for a second there, and what I caught was the default non-2/7/10pm message. So we should be prepared for a new message to pop up in about 13-ish minutes, which will only last for a few minutes?


hey at least now i don’t havfta upload the default message too