Favorite Fantasy Novels

To this day, I think about that book when I’m in a busy traffic circle.


This is a good one. Hamlet + Macbeth + Discworld.


The King’s parentage was a good laugh. Granny Weatherwax is one of my favorite characters.


I’ve been interested in reading the Wheel of Time series but I can always find every book except the first one when I look for it. I accidentally bought the seventh book in the series a while ago because it looked interesting but it didn’t say it was part of a series until a few pages in. I really loved the Fablehaven series when I read it many years ago.


I loved the series! It got bogged down a bit in the middle for me, but I still re-read it quite often.
Shire Post Mint actually makes the silver Tar Valon coin, and I love giving it as gifts to people who read the series.
Have they actually moved forward with the TV show? The last I heard it was still tabled because they couldn’t find anyone to pick it up.
Another series I love, the Kingkiller Trilogy, is getting both a TV show and some movies soon. I’m hyped because Lin Manuel Miranda is involved in the music and the books revolve around a gifted bard, so it’s promising to be at least interesting!


I grew up on the Middle-earth legendarium. The Silmarillion was the most epic thing I’d ever experienced and I took notes in gel pen because I was 12 and that was what we did in 2000. :stuck_out_tongue:

Of more current books I very much enjoyed N.K. Jemisin’s Inheritance trilogy, and The Book of the Ancestor trilogy by Mark Lawrence has awesome, awesome magic and friendships and I will tell everyone about it.

Has anyone else read The Last Unicorn? Next to all of Tolkien it’s my favorite story.


I made it to Book 8, I think? My husband has the whole series and is re-listening to it now so I’m getting snippets. I have a lot of faith in the tv series given that production companies are no longer afraid to tackle epic fantasy! (Thanks, GoT!!)


Yes, it is actually being made into a series! We got challenge coins from some website - my husband a Mat coin, and me a Perrin one (for our favorite characters of the trio).

I am ultimately hyped for the TV series. I figure anything can be better than that terrible “pilot” that was released a while ago by another production company (an attempt to hold onto the series rights, I believe).


There is far too many and I cannot pick favourites, though helpful that some have already been mentioned above.
Robin Hobb’s Six Duchies and Rain Wild collections, Sebastian De Castell Greatcoats series and Melanie Rawn Touchstone series.


Oh so many, but the Septimus Heap and Fablehaven series were my childhood! The Lunar Chronicles, Eon & Eona, and The Diviners are also top of the list. Children of Blood & Bone is my most recent favorite.


Oh man, I forgot about Septimus Heap! Those were so charming.


Yeah Septimus Heap was great! I also loved the Bartimaeus trilogy.


Bartimeus helped me through many a boring social studies class in high school. Miss morrison may have been a nightmare, but she had great taste in books.


Obviously I enjoyed The Chronicles of Narnia and Harry Potter, and I’m reading The Lord Of The Rings right now. I count those as the holy trinity of fantasy. For those who read PG, the Serafina series by Robert Beatty is one of my absolute favorites. Be sure to check those out if you ever get the chance.


The Spiderwick Chronicles. I had an obsession with these when I was twelve or so. I didn’t think I’d like the series but my mom forced it on me by purchasing the first book and I was hooked.


A nice book series that is my favorite is called Beyonders by Brandon Mull and it is about two kids (I think around teen) getting pulled into a fantastical and horrifying world

Id recommend anyone to check it out, its got a great story


It’s the 25th of May, which is a significant date in my favourite fantasy novel, Night Watch by Terry Pratchett. I love any Pratchett book and would recommend then strongly (although most people here will have probably read at least one). I also like Christina Henry’s Alice books, a super twisted re-telling of Alice in Wonderland, and The Hounds of the Morrigan by Pat O’Shea. I’m sure there are lots more but my mind is blank at the moment


A lot of my favourites have already been mentioned above, but I’d like to add the Matthew Swift (by Kate Griffin) and Books of Babel (by Josiah Bancroft) series! The former is a pretty cool urban magic series set in London, whilst the latter is fantasy/steampunk in an original setting, and I’m actually still getting through the third book right now! :sweat_smile:


The Harry Potter books will always have a special place in my library, but a couple of my other favorites are Practical Magic along with Carry On by Rainbow Rowell! I am excited for the sequel to Carry On! It should be coming out soon!


Omg I can’t wait for the new illustrated goblet of fire that’s coming out in October!!!