Favorite Fantasy Novels



Sandersonā€™s Cosmere novels/novellas/short stories
Jordanā€™s Wheel of Time

Both of which typify excellent world building.


Ahhhhh Iā€™m so ready for Wayward Son! Itā€™s supposed to be this fall, right?




I just finished re-reading an amazing Sci-Fi book series and I couldnā€™t remember if I threw it down in here when I first joined but here goes nothing.

Itā€™s called Galaxyā€™s Edge there are two story lines that end up converging at the end but the first book: Legionnaire follows a Legionnaire by the the name of Chhun and it more or less is just a mix of Star Wars and Halo but in the very best way. Lenionnaireā€™s are special forces of the future and unlike stormtroopers can actually shoot in a straight line. The first book is basically a war story but like its written by a solider and shows the more ā€œgrittyā€ side of war. (Dumb as a rock officers, rules of engagement bs, etc.) Definetly a ā€œsoftā€ Sci-Fi story rather than techy and in your face.

The second book does a 180 and the main character is an outlaw bounty hunter. I wonā€™t spoil anything but I absolutely love this series.


Oh wow thanks for the book suggestions guys, I will definitely have to add a few of these to my unending ā€œto read listā€.
I love fantasy but I tend, other than Terry Pratchett whom I love and credit my marriage to, swing towards darker fantasy, which is probably why I liked the darkening in the Potterverse as it went along.
My favourite series/books in the darker fantasy vein are, in no particular order: the Black Jewels by Anne Bishop, Green Rider by Kristen Britain, Tailchaserā€™s Song, the Shadowmarch tetrology and the War of the Flowers by Tad Williams, Holly Blackā€™s Modern Faerie Tales and the Catswold Portal by Shirley Rousseau Murphy. Iā€™m sure there are others, but Iā€™m away from my shelf so I canā€™t do a quick scan :sweat_smile:
Iā€™m currently wending my way through the Dresden Files and the Dark Tower serieses (is that the plural of series? :laughing: ) at the moment, which are so far also tending towards the darker fantasy.


I just picked up Green Rider from the library last night! I read it as a teenager and enjoyed it, but the series wasnā€™t complete then.

And Dark Tower is amazing. I only just finished Wizard and Glass this year and I was emotionally destroyed.


Me too, my copy of the first book is so dog-eared and well loved. I only discovered in my 20s that there were more. I must admit I found one of the books had little pay-off, but as you probably wont have to wait as long as I did to read the following book it probably wont bother you as much :sweat_smile: - Though the arc is not yet complete, so thereā€™s more to look forward to, yey!

I too only just finished Wizard and Glass. The heaviness is why I read Dresden files between Dark Towers for light relief :joy:


I grew up on Emily Rodda and Tamora Pierce, among others


I really like the bone witch trilogy by Rin Chupeco!! It was interesting & had characters with a lot of dimension which I adore!
Also the LOTR series, Harry Potter, I was obsessed with Artemis Fowl as a kid so I would maybe say those books as well :blush:


Omg I love the Artemis fowl series! Iā€™ve just read them for the third time!


Iā€™d like to say Iā€™m a fan of the Mortal Engines books (and the prequels) but Iā€™m mad at Phillip Reeves (funnily enough for the same reason that Iā€™m mad at Derek Landy, though I still recommend the first 5 Skulduggery Pleasant books. Havenā€™t read past book 9 yetā€¦) so I donā€™t want to recommend him too stronglyā€¦ For reasons that would be spoilers for his Blacklight Express books. The Mortal Engines books are still good though!
Eragon, of course, is a classic. Canā€™t go wrong with it! When I was 17 I wanted to be the next Christopher Paolini, bless his heart. Made his own maps and everything!
I second what @Marlificent and @Rimor say about Artemis Fowl, those books are fantastic! Iā€™mā€¦ very disappointed in the movie casting though. Very disappointed. Still, that only makes the books seem even better in comparison! :blossom:


Ive just convinced my sister to read the mortal engines series! I got the new cover editions but I miss the old cover styles!

I agree that Iā€™m not looking forward to the AF film as some of the casting is good but some for example just takes away one of the main messages of the books


Iā€™m not going to lie I totally forgot about the AF movie!! I do try to never judge a movie before I see it but I agree, it looks a little sub-par even for a Disney remakeā€¦ @Rimor @SabineBean


They whitewashed Holly Shortā€¦ Thatā€™s notā€¦ Greatā€¦ The movie itself might be alright, but the casting calls they were putting out were so bad it put off a whole lot of potential fans, yā€™know? They might get the plot right, but the Percy Jackson and Eragon movies donā€™t bring me hope haha. Still, thereā€™s some good ones! The Mortal Engines movie recently came out, I didnā€™t get to see it, but I hear itā€™s really good and a faithful adaptation! And I liked the Golden Compass movies even though they werenā€™t critically acclaimed. Something about them really struck me, yā€™know? :cherry_blossom:


Iā€™ve just watched the mortal engines movie and they did somethingā€™s better then the books but I feel like Hester Shaw wasnā€™t ugly enough in the film among other things such as revealing key plot devices right at the beginning. But omg skrike was brilliant!! I just wanted more of him in the film!

I canā€™t wait for BBCs his dark materials series!

(Also we should probably make a movies dissociation thread :joy:)


Yeah I totally get that @SabineBean , but sometimes whitewashing isnā€™t done intentionally, sometimes theyā€™ll find an actor who fits the role more perfectly & theyā€™ll choose them because to a director personality is the character. They will need a lot of equal representation elsewhere for this to work though so I donā€™t know how thatā€™s going to go. Percy Jackson was, in my opinion, not that bad but can only be considered as a separate entity from the books. I actually liked the Eragon movies but only because I hadnā€™t read the books.

Mortal Engines looks really good though I have yet to read any. I have the books sitting in my bookshelf but I have so many others to read first I feel like theyā€™re missing out :cry:

There definitely needs to be a movie dissociation thread @Rimor :joy:


Iā€™ve actually started reading the Dresden files, which are, I suppose, urban fantasy. Itā€™s the third or fourth time Iā€™ve tried reading them and Iā€™ve gotten further than before, so weā€™ll see.
I really do love the world building and the magic system, but absolutely anytime a woman is described makes me want to just stop reading. Iā€™m really not sure if the author intended that or it just happened, either.
Otherwise, Iā€™ve been reading the Innkeeper Chronicles by Ilona Andrews. They hit that nice spot for me in between high fantasy/sci-fi and dollar-store bodice ripper, and sometimes thatā€™s all I want.


I do like the magic and mystery in those ones, but the ā€œmale gazeā€ is definitely quite prominent.


Has anyone ever read the Belgariad series by David Eddings?

It was the first old epic fantasy series I read as a teenager and the series that got me properly hooked! Iā€™ve only ever met one other person thatā€™s read it though, but maybe Iā€™m just not looking in the right places :wink: