4.5. The Search for Magiq: Discover Your Guild Bearing

Took me a while to figure out too!

Scroll through the guide and click the hyperlinks–every now and then one routes to a Guild page, and it tells you what page number it’s on.


I have sucessfully found all of the guild numbers. Now I have to type them in order :pleading_face::sob:


Order is

Tides - Ebenguard
Ore - Flinter
Thought - Thornmouth
Wild - Balimora
Light - Weatherwatch
Aether - Gossmere


I’m a Nautilore-bearing Ebenguard!


I’m a Diaphane-bearing Gossmere and can I just say? YES. That is basically me, 100%.
What a find, @what.the.kell, and you Mounties never cease to amaze me with your puzzle-solving skills!


Thank you, although I don’t feel like I can take much credit. It was more a happy accident than anything else, and there were others who worked much harder.

Regardless, I’m an Ardeonaut-bearing Weatherwatch, which feels extremely accurate.


Well, this definitely explains the sense that something was happening as I left the country last week. Back now, thankfully.

The assessment tells me that I, too, am a Corrilave-bearing Flinterforge. This might be the most right I’ve felt since I tested Flinterforged the very first time. :blush:


Okay, so I looked at all 3 of my bearings this time: Nautilore, Marentide, and Shoalwarden. I didn’t know I had two more this morning ‘cause I was preoccupied with getting ready for school.


We only have one bearing from what we’ve seen so far. The one that the Guide initially directed you to, which in your case was Nautilore per your previous post, I think? The other results are just the other possible Ebenguard results.



It’s the most likely conclusion, especially since it directed me straight to Nautilore.


Sorry it’s taken me so long to catch up everyone!
Is it any surprise that I got ARDEONAUT?? I am fairly outgoing and do always like to be at the helm of my ship.
Our affinity is Halcyor’s Unwinding which will be interesting to see what it actually is. I feel like it may have something to do with looking at all the threads of possibility and picking the course of action that has the most favourable outcome


Sorry I’m a little late here and haven’t been around much. I have been trying to catch up. I am an Umbranor with the Encyclovation affinity. This is all fascinating.


I am confusion. Could someone please DM me with a brief explanation. No idea what this is about. Thanks bunches.


So finally sitting down and having a moment where my life isn’t a whirlwind has lead me towards the result of being a Marentide-bearing Ebenguard.

There was a while where I took the assessment a bunch and always got something different thanks to indecision (I just wanted to get the same thing twice in a row to feel more solid about it) so being the eclipse bearing probably explains that quite a bit :sweat_smile:
Sitting down and reading it without being rushed or sleep deprived also helped me to actually understand the words in front of me and allow them to resonate with me ^-^

I love these. I’m so glad it was discovered. It furthers my belief that you can have all sorts of unique people living different lives, but still belonging to one guild :cjheart:


@Leigha, has someone caught you up yet? If not I’d be happy to, but I figured I’d check here before DMing.


Yes, thanks Viviane, Fury hit me up.


I’m an Ardeonaut bearing Weatherwatch, and I am VERY excited about it! :smiley:

I identified as a Weatherwatch/Flinterforge polyguild before, and even took the test to see where I would be in Flinterforge (Phantorist - moon bearing, the exact opposite of my WW bearing). While I will always have a soft spot for the Flinters, I realized that I most heavily identify with Phantorist bearing when I’m at my craft (illustration/animation). While that’s a HUGE part of who I am, I realized it’s not ALL of who I am. Taking all parts of me into account, I discovered that I am above all an Ardeonaut-bearing Weatherwatch. The reason I make art at all is in order to help others find the best in themselves and each other, and I strive to do that in all aspects of my life. It was a really interesting process, going through that self evaluation.

All of this to say, these bearings are such a wonderful addition to the guilds. I’ve learned a lot about myself, and I get the impression a lot of others have had some really interesting self realizations through this new content as well! I just think that’s so cool!


Maybe I am doing something wrong, but I cannot figure this out! I think I have all the numbers correct, there are 3 different page numbers, plus the final one, correct? They are: 12, 13, 26, and 80.



Might want to check which numbers you’re using… It’s guild pages in a certain order that you can find here!


I agree, double check the numbers. There are six numbers, and each of them are double-digits! If you’re still a bit lost feel free to DM me ^.^