4.5. The Search for Magiq: Discover Your Guild Bearing

I’m a Celestant-bearing Weatherwatch, the eclipse bearing for the guild! Our affinity is Sidereal Shift (and “sidereal” relates to distant stars…I can’t wait to find out what this does).

You have been called to something more significant; the flame you seek is a philosopher’s fire. One which promises a greater understanding of the world and yourself. A solitary quest, but one that can only be undertaken with the strength of many at your back. It is a dual call of exploration and preservation, uncovering and understanding.

As a Celestant-bearing Weatherwatch, born of the eclipse, not only do you seek the light of the Further Fire, but you also aim to understand the chase.

Folks…It feels like I’ve come home. This is why the guide has always placed me in Weatherwatch. This is what it saw in me all along.


Wow. If I were a Weatherwatcher, I think I’d like to be a Celestant.


A little late to the party (I like to be fashionable), but I’m an Umbranor Thornmouth!

I felt like my soul was getting caressed by magiqal words here… Really well done!



You Are


Affinity: Inwardian Eye

There is no death without life, no life without death. Even here, in the hollow of your guild where it seems no trace of harm can reach you, even here you must live by those words. You repeat them daily like a mantra, for if you did not, you would not be able to bear the truths that weigh upon your inner eye. You have seen the Great Chaos in every living thing, printed plainly on their hands and faces, roots and leaves, hides and hooves, as patterns on a petal. It calls to the Chaos within you, a likeness that is born and dies and is reborn again all the day long. Some call you a seer, and in a sense, this is true, for you see what others do not see, hear what others do not say or cannot speak. You see the truth of every living thing: its wants, its needs, its desires. To you, nothing is hidden.

It is a burden and a gift, for you may use this sight in many ways, and it is for this reason that you are more likely to be sought after than feared. You know how best to nurture life in all its forms and stages, right up until the very end, when the path out of this world is just as clear to you as the paths that lead within. You are a valuable asset to the many caretakers of your guild, for in a way, you are the most naturally inclined of them all. Some of your guild kin follow the light, while others tend in the shadows, but you in many ways are the joining of the two. The beating heart of the Great Chaos. You see the connection between light and dark, of life and death, and tend to that which need to grow unfettered or fade from all existence. Though there will be times when the call of your talents feels too taxing, your efforts too futile in the face of a nature that is relentless and unforgiving, this is why you have guild kin at your back and an army of fellow stewards to relieve your many burdens with a smile or a song.

With the strength of all living things behind you, you will never cease striving for the balance of that which is precious, of that endless cycle of chaos that lives within your very cells and takes shape in the chemical essence of the magimystic energy that is you, an Anivaeus-bearing Balimora, born of the eclipse, with all of nature’s wonder incarnate within your spirit.


Inwardian eye? this sounds awesome >:0

I appreciate the concept of being a caretaker of life and death, light and dark, because in my day to day life i tread this thin, fragile path all the time. I see homeless who call out to me from darkened corners and beg for what little i have to spare them, for in some cases their very lives revolve around them, while around me people go about their day as if nothing were wrong and all was right in the world, acting as if those who need them most are mere insects, but at the same time, do you really want to provide charity when the void could stare back when you least expect it? Evil and good walk hand in hand down a garden trail, and you must pick from life as and when you can. I see both sides, and as such can make an argument for both ends. The luckless and the lucky, the need-ful and the needless. Those without a roof can tell the most incredible stories, but then steal the coins from your pocket. those who you consider safe live lifes of comfort and joy, and are a back to lean against, but whats to say that same back wont look at you with disgust when you arent looking?

I think this is something i can really take to heart.

Also, holy itsuki, im a seer? what does that mean? am i like the one in the sanctuary? can i see the future?


I’m a Diaphane, like @Ignatius … At first glance I almost wanted to reject it on principle? I’m not a healer (despite all evidence to the contrary) so I worried I might have been slotted into that box, but… No, I think this one is right. I almost teared up a little at the end. Who I am under my own ailments is fundamentally a pillar to lean on… Currently the pillar isn’t stable. But it will be. And then people can lean on me again. And, of course… Well, I need to take more breaks, is basically what I learned from this. Need more breaks and alone time, and then I’ll be best able to do my job and support the people who need it.


I think all the new bearings live on the same page. I thought I was both, too, until I scrolled up. Whatever the hashtag is next to in the URL is your bearing, though.


Each of the six guild’s bearings are on one page, but the assessment directs you to a single result, not multiple.


I’m a Shoalwarden.
Solar bearing of the Guild Ebenguard.
Affinity: Song of the Silverscale

You are both a bard and a bastion; you are whatever those around you need you to be.

That sounds right.


i do need to check my weatherwatch affinity as well.
its my other side, though i think the sun bearing Ebbie sounds right to me.

Edit: I’m the Moon Bearing Weatherwatcher Navimant.
Surprising me not at all.
Given how i split for the two main guilds, the fact that they mirror each other, Solar Bearing Moon Guild and Lunar Bearing Sun Guild is quaint, and feels right.


Thornmouth - Lunivox Affinity: Catalyst of Creation - Born of Moon
Weatherwatch - Navimant Affinity: Phantasmal Accord - Born of Eclipse Moon

Humm thats an interesting celestial event to have me born under Moon and Eclipse


A New Moon manifestation! Ending old cycles to usher in something new and fresh! Fitting as we’re leaving one age and entering another :wink:


pretty sure Navimant is the moon bearing for WW.



Affinity: Catalyst of Creation

It seems as though the echoes of the great minds who have come before you are always around you, a legacy that lingers in the sound of your steps on the flagstones and in the scratching of your pen in an otherwise silent room. You have been drawn here to these peaks like the thinkers of old, enticed by the wealth of stories and histories safeguarded within these walls, magimystic tomes and works of genius preserved for the benefit of future generations of readers, learners, and dreamers. While your guild kin are eager to learn from and be inspired by the ancient thinkers and stories of old, you seek to know what they didn’t, create what they couldn’t, and to question what they never considered.

You find that the words of your intellectual predecessors ignite the Mindflame of your soul with the fervent desire to consume and be consumed, driving you to make your contribution to the silent city of words wherein you now reside. You do not presume to match them in their status, yet you simply cannot help leaving your mark in the margins when the words move you beyond constraint. More often than not, it is as though the spirit of thinkers past moves you directly, moves within you, encouraging you to take liberties with their words that others might deem sacrilegious.

You have only the highest respect for these works, but it is against your nature to take things at face value, which is why you feel impelled to keep asking Why? And What if? You seek to strengthen old ideas through these questions, to reinforce that which you have found so impactful in your own experience. It would be a disservice to let them languish; in the face of obsolescence, your handfuls of line notes and minor constructive edits can do no harm. This impulse to adapt, to update for the modern world, is one of preservation rather than personal gain, for it is done in the hopes of reaching more eyes and touching more hearts as yours have been touched. You and your peers have followed this impulse into the very core of the mountains, for within each of you is a special story to tell. Be it original to your own endeavors or ages old and bound for rediscovery, never doubt that this story belongs to you all the same. Your legacy is whatever you make it to be.

You are a Lunivox-bearing Thornmouth, born of the eclipse, destined for a noble eminence as of yet unknown to all but the brilliant Mindflame that flickers away within your core, just waiting to be released.


I haven’t decided whether to embrace being a poly or just write it off as a fluke, but I was curious what Balimora would give me…


Affinity: Practitioner’s Cradle

Here with your hands buried deep in the cool, dark earth, the ancient magimystic energy of life itself flows from the roots of all things living and into your own body. This is where you belong, beneath the canopies of trees older and wiser and more solemn than any other thing in existence, where it feels like nothing can touch you. Not the harshness of element, or man, not the trappings of society. Not even death can reach you here, for here and now you have ahead of you only new beginnings, only growth, only life.

Your duty is to bring life back into this haven of your world as the season dictates, to care for and nurture it as best you can, for you are especially intimate with the hardships that begin as soon as we take our first breath. The resplendent beauty of life is undeniable, but in your eyes, it is made even more so because of its fragility, its ephemerality. You see what most of your guild don’t care to linger on, how the shadow of the Great Chaos invariably touches every living thing, how easily we are made powerless to the unpredictability of life.

For this reason, you may be drawn to the most ancient applications of your guild’s talents: working tirelessly on your knees, with dirt and silt beneath your fingertips and caked into the creases of your palms, planting seeds and pruning back the debris of prior springs to make way for and personally ensure the boundless opportunity of the season. Or perhaps your expertise is best employed in other manifestations, in caring for creatures, or the tending of people and the cultivation of their relationships and ideas – the most vulnerable beings of all.

You are a world-shaper, a caretaker, most content when you are assured that everything is progressing as planned, growing and reaching and becoming the best iteration of itself despite the dangers and the chaos at every turn. Regardless of what may come, you will protect these sanctuaries over which you preside with everything you possess, with the particular tenacity and devotion of your guild. You have taken it upon yourself to usher life and growth in all of its forms and expressions of fulfillment into this world and protect it for as long as you possibly can, and you will continue to do so until it is time for life to gently usher you out.

There is no greater responsibility or privilege than this, and as a Maelisorn-bearing Balimora, born of the moon, you welcome your birthright with roughened palms and an open heart.


I’m an Eraverane-bearing Gossmere, too.

The joyous energy of your time with friends will warm you as you walk, and the new stories you carry will keep you company until you come upon your next camp, as content as if you were still sitting beside friends. But all that is for tomorrow, for now you may take your place beside the fire. Together with your guild kin, you will eat and drink, dance and sing, and celebrate the beauty that is the life you all share.

This part really spoke to me. I’m not really a “wanderer,” but if I frame it in terms of moving between “tribes” through my life, picking up and starting fresh from high school to college, from college to grad school, from grad school to post-grad training, and now into my career and family life (and to here!), it really strikes true.

My affinity is Tympanic Transmutation, too.


Huh. I only saw two results when i got mine, is that a bug?


The other result was above as it would have been sun bearing.


Oh no, there was nothing above. It loaded with those as the entire page.


I can’t believe I’m the only Thornmouth Lumanist :joy: