4.5. The Search for Magiq: Discover Your Guild Bearing

Once you’ve unlocked the new section of the Guide to Magiq, come here to discuss your new results and thoughts.


I am, not surprisingly, a Nautilore.


I am an ANIVAEUS (eclipse) - Balimora who watch the great Chaos and walk the line between life and death.

You see the connection between light and dark, of life and death, and tend to that which need to grow unfettered or fade from all existence.

Nope. Definitely not going to go to my head.

Interesting, at least for Balimora there seems to be a Sun bearing, a Moon bearing and an Eclipse bearing. Are the others similar?

Affinity: Inwardian Eye


Marentide-bearing for me! (Eclipse)

Pendulancy… :brandonthinking:


I’m sure pendulancy is probably similar to dousing, but my brain keeps thinking of hypnotism. :deirdrexd:


I am the moon-leaning Nautilore. My affinity is Brinebearer’s Oath!

You seek the stories lost to shadow to help balance the roaring tales that burn in the light. You are called to keep that balance, to honor the stories that may no longer shine as brightly but are still deserving of another telling.


I’m a Lunivox-bearing Thornmouth (eclipse), and apparently “destined for a noble eminence as of yet unknown to all but the brilliant Mindflame that flickers away within your core, just waiting to be released.”

Affinity: Catalyst of Creation

…it is against your nature to take things at face value, which is why you feel impelled to keep asking Why? And What if? You seek to strengthen old ideas through these questions, to reinforce that which you have found so impactful in your own experience…
This impulse to adapt, to update for the modern world, is one of preservation rather than personal gain, for it is done in the hopes of reaching more eyes and touching more hearts as yours have been touched.


I am a Lumivox Bearing Thornmouth. Ooh that feels good to say! :deirdreexcited:

You are a Lunivox-bearing Thornmouth, born of the eclipse, destined for a noble eminence as of yet unknown to all but the brilliant Mindflame that flickers away within your core, just waiting to be released.


That section really stood out to me too.

I wonder what we can do with these new affinities


I’m a Lumanist bearing Thornmouth!

You are a Luminast-bearing Thornmouth, born of the sun, destined to carry that eternal Mindflame of imagination throughout the long days and nights of your lifetime. Nurture that fire within you and hold it high, for you are destined to provide a light for all those you meet to read and learn and create by, for as long as your candle burns.


This is my favourite passage from mine!

…poring over volume after borrowed volume comprise your most cherished havens. These places have become so intertwined with your love of all things literary that no matter where in the world you travel in your voracious search for knowledge, you need only open a book and breathe the familiar scent of its pages to immediately feel transported home.


I’m an Umbranor-bearing Thornmouth!!

You are an excavator; you see the world and its inhabitants as an endless well of information to be unearthed, as each generation buries and builds upon the last. Most would be intimidated by the ceaseless, cyclical nature of what you see, but for you, an Umbranor-bearing Thornmouth, born of the moon. You cherish your work, your power to see what others cannot, as both a pleasure and a privilege.

And my affinity is Encyclovation.


Here’s the sun/eclipse/moon bearing symbols side-by-side, just because I’m really loving this imagery and how they interlock.


No surprise here that I got Diaphane Gossmere! So Moon born and with the affinity of the Sight of Propinquity!

For you, it has always been second nature to know when someone else is ailing, almost before they know themselves. Some solutions are simple: a hot tea, a cool compress, a tincture of herbs and roots. Other afflictions are less straightforward: broken hearts, racing minds, lethargy, or sinking sadness. Suffering does not discriminate; this you understand better than most.

That’s what stood out the most to me! I’d like to think it fits, what do you guys think?


I’m a Lunivox-bearing Thornmouth, born of the eclipse.


Samesies!! :cagsfabulous:


Oh wow, this is amazing! I got Maelisorn, who’s affinity is Practitioner’s Cradle.

There is no greater responsibility or privilege than this, and as a Maelisorn-bearing Balimora, born of the moon, you welcome your birthright with roughened palms and an open heart.

My favorite part:

This is where you belong, beneath the canopies of trees older and wiser and more solemn than any other thing in existence, where it feels like nothing can touch you. Not the harshness of element, or man, not the trappings of society. Not even death can reach you here, for here and now you have ahead of you only new beginnings, only growth, only life.

^This is how I love to be, sat under old trees just watching the world go by.


Woohoo I did a puzzle thing!

I’m a Verdurant Balimora! :blossom::sunny:

You delight in the collection of cuttings and stories to bring back to your kin, regaling your loved ones each night with sprigs of scented foliage or brightly colored feathers and tales of the feats you undertook to procure them (tales which are only ever slightly embellished)

This was 1000% me as a kid, too. I will go commune with all the critters and trees and lichens and fruit bats!


I’m so excited to read what everyone is getting! I’m a Corrilave Flinterforge! It’s our eclipse bearing, and the affinity is Unifier’s Will. I’m definitely getting shivers reading the descriptions…

You see the world not as it is or even will be, but instead, you see all the ways in which things may come to pass. For your strength lies not in one medium or another – the innovations of the mind or of the hands – but in the joining of the two, and in the joining of things once old, made new.

with each day of fruitful work that passes, you are one step closer to guiding present history into the future.


I am an Eraverane bearing Gossmere, with the affinity of Tympanic Transmutation. Eraverane Gossmere are born of the Eclipse.

You belong to no one and to everyone, a follower of the Common Drum in its most pure and primitive form: you are led by the drum which beats beneath your own skin.

You are the physical embodiment of your guild’s most cherished values, for you represent communion for community’s sake, the connection of others from all corners of your world meeting and exchanging and finding connection against all odds.


Omgoodness! :cjheart: this is astounding!
I got Verdurant-bearing Bali!
"You are at your happiest exploring new surroundings, pushing ever further into the sun-dappled wilderness which surrounds you and that which lies waiting within you, discovering the hidden wonders of your world and beyond. You delight in the collection of cuttings and stories to bring back to your kin, regaling your loved ones each night with sprigs of scented foliage or brightly colored feathers and tales of the feats you undertook to procure them (tales which are only ever slightly embellished).

Your bright heart and vibrant nature can coax life out into the open from the most unexpected places; even the most fickle of the sun’s creations have been known to turn their heads as you pass, and creatures large and small often favor you with their auspicious gaze."
It suits me so well :deirdreexcited:

I wonder if polyguilds have a bearing for each guild? Id love to find out what my Flinterforge bearing is.