Brandon Lachmann: The Fourth Fragment: General

What is the network mean? Is that the subway or something?


@H3RM3S Iā€™m not sure. It may very well mean the subway.

Has anyone contacted the email address yet? We very likely need someone to start the ball rolling with them and I donā€™t want to be a communication hog for the group since I talked to CRSumner a lot.


I sent a few emails with questions, no response


That might just be the way we send them the put together story. I donā€™t know if they are going to talk to us before we complete what they asked us to.


You have a point. I donā€™t think they tell us anything yet. They might not ever even talk to us unless itā€™s necessary.


Possibly, but never know what you get until you ask.

So, hereā€™s my summary to date. Yes, this is probably obvious to most people, but I like to start small.

So, the story tells of Beyellā€™s journey to escape Junk Town. This is a parallel to Brandon ownā€™s journey to escape our world, and New York City in particular.

Beyell has to find and solve 4 beacons in order to find the way out.

The devoted believe Brandon had to do several things in the weeks leading up to his escape.

If these stories are parallel, then Brandon believed he had to find 4 beacons, in New York City, before he could find the way out.

We need to find these 4 beacons Brandon wanted to ā€˜activateā€™.

The first beacon is fortunately also the best described.

Itā€™s described a statue of a bearded gentleman surrounded by four jets of water running over 4 smaller statues surrounding it. Each of the smaller statues has a plaque, which is likely represented by the 4 plaques found in the documents.

Iā€™m guessing we need to find this parallel in our world to solve the first beacon.

Should we maybe start splitting this thread into smaller topics devoted to the story, the beacons, and general questions? This oneā€™s getting pretty big.


All good ideas @Robert. There is a lot to do, it would probably be best to divide and conquer.


Second that!
Did anyone transcribe the audio files in the new links? I thin there is one music file and about 4 where Brandon? speaks.


Iā€™m in the process of analyzing the audio files right now. Thereā€™s only one thing that stands out about them. The "background noises. In all the music files thereā€™s a static sound, and in Brandonā€™s voice files there are strange machine-like sounds. I need to separate them out and try to analyze them , but Iā€™m still figuring out how to do that. Anyone here have experience with this kind of thing? Iā€™m a fast learner, but we seem to be on a tight schedule (The Anniversary looms) and we have an enormous amount to sift through before then.


Would it help if I made a separate map (like the Mountaineerā€™s map) specifically about New York locations pertaining to Brandon? Iā€™ve already been working on one (been analyzing and comparing the map of Brin.)


All great ideas guys, to keep things organized (and keep me from pulling my hair out) label new topic as ā€œLachmann: The Fourth Fragment: BLAH BLAHā€ @Robert Iā€™ve adjusted yours to adhere. Letā€™s do thisā€¦ :worried:


Thank you for cleaning up my mess. :slight_smile:


I hope to have some time later today/evening to dig into the audio files. I didnā€™t notice anything upon first listen (no back masking or anything) but that was just a cursory examination. I have some experience with manipulating audio files (I used to be an assistant sound engineer in another life) so if thereā€™s anything there I hope to find it.

But if anyone hears anything that they find interesting, let me know so I can focus on it.


ā€œA six legged king pointed arms crossed defiantly, snapped at meā€ Itā€™s a king crab. They have six legs and the two claw arms.

Roundabout could be a traffic circle, a merry-go-round, or even just talking about a circuitous route.


Iā€™m beginning to understand Sullivan Green now, why he chose to stay in the Ramble all those years.(btw, am I the only one thinking he could be Professor Green/Fleagreen? I donā€™t know how the timelines match up, but itā€™s a thought.) Those months Brandon was missing, this is what he was doing, searching for the Travelerā€™s Disc. Sullivan, even if he isnā€™t the Green twins, was out there in the woods trying do do something similar.


@Leigha It did come across my mind that the characters mightā€™ve been named with Sullivan Green in mind. Esp since it seemed Brandon remembered the lost books.


No pressure, but it looks like we definately have a time limit

This was my reply from the email


What was the question he was replying to?

Also dates provided in the files? I know for some of the file names there are dates, like with the audio logs they even have the time in them. Are the file names relevant dates?


@Robert doesnā€™t matter what question they were replying to, the one they answered wasnā€™t one I asked. Seems like they would rather us focus solely on the files than wonder who they are.


Iā€™m not sure if this thread is where it should go, but Iā€™ve put together a couple of the character sheets. Lady Barleywade was already put together in the files so I just included the original here. However, her backstory and picture were included in the docs so I may have to assemble her sheet just like the others.

Iā€™m unsure of that Rattican character is Little Beady or Maw. From what Iā€™ve read, it seems that Little Beady is helping B to find the beacons so it makes sense that she has a character sheet, but would love to hear any differing opinions.