Brandon Lachmann: The Fourth Fragment: General

Instead of searching in the now
Try turning to the past

I’m mostly looking at the Brandon Lachmann newspaper. I know it was looked at here but maybe it’s worth having another look?

I think it’s implied that these people did not die but somehow transitioned over into whatever parallel dimension we are working with here. Maybe there is a way of contacting them like was done with LT?


@faroutdude that’s a good point. It’s the only one that was out of the “ordinary” (not that any of this is ordinary.)

OH! Also the phrasing in the poem:

Try looking for the lock

Man must scurry for the truth

Is that a hint at Lachmann?


Did the newspaper always led here? It’s Brandon’s stories put up by his family.


If it did, I completely missed it.

I was just going to say, the article mentions a “cryptic answering message” and a “series of notes” that lead police to Brandon’s body and that these would be helpful to us. Let’s see what this site provides…


The link to that site wasn’t there before.


It’s the mother writing about the loss of her son. She’s mentioned a few places about putting up a blog as well. We might have to get information from her about what Brandon was writing when he disappeared. She mentions strange notes he wrote in a book, but doesn’t go into details.


This is odd, Om the google search page there are several results for forest of darkening glass (another dissolved book), all of which lead straight back to Brandon’s memorial site, but, well here…
The Forest of Darkening Glass

open@theforest:~$ cat darkening.txt. Thank you for joining us. This is the portal into the Forest of Darkening Glas - a %$£@^&%^ unbound adventure.

The First Trials | Darkening Glass
We need you to unlock the first key. You can only do this if you face the sets of trials. This is the first. Begin the First Trials. In the ninth seminal …

Hello world! | Darkening Glass
Aug 15, 2016 - Hi, this is a comment. To delete a comment, just log in and view the post’s comments. There you will have the option to edit or delete them.

I didn’t see anywhere on the site where you could leave a comment.

Darkening Glass | It’s in the forest

Enter Here.


@Leigha it looks like the site was something else before? Or perhaps more “bleeding” between worlds? Great find!


The memorial site is registered as a Wordpress site. This link might have been how it originally looked when it was first made. Maybe the commenting is disabled for now and we might be given access in the future. The FODG site looks like there was some kind of javascript. All I saw from it was a blinking cursor which may be interesting if that page comes back.


Brandon’s mom said he liked RPGs and a book series called “The Unbound Adventures”, a choose your own adventure series. Hold on, gonna look that up now.
Found this, but that’s all, no book series, just one book that seems to be a D&D manual


Can’t find any info on a book titled The Forest of Darkening Glass. That leads me to believe it might be part of the Lost Collection and now gone from our reality.

This is something I never noticed when King Rabbit first revealed this information. There is an explanation for what happened to all the others who did not die. All except Brandon. I can’t believe I didn’t pick up on that. But, if Brandon didn’t die in 1986, whose body was found in the subway? Does this mean Brandon is still alive?

And I’m going to put on my tinfoil hat and ask, could he be (or have been) The Last Traveler? Brandon was a writer. LT wrote the poem. It’s a stretch but just putting it out there for thought.


That map on Brandons world page looks promising. Great fInd here!


I don’t know if anyone has made a map of all the nyc locations we’ve heard about so far, but I’m going to make one, just for my own clarity. There’s a reason a ten year old boy went into that abandoned subway station, and Sullivan left his comfortable brownstone the stay in the Ramble.


Also a note, if D&D is involved, V can be of help.
I’m going through those links now that I’m home and will be back in a moment

Edit: There area few words that are out of place in this blog. Like they could be typos but it doesn’t seem likely.
I’m gonna make a note of words that dont seem to fit inside the posts they were made in.


Well it does say in one of the posts that he “wrote a plan that would allow him to escape this reality”. Given the bleeding over that seems to have happened with KR just up and disapearing when he attacked DG and traveler’s comments degrading and disapearing, Maybe he was half successful in doing that, maybe his mind made the journey but his body didn’t and since that was the case, he would always be “traveling” in the space between realities. This is just me stretching things though

EDIT: I just had a look at the paper scraps after reading the blog by brandons parents, and the handwiting in brandons artwork looks really similar to the handwitten comments on the paper scraps. it could be just artistic but i wanted to make note of it. Ill add pictures comparing them soon

EDIT 2: The comparison


Theres some words removed here and some weird spaces also some strange ghost text

Skully and i Think theres something to the hidden subway line (that linked to this) that brandon died just outside of. Weird thing he drowned in a few inches of water basically a puddle,

My tinfoil hat sense says brandon astral projected down there somehow and Drowned while afk from his body. The hidden subway line was supposedly part of his plan or maybe just his ritual. Maybe it just requires something hidden or maybe it requires this place in particular.


I put the newspaper image from the Lachmann’s beside the one from KR. There are a lot of differences to make note of. The biggest one is that there is a year difference in when Brandon’s body was reported found. The title of the article and the reporter’s name are different. The text itself is the same until the last paragraph where the “he” from KR was changed to “Brandon” in the family’s copy. The KR copy also drops the phrase “I know that.” from the parent’s statement.


I never would have thought to compare the two newspaper clippings. Brilliant!

Differences like this led to finding the first fragment.


In light of the comparison of the two newspaper clippings, the clue from the BoB could refer to use having to use prior techniques we used in the three previous fragments to progress with this clue, as well as looking at all the added information that was given throughout the three fragments that we haven’t used yet.

Just a thought.


V and I were thinking something similar. There’s just too many loose threads to be irrelevant