Not sure if this is the right place. A little help?

Hey there! Sorry I logged on late, and I don’t know if you can check your phone at work or whatever, but if you see this, it might be worth bringing up The Forest of Darkening Glass as well? Or Reader, although that might not mean anything to Sacha? I wish we knew her real name…


Okay so I only had a couple of minutes where I could really sit down with her.

Nothing seemed to be getting through, no matter what I said. She was getting a little agitated so I left her alone cause I didn’t want her to have to be alone again.

But I just checked in on her and she’s now writing “Lachmanns” plural.


Plural? So are we talking about something at the Lachmanns’ house? Because I’m pretty sure Brandon was an only child, so unless there was a secret sibling (or one from a different Book), that’s all that would make sense to me.


Yeah, that got me thinking. This might sound crazy, but she’s still saying sorry over and over, maybe she wants to say it to his parents, not him?


Volume one is still fresh in my mind and I’m wondering how the Devoted got Brandon’s backpack and all the game materials. Did Sacha steal them from Brandon’s parents? That would be enough to make you feel like hell, let alone everything else. Digging all of that stuff back up.


Brandon’s parents names are Susan and Jim. Maybe you can look them up. We’ve tried but we have this whacky Veil and all. Heck, they might even visit her.


I understand you will be more cautious but she’s in a very dangerous mental space, so consider having someone else supervise her for her own safety.

Writing that name in plural is weird but it does make me think of either a person in his family we don’t know of, like a sibling, or a place where something might be…

Just… Be careful and give her time. We’re definitely too hasty but we wish both of you our best.



Actually: Here’s an edit to the above. There was an email address for Susan on the very first iteration of the Forest of Darkened Glass but it was removed after the first of us tried to contact them. We were a bunch of crazy people with no information. But you have the wisdom of hindsight and can explain about Sacha.

I’ll pm you the email address to try. Just so we don’t get your post lost in the hundreds of others we would no doubt spawn if I put it here. :slight_smile:


That’s awesome, thank you.


Hey Jonah, hopin’ the weekend finds you (and your G-ma) well.

Any updates on Sacha, or that email?


I just got off the phone with Mrs. Lachmann. Jim, her husband, died a few years back, but she’s doing good. She seems to have a nice life. She said she’s writing a book about her son, and Sacha’s in it, about Brandon’s wild imagination and their friendship back when they were kids. Mrs. Lachmann’s in a wheelchair now, and lives alone, otherwise she said she would come see Sacha.

So, I’m going down to pick her up in the morning. I’m probably crazy.

I don’t know about magic and all that stuff, but I think this might be good for both of them. And that’s good enough for me. I’ll keep you posted.


Thank you for helping them, Jonah!


It’s good to hear that she’s holding up after everything that’s happened. It’s great of you to go help her out like that, hopefully speaking with Sacha will help her in some way.


Thanks for helping. If nothing else, next of kin should be meaningful. Let us know how it goes so we’re not worried… :upside_down_face:


Drive safely, Jonah - I hope this goes well for all three of you.


Yup. But I think no more than any of us here. You’re in good company.


It was pretty emotional, for both of them. Hell, me too.

I brought her into the common room where Sacha was, and they both started crying. Sacha couldn’t look at Mrs. Lachmann, and she just kept saying sorry. Then Mrs. Lachmann put her arms around her and said that she forgave her, and then it stopped. It was like a peace washed over Sacha. Mrs. Lachmann brought some pages from the book she was writing about Brandon and Sacha to read to her, and Sacha recognized the bookmark Mrs. Lachmann was using, this green leather bookmark. It turns out it was Brandon’s.

I told Mrs. Lachmann to just let someone know when she was ready for me to come and get her, and gave them some privacy. When I left, Mrs. Lachmann was holding Sacha’s hands and telling her that she still talks to Brandon, still feels him sometimes, watching over her from a world he imagined.

When she’s ready, I’ll take her home. She didn’t talk much on the way up. She seemed nervous. But seeing Sacha, them seeing each other, seemed to put them both at ease.

I’m glad I did it. Regardless of the books and whatever happened between them, lots of patients could use this kind of human contact and care. Thanks for helping me make it happen for Sacha.


Oh I’m so glad to hear that this was good for both of them. Hopefully this meeting will help to improve Sacha’s condition. Thank you for keeping us so well updated Jonah.


No one remembered the books but her. Alistair’s eyes drifted open.



I’m stoked that peace/fulfillment was found for Sacha and Mrs. Lachmann. How is Sacha fairing now? Any further improvements? (If you’re willing to share that is )