Brandon Lachmann: The Fourth Fragment: General

That’s a brilliant find to notice the articles are different! Interesting, so if the articles are different…maybe the backwords ‘nonsenese’ words on the flip side are different too? Maybe these we can actually get a meaning out of now?

Edit: Here are all the changes I see.

Date: 2/7/87 → 2/7/86

Byline: “By Martin Rank” → “”

Headline: “Body of missing” → “missing manhattan”

KR Paragraph 2, line 2: “say” → “admit”

KR Paragraph 2, line 6: “he” → “Brandon”

KR paragraph 2, line 9: “” → “just”

KR paragraph 2, line 13 “” → “and distracted”

KR paragraph 2, line 14 “” → “I know that.”

Addendum 1: Edit 2:

Susan pretty clearly states "Things changed in the Spring of ’86. The first thing we noticed were his grades. Then we started getting calls from the school that he was skipping. "

That gives us a timeline…which totally contradicts the news article she posted on the very same page which says he was dead BEFORE the Spring of '86.

Oddly enough KR’s version matchs her timeline better than the one she posted.


Good catches.
It’s almost like she’s telling a timeline of one continum while posting the article from a different?


Well here’s one difference we can use as an anchor point I think.

Both articles claim to be on Friday, Feb 7th. One in 1986, one in 1987.

Only Feb, 7th 1986 was a Friday using the calendar of ‘our world’. Feb 7th, 1987 was a Saturday.

Going by that the SL version is the one that describes what happens in ‘our world’. KR’s would be the version for the other world. That makes sense because KR’s other backgrounds were from the other world as well.

The big question is what you mention @Skullvine. Why is what she is saying different?

We’ve established that seeing the ‘other world’ runs in families. Sullivan probably could, and now Deirdre can. Maybe Brandon’s mother can also? We’ll have to watch her.


We should also be aware that this blog will most likely disappear on October 29th. Susan Lachman said:

“This year, on the 29th of October, the last time he left home, we will put the ghosts of our past to rest while forever keeping Brandon alive in our hearts.”

And since it seems we’re on another ticking clock, this leads me to believe that all this info will be gone by then. And as we’ve already learned on several occasions, things have a tendency to disappear.

So, you know, no pressure or anything.


Susan does keep bringing up the ‘forest of glass’ as she speaks. It could be she is using it as a literary device, but when she mentions it directly it seems more like a physical thing for her. She hints at things but it seems like she had a very hard time after her son left. Hard enough she sought out professional therapy and knitted together a very strong support network. This is all conjecture on my part, but I think she may have actually seen the forest and sought help for what she believed were delusions. I think it would be highly possible Brandon inherited his vision from her. And so it’s very possible she remembers the correct timeline of events.

If we ever get into contact with her, maybe someone should ask about the conflicting dates.


It appears that Susan Lachman’s article is now the same as KR’s. I have no idea what this means. Is her reality aligning with his? Thank goodness @deedust caught a screengrab of SL’s original article.


Asking her about the dates then might be pointless. We looked for a series called the Unbound Adventures, but looking back on the text, Susan doesn’t seem entirely sure that’s the title of the works. I’m not finding anything close to that name yet though. Also didn’t find anything about the reporter.


My money says the time line anomalies are on a clock. The time lines seek to remove anomalies. We should post and get doubles of everything from now on.


Well I don’t know what to think anymore with the article changing to the KR version. At least now she’s internally consistent, I suppose.

I will say I don’t believe October 29th is the end of this site. I don’t think ‘putting the ghosts to rest’ means shutting down the site. People say things like that when they build a proper memorial to someone or something.

I think she’s going to put up a memorial to her son on the site on that date which will probably start to give us what we need. A proper memorial to her son would be to create a world based on his notes and art. Maybe her mother found a way to replicate his plan to leave this world and is going to bring something from there here, maybe that’s why she’s seeing KR’s world now.

Of course, I’ve been wrong before. :slight_smile:


I don’t know if this is just my computer, or if it has been stated elsewhere, but have you guys seen the hyperlinked words on Forest of Darkening Glass? The links take you to a webpage that all it says is “Are you Devoted?”.

Haven’t looked into it much more than that as I am at work, but I plan to soon. Let me know if you guys are also seeing this.


Those words weren’t links before.
I’m saving the pages as they are right now.
So who might be doing this? An old friend or a new one? The book, maybe?



Are you devoted. October 29, 1986. The day Brandon vanished.

I think Brandons mom has plans.


That’s super creepy. Some of those words were different links before (grief linked to the wikipedia page for grief), but now they’re all the same thing.


Next steps I plan on taking:

I want to look at any potential pattern with the linked words. Location of linked words, words that are hyperlinked, etc. It could potentially lead to nothing, but nothing should be left unchecked at this point and time. And this way you guys know what I am working on and we don’t have everyone going down the same rabbit hole.


I’d say this is the confirmed fourth fragment so I’m going to change the topic title and shuffle it into fragments.


There are hundreds of words that are now links. It appears that they all seem to go the the “Are you devoted?” page, but after the needle-in-a-haystack that was KR’s videos, I would not be surprised if one of the words links to something else.


That is something I plan on checking for when I look into this further. It will be tedious, monotonous work, but if it can help us or even cross some things off the list, it will be more than worth it.


I can help you out with checling the links.


I just used the Tab hotkey to cycle through every link on the four main pages, none of them appear to be different… yet. But they could change again.


Interesting Glad i made a copy of every single page of that site this morning before things changed will upload tonight. I just regret not saving the source code too.

Edit1: Im not a computer expert but i went over the source code in detail this morning though and these new links didnt exist but there was another oddity every image was labeled placeholder. I think the pics might change again soon.

Edit 2: I just looked over this new version of the page. It is only specific words that became hyperlinks but they are always hyperlinks. I think theres a message in there. I cant quite discern the pattern but i think it has something to do with word frequency.