Brandon Lachmann: The Fourth Fragment: General

If you really feel up to it @CRSumner, then go on ahead. But its not like we’ll hate you for taking a day to prepare. We don’t have a lot of time, but we have enough for that, at least. Whatever you decide to do, just make sure you are okay.


@CRSumner, we can help and be there with you “in spirit” if you want. @Itsuki or @Bash can give you temporary access to the Basecamp33 Facebook page so you can do a live feed and we can walk you through, and help you out. Send me a private message.


@CRSumner has agreed to use the BC33 Facebook Page to broadcast his trip to the Park live. He said he should be able to make it there by 8:30pm EST. If you’re available, please join the feed. He has no idea what he’s looking for and the more eyes we have the better. With our help and a little luck, Sumner will find the disc and we’ll be able to catch up to The Devoted.


[Link to BC33 Facebook main page] (Redirecting...) just so we gave it with this discussion. Though I’m sure there will be a directly link to the live feed when it happens.


thanks @YankeeWhite. just saw itsuki never set up a clean link so I just did. you can use this-

takes you to same place but i heart clean links.


Sadly it seems I won’t be able to join you all, so, I wish you all luck in the coming hours. Take lots of pictures for the folks at home!


47 posts were split to a new topic: Lachmann: Fourth Fragment: Second Trial

This general topic is overlong so I’m moving everything from last night on into a new “Second Trial” topic.