Brandon Lachmann: The Fourth Fragment: General

“We will share the materials only if you find the disc.”

The Devoted said we’d need people in NYC. @Dustin, @H3RM3S, care to check out Triplets Bridge? Any other lurkers in NYC?

I don’t think they’re going to let us move forward until we “find the disc.”


Great work everyone! Sorry I wasn’t able to help to much this time around, as I typically try to do. Today has been a busy day and kinda still is! I will say, that with the new countdown being posted, its going to end on Oct. 25th. Did anything happen that day? They said they needed us in the city on the 29th, not the 25th, as far as I can remember. I’m not caught up right now, so hopefully this hasn’t been already discussed!


I’m worried that we have even less time than we did on the last countdown. Should I have Eaves send out an update email to see if anyone not in the forum can go investigate the bridge ASAP?


I feel like it doesn’t hurt at this point


I suppose. If we are going to require physical proximity then most of us can’t we might as well ask about.

Seems like a giant anticlimax to get this far just have to ask someone else to do work for us though.


Posted a request on unforums. Good community over there, hopefully someone can help.

Also asked in a G+ hangout with ARG/puzzle people that I’m part of, see if they can help.


You guys on the forum are the amazing, dedicated few who are in the trenches solving these fragments and we couldn’t do any of this without you. I don’t mean to take this out of your hands, and I’m sorry if it seemed that way, we just need more help, specifically help in NYC. For every one recruit in the forum, we have five watching this all unfold. We need one of them to step up now. If I didn’t have a moral compass I’d drag CRSumner into this if it meant catching up to the Devoted.

Let’s not lose focus, or hope. We’re a great team. And this is only possible because of all your hard work.


In G+ hangout I have someone, Daniel, who can look possibly tomorrow night. He’s very glad to help, just asking for as many details as possible about the disc.

I also suggest asking maybe Reddit r/ARG or r/GameDetectives. That’s a wider community, I feel comfortable asking who I have so far, but anyone feel free ask if you think it would help.


If it ends up we are at a loss in the next couple of days, and we all do think that we need to drag CRSumner into this (no matter how much I really don’t want to), I can message him. It goes against a lot that I feel, but I really think this all might be beyond us, CRSumner, and even the Devoted. I suppose its a matter of what matters more: Figuring out the story of a “dead” boy from the 1980’s and opening the book or a strangers extreme discomfort or even emotional/mental strain in helping us do this. Do we sacrifice one for a possible many? CRSumner seems like a kind person, whose gotten caught in the middle of this whole thing. I don’t want to get all philosophical, so let’s hope we don’t have to make that decision.

I guess we await a knight in shining armor, or stranger with a heart that is good, to find that disk (or is it disc? I can never tell) for us. Whoever it is, let’s make sure they get a proper thanks.


Posting the photo of the bridge and the map Eaves sent, mostly for archive purposes.


Hey everyone, I’m the Daniel Yankee was talking about. I know very little about this, but I do plan on helping how I can. I will hopefully be heading out there tomorrow evening, I’ll keep Yankee posted through Hangouts.


Welcome Daniel, and thanks so much for the help. This has all been really crazy and tiring for all of us, so any help is good help, especially now!


I second the welcome, Daniel. So glad to have your help!

And I have to say to everyone here, you’ve all been doing such a fantastic job. I’ve been here pretty much since the beginning and I can honestly say that there is no way we’d be as far along as we are if not for all of you. Even when I’m lost and not understanding just, exactly, what is happening I’m still having a blast watching you figure all of this out. I mean, wow, you guys. just, wow! This fragment makes the Fraylily look like a sodoku puzzle with only one number missing and you guys have been KILLING it!

This is totally a selfish thing to say, but thanks. I’m really looking forward to opening the Book of Briars and there is absolutely no way I can open it by myself. I’m incredibly grateful that you all are putting so much effort into this. I’m also incredibly grateful that you all are so much smarter than I am. How you’re able to figure out some of these things I’ll never know. But it sure is so much fun to experience this with you.

Daniel, if you can get out to the bridge tomorrow, try to “live blog” it for us here on the forums if you can. If we can’t be there with you physically we want to be with you in spirit!


This might be a lot to do, but Daniel, you could also use some kind of streaming application. Whichever one suits you. It would be pretty neat

Edit: I’m pretty sure youtube mobile has a way you can stream really easily, if you wanted to do that!


@TheBellsAreRinging @BastardJas, if you use Youtube live I think we can even embed in a forum post. Will confirm with @Bash.


I can’t do YouTube from my phone-in maybe a live hangouts call instead?

Unfortunately, something came up and I can’t go tonight. I’m going to be free this weekend, so I should still be able to go tomorrow or Saturday. However, if there are any other New Yorkers here, I encourage you to beat me there, as I’m aware there’s a bit of a time crunch here, and I regret that my personal situation has created this delay.


Okay. @Dustin? @H3RM3S? Anyone have a friend in New York? We’re running out of time.


I don’t get off work until 8 but I’ll go. I’ll do it.


Are you sure? You don’t have to. I mean, you’ve already done a lot for us.


This would be amazing. But please only do it if you feel you can. As @TheBellsAreRinging says - you have done so much for us already.