Brandon Lachmann: The Fourth Fragment: General

Did we get an email? It’s past 3.33pm EST.


Sorry I’m late you guys. I got a response. Looks like the fourth element was air.
Here’s what they said to me:

"We The Devoted are close to reaching the end of Brandon’s first trial. You are not far behind us. We will give you what we can so that you can meet us on The Timeline. The more of us who walk the path, the better chance we have of unlocking whatever door is waiting for us at the end.

We now have reason to believe that there are clues Brandon left for us beyond these documents.

Clues he left behind in the city.

Clues that may still be there.

To follow The Timeline you will have to find one or more in your faction who can reach the city and search for what he’s left behind. We also believe it vital to be in the city on The Day. October The 29th, 2016.

What happens next, we don’t know. Our factions are bound in these trials, but we will carry on without you if we must.

His game is working. We must remain diligent and clever.

He is with us."

I don’t live in New York, who here does?
Edit: They seem to have gotten much kinder and easier to work with. Maybe they were able to see our complaints? Either way, I’m glad they aren’t being total a holes.


I did the same @Leigha - but use .m4a as on a Mac - they play and they’re the same as before. I think it’s like @Robert said - they’ve just reordered stuff and taken away the things we’ve already solved.


Hey @YankeeWhite they send you anything? Or is it the same as mine?


We’ve already analyzed that code, its not totally new.
What it means is this:
Move the first list to the left 7 times
Move the second list to the right 6 times
Move the last list to the left once
Move the first list to the left 4 times
Move the second list to the right 3 times
Move the last list to the right 2 times
Move the first list to the right 5 times
Move the second list to the left 4 times.
Move the last list to the right 5 times.

TP is top
CER is center
BT is bottom
E is east
W is west
The numbers are how many times you move the list.

Edit: Theres a new document that is making me think this is off, but at least what each part of the code means is definitely right.


Also, guess what you guys… They used what I wrote as the fourth element! :D

My original text was “…taken her to the quiet field. Melantha thought it was beautiful, as the crisp autumn wind swirled around her red hair. Her lover pulled out a small box, which held a necklace with a single charm. He said to her “Take this, and when you feel the cold silver lying against your pale skin, may you always think of me”, and then planted a soft kiss on her cheek. Melantha grabbed the box, and went in for a hug, so that she may feel him next to her just one last time. However, as she did this, her lover began to disintegrate. Melantha shed tears as her lover was swept away, into the breeze. Eventually, the kind man was gone, and Melantha was left…”

New version I suppose is this

(Also sorry for the multiple posts ^^; I just can’t control myself it seems!)


They’re definitely watching what we’re doing. Their last message said that others were watching too.


They must be, because the only things that were sent were my little paragraph, and Yankee’s character sheet stuff. How else would they know that we didn’t need all the tiles there anymore? It’s not like we solved it yet.


They’re still there, just in one file now:

And a new sound file:


Same. Feels good to make progress. Too bad I’m way far away from NYC.


That progress was at least partly thanks to you! I would go but I am far away too. South eastern US here ^^:


As far as the New York thing, I wonder if we could get in touch with CRSumner and ask if he lives in the area? Or maybe try to ask someone on Unfiction if they live in the area? I would totally road trip it, but I live 19 hours away and I’m not sure I’m ready for that kind of undertaking. :weary:


Over tumblr or here? I am pretty sure CRSumner has a thing on here. Yep, @CRSumner though I’m not sure if he even looks at this page since the fraylily/obenhedge fragment situation.


I was thinking Tumblr. I’m not sure if he’s lurking here or not, since that last fragment was pretty stressful for him. :sweat:


Well, I’ll go ahead ask him about it on tumblr (thankfully I already have one :D) lol please don’t look at it in case he responds, its girly as ■■■■
The last activity there was 8 days ago, so maybe we’ll get a response!


Life has been a little hectic for me the past week, but it is awesome to come back here every night or two and see all the amazing work you all are doing. Life should be calming down for me starting now, so hopefully I can be of a little more use as we wrap all this beacon work up. Again, awesome work everyone! We are clearly showing The Devoted us Mountaineers are a force to reckoned with :grinning:


Do you by chance live in NY? And are you free October 29th? That would definitely be a big help ^^;


Haha, sorry @TheBellsAreRinging, I saw the most recent e-mail from The Devoted. Unfortunately I am not. I am quite a ways from New York (I live in Canada. British Columbia to be a little more exact).


snaps fingers Oh man!


@Dustin, are you around in the coming weeks, especially the 29th?