Brandon Lachmann: The Fourth Fragment: General

Thanks, yeah, just changed it, I’m planning on deleting this account in the next couple of days anyways.


They just replied back.

We have tried this so many times before.

Tried and failed.

Tried and been disappointed.

Tried and been betrayed.

We believe what you believe and more.

And we are not the only factions.

Others are watching.

Others may be trying to reach him first.

The first beacon has been activated.

So help is delivered.

Now help us light the final three.

We still need you to deliver the fourth element and the fifth entity.

The schedule is vital.

The Timeline must be kept.

We know this is hard.

We know how this feels.

We have been you before.

The Devoted - 102986


Well congratulations to everyone for lighting the first beacon. Seems as though they confirmed it. Lets keep crushing it and see if we can keep to their schedule. There are some really interesting lines in that e-mail though. “We are not the only factions” and “We have been you before.” are just a couple that really stick out to me.


Huh. Not what I expected from them, but interesting nonetheless. I don’t see the help they mention on the site yet, but it’s probably around somewhere. Going to be mostly away for several hours. Don’t solve it all without me!

Well if you do solve it without me, at least save me a piece of cake or something.


Hey recruits, I just sent out the weekly update and when I linked to the files the Devoted uploaded I saw new files that were put up today… Is that the reward you guys are looking for?


There are five of them and the dates are for today.


thank you for pointing it out @Eaves!


Hey, just glad I’m not 100% useless.


Guys, is Fleagreen the fifth being? He’s the only one we didn’t have a character sheet for. Or maybe we’re looking for some other type of being, a creature?


Thanks to @Tom for deciphering the newspaper article message, we have two new files!

Edit: I have found that this probably has something to do with the combination of tiles. One row is all the tiles representing places, the next is ones representing emotions, the last is ones representing things. We need one place, one emotion, and one thing.


I didn’t see a topic for the characters that inhabit Junktown: Bonavarde, Lady Barleywade, Professor Green & Rattican Clan. Putting this idea here.
The 4 characters (or entities) have their own biosheet and drawing. We also have biosheet for the Junk Troll and a blank page for Fleagreen.
What I’m getting at is the latest email stated:

We still need you to create the fourth element and the fifth entity.

Maybe we need to either draw the Junk Troll or create a profile and draw a picture for Fleagreen (or both!) and email them out.


I say go for it and send it to The Devoted - it can’t hurt to try. :slight_smile:


You’re absolutely right. I did think the word create there was odd. Good idea!


Omg, there is so much going on around here. o-o I feel so behind, but I’m going to try my best to catch up on all this.


We missed you, @Revenir! :anguished:


Happy to be back! Life’s been a bit hectic for me, but now I’m ready to take on this next fragment for reals. :grin:


I hate that we are so close, yet so far away, in figuring out the second beacon.


Ok, here’s what I emailed for Fleagreen as a possible 5th entity.

Fleagreen and his twin brother called Shardtower their original home. Flea was cast out after the first grade test, soon calling Junktown home. The small circus hired him to be a clown. Seeing smiling faces was a welcome change to all the downturned faces of the hard working citizens. He climbed the circus ranks and was soon in charge and changed the name to Fleagreen’s Circus. He even found an old top hat to make him look like an official ringmaster.He never expected his twin brother, Professor Green to get a job at the filtration plant. The two were no sooner reunited when they knew what to do. Provide food, water and shelter for the new arrivals, the outcast children.

Then I sent a second email with my (poorly drawn) picture for Junk Troll, incase he was the 5th.


Brilliant, @YankeeWhite. Great job.


Your picture of Fleagreen is adorable, I love it haha
Great work ^-^ If you are right, then all we have left is the beacons! Then, whatever else the devoted makes us do >~<