Brandon Lachmann: The Fourth Fragment: General

Posting the photo of the bridge and the map Eaves sent, mostly for archive purposes.


Hey everyone, I’m the Daniel Yankee was talking about. I know very little about this, but I do plan on helping how I can. I will hopefully be heading out there tomorrow evening, I’ll keep Yankee posted through Hangouts.


Welcome Daniel, and thanks so much for the help. This has all been really crazy and tiring for all of us, so any help is good help, especially now!


I second the welcome, Daniel. So glad to have your help!

And I have to say to everyone here, you’ve all been doing such a fantastic job. I’ve been here pretty much since the beginning and I can honestly say that there is no way we’d be as far along as we are if not for all of you. Even when I’m lost and not understanding just, exactly, what is happening I’m still having a blast watching you figure all of this out. I mean, wow, you guys. just, wow! This fragment makes the Fraylily look like a sodoku puzzle with only one number missing and you guys have been KILLING it!

This is totally a selfish thing to say, but thanks. I’m really looking forward to opening the Book of Briars and there is absolutely no way I can open it by myself. I’m incredibly grateful that you all are putting so much effort into this. I’m also incredibly grateful that you all are so much smarter than I am. How you’re able to figure out some of these things I’ll never know. But it sure is so much fun to experience this with you.

Daniel, if you can get out to the bridge tomorrow, try to “live blog” it for us here on the forums if you can. If we can’t be there with you physically we want to be with you in spirit!


This might be a lot to do, but Daniel, you could also use some kind of streaming application. Whichever one suits you. It would be pretty neat

Edit: I’m pretty sure youtube mobile has a way you can stream really easily, if you wanted to do that!


@TheBellsAreRinging @BastardJas, if you use Youtube live I think we can even embed in a forum post. Will confirm with @Bash.


I can’t do YouTube from my phone-in maybe a live hangouts call instead?

Unfortunately, something came up and I can’t go tonight. I’m going to be free this weekend, so I should still be able to go tomorrow or Saturday. However, if there are any other New Yorkers here, I encourage you to beat me there, as I’m aware there’s a bit of a time crunch here, and I regret that my personal situation has created this delay.


Okay. @Dustin? @H3RM3S? Anyone have a friend in New York? We’re running out of time.


I don’t get off work until 8 but I’ll go. I’ll do it.


Are you sure? You don’t have to. I mean, you’ve already done a lot for us.


This would be amazing. But please only do it if you feel you can. As @TheBellsAreRinging says - you have done so much for us already.


If you really feel up to it @CRSumner, then go on ahead. But its not like we’ll hate you for taking a day to prepare. We don’t have a lot of time, but we have enough for that, at least. Whatever you decide to do, just make sure you are okay.


@CRSumner, we can help and be there with you “in spirit” if you want. @Itsuki or @Bash can give you temporary access to the Basecamp33 Facebook page so you can do a live feed and we can walk you through, and help you out. Send me a private message.


@CRSumner has agreed to use the BC33 Facebook Page to broadcast his trip to the Park live. He said he should be able to make it there by 8:30pm EST. If you’re available, please join the feed. He has no idea what he’s looking for and the more eyes we have the better. With our help and a little luck, Sumner will find the disc and we’ll be able to catch up to The Devoted.


[Link to BC33 Facebook main page] (Redirecting...) just so we gave it with this discussion. Though I’m sure there will be a directly link to the live feed when it happens.


thanks @YankeeWhite. just saw itsuki never set up a clean link so I just did. you can use this-

takes you to same place but i heart clean links.


Sadly it seems I won’t be able to join you all, so, I wish you all luck in the coming hours. Take lots of pictures for the folks at home!


47 posts were split to a new topic: Lachmann: Fourth Fragment: Second Trial

This general topic is overlong so I’m moving everything from last night on into a new “Second Trial” topic.