Book Shop News

Wheel of the Year candle news!

This is the last week to grab your Imbolc candles or melts before they’re retired to make way for Beltane next Monday!

Beltane goes on sale Monday morning (2021-04-12T15:00:00Z) and the first shipment will go out priority on Friday the 16th (2021-04-17T00:00:00Z) to ensure it makes it to you in time for May 1st!

Here’s a sneak peek of Beltane’s scent profile?

Top: Green Floral, Green Leaves, Ozone
Middle: Fig, Jasmine
Base: Light Musk, Wood, Moss

:candle: :cjheart: :candle:

Also, if you didn’t know, I’ve lowered candle shipping rates, making them a flat rate by country, and also the cost goes down the more candles you pick up in one purchase.


I just used up the last of my scented candles so… :eyes:


It’s almost like… I knew. :cjtea:


Just put the new wick in my Martin candle and it’s now burning fabulously, thank you so much!


Hey all! The second Wheel of the Year candle is now live in the shop and the first batch will be going out this week! I also have a handful of Imbolc candles left if you want to save on shipping by buying more than one candle!

Beltane is the perfect mix of spring and summer. When you take the lid, the scent is immediately fresh, green, and sweetened with juicy, figgy notes. When lit, it also gives off a warming, earthy undertone that smells like sun-warmed earth. I’ve been burning it in my office all week and everyone in my house loves it!

Theme: Summer Born in Spring

Head: Geranium, Spring Leaves, Ozone
Heart: Fig, Jasmine, Saffron
Soil: Light Musk, Wood, Moss

“Spring gives way to summer spirits, bonfire, bloom, and birth.
Painted petals, ripened fruit, the glory of the earth.”




Oh I had totally meant last week to ask if there’d be an overlap where both were available and then it slipped my mind :joy: that’s perfect!


Sorry if this has already been mentioned, but is there a planned date when BoB physical copies are expected to be sent out? No rush, I’m just curious.


I’m just waiting on the final proof copy to be printed and sent to me from my printer so I can check it myself before I fulfill all the orders.


Three big shop updates for Friday!


I got the labels back from the local printer just in time, and the first batch of Beltane candles are going out today to ensure they arrive in time for the summer festivities!

The Book of Briars:

The hardcovers of The Book of Briars have been a fun challenge. I format the manuscripts and covers myself, and this is the first time working with hardcovers, case laminate books, AND dust jackets! The final proof has been accepted, and I should have a proof copy in my hands in the next 7-10 days!

You may not know this, but I designed the original Book of Briars site cover myself using about a thousand different elements, including cloth textures, borders, grit brushes, grunge, and even editing photos of antique doors to make the locks (I vaguely remember making my own screw heads in photoshop to match the lock bevels :roll_eyes:)

I wanted to recreate that original design for the case laminate cover under the dust jacket and basically had to rebuild it from scratch (the original cover was pretty low-res and the dimensions WAY wider than the finished book, so I couldn’t just re-use it) and make sure it worked with the back, spine, and sides of a real-life three-dimensional cover. It took blood, sweat, and tears, but here’s the final unwrapped image!

I left just enough dirt from its journey from 1998 to your bookshelf!

The Book of Briars again!

For those of you asking about paperback versions of The Book of Briars…

Here you go! The proof for the paperback cover came back looking great, and it’s officially ready for order and shipping!

It will also be available on Amazon in a week or so, but when you buy physical books from the Ackerly Green, you get a digitally signed copy with a personalized message from someone cool (kidding, it’s from me.)



Candles arrived today! I didn’t light either yet, but they smelled amazing in the jar!!


Got mine too, they all smell great although my Martin one doesn’t have a label on it so that’s interesting. I’m off to light my Magic one right now as it smells the best.


What?! Is the label in the box? The labels are always on days or weeks before they ship, so that’s really strange! I’m happy to send another label!


I was pretty surprised too, then I thought it was pretty funny that the other candles had labels and there were stickers in the box but that one wasn’t labeled. No label in the box either, that would be appreciated, thanks.


You know, I did get a little heat-gun-happy when I was polishing the tops of some of the candles. I wonder if I melted it clean off. I’m so sorry. I’ve already put the replacement label in the mail with a couple of surprises for your trouble. :cjheart:


Lol you’re good, thanks.


First lighting of my new candles. For any floral-averse readers: I love both of these. They are wonderful, complex fragrances, and the floral notes are balanced, not overwhelming. :purple_heart:

EDITED TO ADD: OMG! The lit candle scent is absolutely perfect for Deirdre!


I’m normally not a floral candle fan but I’ve been rotating these two in the office for the past month. I’ve noticed with more complex floral/green scents, they really shine when lit, their richer notes getting a chance to shine. I probably wouldn’t have given these a chance if I’d smelled them unlit in a shop, but I’m kind of in love now.


I have to get ALL of the candles that come out because I take an inordinate amount of joy out of lighting the candle for the correct narrator when I’m reading.


I was definitely debating lighting one today but I had been leaning towards the Beltane one and it’s not Beltane yet so it didn’t feel right :joy:


All fixed up and burning away, thanks for sending the label and goodies.