Book Shop News

Hi everyone!
We thought it might be a good and helpful idea to have an evergreen topic where we could quickly update you all about new items, items being retired, and discount/price updates in the book shop!


To kick the topic off, we have a couple of big updates!



Now that we’ve finally settled in here in Portland and unpacked everything from the NYC office–

The Briar Society 2020 Chapter Pin is back in stock!

And to celebrate, it’s on sale this week for $16.50 (it’s a big boy)!
Members of The Briar Society can pick up a pin (or several) at the discounted member price of $9.



The latest batch of AG ALchemy Magiq candles have been poured and cured and are going to ship out today!
If you’re interested in either the melts or one of the two jarred candles, check them out today so you can have yours included in this shipment!



We’ve done a lot of work on the backend so that now when you buy an ebook from us, not only will you still receive a helpful email (and support) from our digital distributor Bookfunnel, the links to those books will now be available in the Downloads tab of your account page on the main site!

AND-- we’ve also gone back and updated EVERY SINGLE PAST ORDER since 2017 so that anyone who’s bought an ebook from us should also see them in the Downloads tabs. (If you don’t, please let us know and we’ll look into it.)


Since today was the official launch day for the new AG Alchemy: Chapters candles, I want to make sure they’re added here!

Plus, for today ONLY (12/1), you can get 15% off any of the new candles with the code CHAPTERS15!!

Plus, if you haven’t shopped any of our #Briarbroke2020 merch yet, you can browse it here in the Small Business Saturday category on our website!

We’ve got a bunch of new limited edition tees featuring designs from The Guide to Magiq, I Am the Cagliostro, the original Monarch Papers artwork, and an expanded, more easily searchable guild catalog with new guild badge tees and comfy sweatshirts!


Just an FYI, if you want candles or melts in time for Christmas, tomorrow is the last day to order them. I’ll pour a new batch over the weekend and ship them out midweek once they cure!

If you bought a new Chapter candle or melt, I’m dropping them off at the post office in an hour!


Just got my Alistair and Ben candle. The postal service wasn’t very kind to the box but everything is intact. I love the AG Alchemy sticker on the outside. The holographic sticker is pretty wild to look at, and almost gives me a headache.


I also just realized it has a wood wick, which makes it ten times better! I didn’t know when I bought it but wood wick candles are my favorite.


Haaaaa yeah, we should probably mention that in the description. I hope you like the scent! (Be sure to let the wax melt across the entire candle the first time so that you get the most out of your candle.) :cjheart:


Yeah I saw that note on the back of the card. I’ve never thought about that with my other candles but it’s a great tip and I’ll be sure to do that in the future. The jar is still very cold so I’ll wait a little while before I light it.


I have to say, that packaging was great. I could tell mine was banged up—Alistair & Ben too—but it survived just fine.


These boxes are pricey but they really keep the candles safe. Unfortunately, I used the last of my stock on this shipment and they’re now backordered until February.

Luckily, I have the original packaging we used for Magiq, small box + tons of crinkle paper, which is just as protective but not as cool. If any of your actual candles were damaged beyond burning by the post office, please let me know and I’ll conjure you up a replacement.


I’m especially proud of the Chapter line of candles because, aside from the absolutely beautiful “chapter header” images illustrated by my dear friend Sunny, these are completely “author-crafted.” The label design, the scent profile, the pouring, assembly, packing, and shipping.

They feel just as personal as the knowledge that some of you own the physical books I’ve written, more so in some ways, because I don’t really “touch” the books myself, outside of the writing and formatting. But these candles were in my hands every step of the way.

From me to one of my amazing readers. I think it’s so cool. :cjsmile:

As time allows, I want to do more things like this. The one-on-one connection thing.


I definitely like the Alistair and Ben candle, I do think I would like a fully-scented version more than the half-scented one I got. I have an almost constant stuffy nose, so even with the candle right next to me on my desk I can’t really smell anything other than the candle smoke. It’s an issue with me rather than the candle, but now I know when I inevitably order another one later on I should get the fully-scented version.


I may tweak the “half” part of “half-scented” and if you find that this percentage is too low, let me know. Again, happy to replace it as I continue to hone in on the “master recipe” for these candles.

For the full scent candle, I currently use 9% fragrance and 4.5% for the half, but I feel like somewhere closer to 6% might be better because it’s notably less intense but still fills the room.


I think that might be better. When the candle is lit I only occasionally get a very light scent from it, so it doesn’t feel like I’m really getting the intended effect from it. Maybe it’s just me, and others could have different opinions once they get theirs. I can smell it easily if I hold up the jar when the wax is hardened, but for some reason it doesn’t seem like it’s releasing much scent when it’s burning.


I got my Alistair & Ben candle last night, and I have to say it’s my favorite so far! My packaging was pristine when it arrived, as was the candle. The instruction card is a really neat, helpful addition!

Just out of curiosity, I’m seeing a lot of “Alistair & Ben”'s in the comments - which was the most popular out of the three Chapter candles?


Alistair & Ben was the most popular by a country mile. :slight_smile: second was Martin, followed by Deirdre.

That’s probably the order I would’ve chosen them as a customer, just based on my personal preferences and the scent profiles in the descriptions.


Yeah, 4.5% may just not be enough for “hot throw” of the fragrance. I’m going to pour a 6% candle and send it to you so I can get your thoughts.


Oh thank you! I’ll happily try it out and let you know.


I’ve had it burning in the kitchen for about an hour. Every now and then I can smell it briefly as I walk past, but as soon as I think about it it’s gone. It’s like it’s playing games with me.


Maybe it’s just the amount of Magiq CJ imbued the candle with. He put just a dash too much in that particular one, and now yours happens to be sentient and mischievous :joy: