Book Shop News

So, for international (non US and CA) Mounties, I’ve worked out some scaling flat rates for buying additional candles and would love your thoughts:

International Flat Rate Shipping for Candles:

1 Candle:
Flat Rate = $19

2 Candles:
Flat rate = $30

3 or 4 Candles:
Flat Rate = $40

Once we’re up in the 3-4 candle range, UPS becomes much more reasonable than USPS and I can afford to switch over, cut into the candle profit a little, but still come out on top because I’m selling 3-4 candles, and you’re saving almost $40 in shipping when compared to buying 4 candles individually!

I’ll also create scaling tables for US/CA if this seems like a good arrangement. Let me know!


Just for the sake of keeping everything together, linking the Enamel Bookmark announcement post here!

And for easy ordering:


Would it be possible to do a pre-order of all 4 Wheel of the Year Candles for delivery once the last one has released?


Let me think about how to manage that and I’ll get back with you… :cjheart:


In today’s shop news, I have about 30 amber candle jars left, and they are out of stock absolutely everywhere, including my secret little company I was buying from for months, until the spring. So there may be an unexpected AG Alchemy redesign for the secret candles I have planned for spring. :sweat_smile:

Also, I mentioned that our usual candle boxes are also out of stock so I’m using the test stock we bought way back when we started selling the Magiq candles. And I just saw that although we bought them through a 3rd party, they’re Uline boxes. :roll_eyes:

I have these Uline boxes and some very environmentally-unfriendly poly mailers that I also want to phase out, but just throwing them away seems even worse… so know that I have conscientious products from progressively aligned companies as well, but I’m going to get through the other stuff I currently have first. :purple_heart:


I think at this point it would be more wasteful to not use what you already have. You can always find something more ethical next time but if you have these items lying around anyway you might as well use them.


I agree with Sel, might as well use them since you already have them. There’s not much you can do if all the other options are MIA. I still appreciate that you make every effort possible to do the right thing.


So, I think what I’ll do is sell a four-candle “Wheel of the Year” gift set in December, where you can buy all four candles at once before the new year starts and save a ton on shipping? With a gift set I could also maybe knock a little more off shipping…


I just got my Imbolc melts, and the scent is really just incredible! I know they’re limited run, but I will definitely be buying again when they come in stock.

It’s clean and fresh, with just a hint of smokiness. I don’t detect anything powdery or floral. Maybe a touch of incense.


My Imbolc candle just got delivered back at home, so I’ll get it this weekend.


Slowly but steadily, AG Alchemy is taking over my desk…


My plan is almost complete…


This feels like the adipose episode of doctor who except the candles will come to life and magically clean my room and do the dishes while I sleep


I love that ep. Donna Noble is the best.


I think the bookmark is the most excited I’ve been for an AGP delivery, second to my TBS welcome package last year. And the fact that the TBS coin is with it makes it even better.


@Augustus_Octavian I’m glad you got it so quickly and enjoy it so much! @Sorrel, seeing all those candles makes me SO happy and humbled at the same time, and @BrokenVoid, knowing you’re legit excited to get something like the bookmark from AGP is just incredible. I LOVE creating these things for all of you. :cjheart:


The Imbloc smells amazing, it reminds me of walking through a Renaissance festival, that bite of cold in the air mixing with the smell of a good fire and hardy gentle smelling flowers. The bookmark is awesome and shiny so raccoon brain kicked in for a second when I saw it. I love the Briar coin, it’s super cool and has a nice weight to it.


OMG, I love it!

I feel like I’m getting better at developing these scents and I really love it when what I was hoping to convey comes through! Cold air, good fire, hardy flowers. It’s hard to convey cold or “winter” without using something evergreen like fir, but I found that birch has a sort of astringent, almost minty after smell that “feels” cool.

I have HUNDREDS of fragrance oil samplers and one of my favorite things is planning a new candle, pulling them all down off the shelf, and seeing what works for the candle I want to make.

I was thinking about doing a video about the candle making process sometime soon, and maybe I’ll do a video of developing a candle like Beltane which is coming up next (aside from some v. v. secret candles in the spring)!


Got my Imbolc candle and bookmark today. The candle really does smell like the border between winter and spring, it’s honestly mind blowing. The bookmark is beautiful and I love the way it shines as it catches the light!


I’m so glad you like them, and thanks for notes on Imbolc, I appreciate it!