An Assessment of Inspiration

For our first Campfire venture into the world of Ackerly Green’s Guide to MAGIQ I thought we could use a question, object, or name from the Guide’s assessment to inspire you to write or create something new about it.

You could explore a spell, location, name, anything from the Guide, and expand on it. Create something new based on something in the Guide that inspired you.


The question where I was asked to check my head for horns


Wait, are we suppose to create art based on whichever question, or just say it here? I was starting to work on something (even though I’m not very good at it ^^; ) but now I dunno!


Create, @TheBellsAreRinging!


I really want to do something on “The Final Gasping Ember”. That has stuck with me since I first was assessed by the Guide and placed in Balimora. Everything in me said to pick the other answer, but I felt drawn to that answer, and for me, it has become a huge focal point in my search for magic. I will see what I can come up with, and post here once it is done. I am excited for all of this :grin:


Ooohhh I really wanna do something like a short story based off the carrion horde/carrion imperius question and answer… I have so many good ideas for this I might just try and work up a rough draft tonight! :smiley: Though I’m a bit rusty in my writing skills…


Mine is gonna be something to do with “Seeds of Supposing”, been working on some dumb little drawings! Like I said, I’m not very good, so whenever I post what I made, I apologize! ^^;


This is great @OracleSage - why not write a story or something inspired by your answer? :slight_smile:


All this is great. I can’t wait to see what you all create. I made a quick change to the first comment in this thread to make things a bit clearer. (@Endri pointed out I was being a little vague.)


15 posts were split to a new topic: Inspired by The Guilds - General

I’m excited to see what you all come up with. Happy to help you (and @Itsuki.)


I took my turn at creating :grin:. It is a spoken word/poem and like I said above, it is on the “Element” question in the Guide Assessment. It focusses a little more heavily on my answer, “The Final Gasping Ember” but does touch on the question as a whole. If it is hard to read, let me know and I can make some edits and repost. A PDF version and a JPEG version are below.

Final.pdf (243.1 KB)


The source for the background picture is here.

Also, there is a hidden puzzle in this spoken word/poem. As I thought that would kind of fit the theme of everything going on. If anyone can figure it out, I will give you… “mad props”.Unfortunately, mad props are all I can do over a forum. But they will be the best mad props you have ever received. If anyone wants me to say what the puzzle/answer is, just let me know, and I can spill the beans.

On another note, I just want to say that everything you guys have been doing and posting on here has been so awesome! Between this page and the Familiars page, I am blown away by the skill and creativity in this group. And I know there are going to be a lot more awesome things posted in the coming days, so keep them coming.


What a sight to wake up to. I knew this group would be wonderfully creative. Poems, art work, playlists. It’s all fantastic. I can feel the magic in all of it. This is just proving my point perfectly. Magic is being created in the spaces between things. Our memories, the place where our creativity eminates from, that’s what magic is. Our memories transposed. I’m so sure I’m right on this.

Anyone written a short story yet?


That’s always how I read it too @Crytter. The common beats of our heart and the blood in our veins, a rhythm in unison.


@Itsuki I just finished mine up! It’s not really my best work, but I tried. It’s based off of the Carrion Horde/Carrion Imperius question and answer!


Great stuff. I’d love to find out where this goes, what’s next now the crown is on the character’s head :slight_smile: I love your style btw.


I think I am just going to spill the beans on the “puzzle” I placed in my poem. The Rhyme Scheme actually “converts” to binary, so if it ends with an -ain/-ane/-ame (I took some poetic license) it is a “1”. If it doesn’t fit any rhyme scheme (I believe I made it so none of the other lines rhyme), it is a “0”. If you convert the string you get into text, it actually spells out M-A-G-I-Q. Just a way to fit my “nerdy” side into something like this.


Haha I would’ve never gotten that! I was honestly trying to find something last night! That’s really cool Brendon! :slight_smile:


Oh very clever. I noticed that the “bunches” of rhymed lines didn’t seem consistent… but didn’t think of marking the rhyming vs not lines.


Hey everyone - just to keep @Endri happy (she likes a tidy forum) I’ve moved all the great things you created that are about or inspired by The Guilds to this new topic

Keep up the great work both on this thread on the subject of ‘a question that inspired you from the assessment’ or over there on that thread about The Guilds.
