4. The Search For Magiq: Peering Arts

I’m Umbranor, born of the moon.
We seem to be the ones who seek out the hows and whys of things, just because We Need To Know. We dive into books seeking answers, flicking through pages searching for the information we need or something that sends us tearing off into another book in order to gain the specific knowledge we want.

This fits me perfectly as a Dungeon Master, Rules Lawyer, and Wikipedia Delver.

I’ve picked up an esoteric blend of knowledge by seeking out the answers to random questions. Before Google and the likes I’d seek out the answers I needed from the family’s encyclopedia.


The Lunivox Catalyst of Creation seems potentially useful here. I have a feeling we’ll need something from all the Guilds, no matter what we decide to do. And since figuration has been broached, I had a thought…we’re in this weird in-between ages place right now, yeah? And we’re also basically inside a magimystic egg.

Might there be a way we can sort of nurture the new age along within our protective shell? Thinking in seed metaphors (because Bali-brain), the Book of Briars has been planted, but maybe it needs some fertilizer and coaxing? Or may be it hasn’t been planted yet and we just have the seed?


Ooo, I have the perfect affinity for that! Maelisorn is all about nurturing something to life, so Practitioner’s Cradle seems like a good bet for this!


Indeed! If we were able to nurture the new age in here, where its budding magiq is safe from the Silver, then we can open the Veil when it and we are strong enough to put up a real fight. Because @Hekate is right, we have something right now that those outside the Veil most likely don’t in the bearings. It just might allow us to work castings more delicately.


That’s me! I’m very intrigued about Unifier’s Will…I’ll have to do some more exploration maybe, but I think it could be helpful here!


Ill try to use the inwardian eye, see what i can see. Perhaps this’ll help us make a decision. I want everyones approval before i possibly seriously hurt myself, though. Im willing to give a fair bit for the cause, but i need everyone to be aware i might out of commission for days or even weeks, based on what ive read.


I think we should all employ just a modicum of caution. We only just got access to this information within the last 24 hours. We absolutely should make a move on it SOON, but I’m guessing there are still some people around who either haven’t gotten to this step yet or are still mulling over the implications of what we’ve learned. The stakes are quite high, and I don’t think this is the time to rush in.


…you’re right. Im getting ahead of myself. I just hope we pull this off in time. If we cant figure it out though, im willing to step up. Remember that.


Why don’t we “close the loop” and send Eaves a reply with what we found, first.


Someone had started getting something drafted I think…let me check…

Edit: @Sapphire got the ball rolling here:


Maybe we should actually explain how there are three bearings of each guild with new affinities


I think that’s a great idea.


Yes, that ‘we don’t have much’ line needs to be changed to 'We have incredible news to share if you go to the what-if page of the guide and scroll down. The keys lay in the guide and the order of ascenders revelations. There are new dimensions to the existing guilds to be discovered and explored!!!1!!!one!! ’

And then send it. Anyone. Let’s not cause Eaves more pain than we need to.


How’s this?

Ashburn here, we didn’t overlap for long at Basecamp, but we made a discovery, and it feels pretty big (I hope you’re healing after the last correspondence and all is mirror lady/Silver-free still).
It seems like there was more than Ascender’s memories unveiled by Peering Arts: one of our newer Mounties found an opening to more of the Guide itself on the “what if” page. We found the password between the Guide and the order of Ascender’s memories (don’t want to lay it out much plainer for safety’s sake).
We’re still trying to wrap our heads around there being more to the guilds than we originally thought, and how we may be able to use this new information to perhaps expand Determiner 12’s protections, throw the Silver off your trail a bit, or at least make it so we can communicate via mundane means again.

And back to the possibility of expanding D12 to the Sanctuary. Marty now counts as part of the Sanctuary, yes? And being inside the confines of D12 makes us pretty much invisible to the outside? Marty just got his family back in his life, would we be taking that away from him again for the sake of safety?

Edit: I’m going to call 11-ish likes a go for @-ing Eaves. :hermanthumbs:


Ashburn here, we didn’t overlap for long at Basecamp, but we made a discovery, and it feels pretty big (I hope you’re healing after the last correspondence and all is mirror lady/Silver-free still).
It seems like there was more than Ascender’s memories unveiled by Peering Arts: one of our newer Mounties found an opening to more of the Guide itself on the “what if” page. We found the password between the Guide and the order of Ascender’s memories (don’t want to lay it out much plainer for safety’s sake).
We’re still trying to wrap our heads around there being more to the guilds than we originally thought, and how we may be able to use this new information to perhaps expand Determiner 12’s protections, throw the Silver off your trail a bit, or at least make it so we can communicate via mundane means again.


0_0 I thought I’d check back and give this thread a poke to see if we’re still trying to plan something, and just noticed this message hasn’t gone. I hope Eaves is alright.


But Eaves’ original post is gone. :grimacing:


This kinda feels like when the hole the neither couriers were using was closed so suddenly.
We never heard back from them again.

So…what do we do now?

Random brainstorming.

Wait and hope Eaves dials back?

Try a neithercourier again?

Trying to send a message the same way Eaves did seems pointless, if the hole is closed, then it’s closed. But maybe a different affinty?

Try something out of left field? Hey magiq seems to have problems with technology, and visa versa. What if we tried to get a message to Aether to pass along? I bet you he’s lurking out there somewhere. Maybe Deteminer 12 can’t shut out digital messages entirely?

Rearrange the deck chairs and play “Nearer, My God, to Thee” on repeat? (I guess I’m feeling fatalistic today, sorry.)

Edit: Oh fine, be awesome that way @Eaves…Bah!


So. Hey?
…I guess the Guide can change its mind?

It’s been a long week.

First, my hand is in a cast, I can barely take a breath with my ribs the way they are, and I slipped into a very brief coma four days ago. I woke up yesterday. Let’s not mess with affinities right now, agreed?

I never received your response, and since I haven’t had access to the forum for a while, I’d stopped checking the URL months ago. But something made me check this morning. A weird gut feeling. (And a dream I had while I was out, but that’s another story.) Anyway, something happened. The Guide apparently decided I needed access to you, or maybe we needed access to each other and opened the door to me. Maybe this is my reward for having the stuffing beat out of me trying to get to you all?

Whatever the reason, the magimystic “pings” Yuridia is sensing have gotten more pronounced, and more intentionally directed at our neck of the world. They’re going to find us, that’s for sure, it’s just a matter of time.

The good news is that there’s another place we can go — another more remote part of the sanctuary, one more protected — our own Helm’s Deep. We haven’t used it because it’s much more difficult for those genuinely seeking sanctuary to find, but we may have no choice. If the Silver gets any closer, we may have to try and make our way to the other place, it will take weeks, and we’ll all be exposed and vulnerable while we’re in transit.

We’re figuring out next steps, but I feel in my heart that the Guide knows how much we need the Mountaineers right now. I’ll be in touch very soon.

Oh, also? Auromorne-bearing Gossmere. All-day every day.
I legit love you all.


Welcome back, @Eaves! Glad to have you on this side of the Veil.