4. The Search For Magiq: Peering Arts

I love your concept and we may need it in the future but I believe we still have an open channel to Eaves that’s been open for 11-12 days. You should be able to simply respond to him and not risk whatever spell sickness he’s also experiencing.


Cool, looks like it’s gone. And now we wait…


@Augustus_Octavian, would you mind reposting what you sent, just so everyone can read it and we have a record of it? Thank you. :cjheart:


:crossed_fingers: well guess all we can do now is wait for Eaves to reply. Let’s hope he’s calmed down a little since the last time we talked to him.


I reposted what @Ashburn wrote above, with a couple of very minor edits; the “(Insert sender’s personal introductory pleasantries)” she referred to in her post.


Thanks for the clarification. I’ll copy and paste that so when others are reading this back later it isn’t lot confusing for them.


Below is the gist of what was sent to Eaves this morning:

Ascender’s gone. The veil spell (called Determiner 12) had a history of being volatile enough to destroy the caster, and the recent changes that were made in an attempt to stabilize it did not change that. The memories that Peering Arts dug up were what got caught up in what we assume was the calling the corners part of Determiner 12 as it was cast.

Other important things from the last two journals:

  • Determiner 12 is made of pieces of twelve spells, making a three-tier protection against what the spell deems a threat/unnecessary with occasional allowances for messengers to come in and out.
  • A long meeting decided that they would use the spell, and that the Mountain and the Mounties in the forum would be within the protections of it.
  • Ascender spent two weeks “looking for a magiq ring to protect him from the spell”, which we read as “set his affairs in order.”
  • Endri knew that the creepy mirror lady was coming for Ascender and called him on his BS before he cast the spell.
  • Endri was the one that requested that the Guide be the determiner, and that the forum folks be the primary target for protection should things look like both groups couldn’t safely be boxed in together.
  • Ascender has a daughter out there somewhere whom he’s never met (perhaps some of what he did during that two weeks relates to her?)
  • Knowing now that D-12 wasn’t a unilateral decision of one person, maybe find a way to allow more communication through without taking a block of magiqal C4 to it and leaving us completely exposed.

Here are the full contents for the Light and Aether journals:


How long was it before Eaves replied last time… It feels like this time is taking longer. Hope Eaves is ok.


3 days or thereabouts, a second bout of huge spell sickness may be harder to recover from especially so soon after the last time.


I go on hiatus for a few months and people are casting spells and going on magiqal yet dangerous journeys without me? But yeah, I hope Eaves is okay too, it’s kinda worrisome.


Very true.


A new reply on Mountaineer Recap: The Week of April 9th


Oh my, this isn’t sounding good… Guys, we need to do something. I’m not sure what, but I don’t like the thought of our friends going up against the Silver without us.


I don’t really know how much use we’ll even be if we could help them? They’re already almost out of magiq, we don’t really have any left either and the silver have a lot of magiq. So we’ll be basically fighting with sticks again a very magiqually powerful enemy. Frankly I don’t like our odds in that situation at all, personally I think we should stay behind the wall Ascender created to protect us.

Unless of course we can find a way of breaking the wall without destroying it’s magiq so we can use the magiq against the silver. It was created with a lot of powerful and potent magiq after all. We know that the keystone of the wall is the guide to magiq and thus is its weakest point if we wanna try and carefully undo the enchantment. However f we do managed to do that then we kill off the last remnants of Ascender entwined with the 6 spell anchor points.

So we’re left with three/four decisions in two parts, part one is if we even help or not (Considering we’d be fighting a superior enemy). Part two is if we do help then do we finish off Ascender to save the Sanctuary or loop back to not helping and letting fate decide.

EDIT: I feel that I should also point out that Ascender died to protect us so do we really wanna throw his sacrifice away?


Yes, he died protecting us, but certainly not with the endgame of being a butterfly preserved in a glass case, a relic kept away from the outside world for the rest of time.

We’ve become stronger since then, both in numbers and with finding the aliquary if it comes to it.

I think we need to get out, we just need to be certain that we’re as prepared for what’s outside as we can be before we break the seal (however we manage that).


Unfortunately Eaves didn’t seem to have any insight into rewriting the wall spell which was one of our main hopes. That would at least let us confer with the rest of our allies on this.


We don’t know how to use the aliquary or how it’ll help us or if it’ll even work with how little magiq there is left


And of course if everyone outside is functionally out of magiq that means we’re probably not far behind.


but the aliquary has an entire stock of magic of its own?


True, and perhaps we could fashion a spell resembling what we used in the cataclysm where we drew magiq from objects. That would allow us to use the magiq stored in the aliquary