4. The Search For Magiq: Peering Arts

Yeah. Not to big a fan of the big black witch… I honestly feel bad for Ascender though just thinking of be trapped inside himself while that thing controls and uses his body.


So…I feel a little bad bringing this up while it’s still fresh and settling…but I think we’ve gotta get that message to Eaves going soon. We don’t know what’s coming and how long we have, and someone at the Sanctuary needs to know what we’ve learned…


Yeah… you’re right. I think this new information is cause for more hurry than ever.

Also, I know Ascender said the veil is nearly unbreakable, but it’s obviously using magiq to do so, and if magiq is running thin it’s possible that the veil could start to falter as well. That means we need to learn as much as we can about the Silver’s plans and hopefully about that witch as fast as we can. I know none of us like the veil keeping us from everyone on the outside, but for the moment it is protecting us from the Silver so we should use this time to do research before we try to break it.


Unless we get something from Eaves soon (just checked, no posts from him since 8/15), I would like to try to use my guild’s Communion Arts affinity like he has been to try to send a first, “outgoing message” to him. I’m going to start reserving my energy, meditating, and focusing (you know, in between my 50-60 hour a week job and three young kids :grimacing:). Does someone want to start a draft of what we should send?


I agree; if it took this much energy and sacrifice to create, destroying it seems… wrong… cruel, almost. I don’t like the side effects, and I don’t like that we don’t know what this witch’s prerogative is, but it feels sacrilegious, almost, to try to tear it down.

Unbreakable is not the same as unchangeable.

If we can figure out which twelve spells were used (and maybe Eaves or someone else in the sanctuary might be able to give us a lead?) maybe we can augment it without risking the security measures. Like going into a firewall code and deleting or patching the corrupt drivers; maybe even figure out how to expand the protections to reach the Sanctuary and the other Lodges, or at least throw in some sort of… Magiqal virus scan to make some of these negative entities reveal themselves?
I’m not a coder, but I think the analogy fits based on how Ascender was describing their process.


I like that idea a lot better than outright breaking it. We may be able to manipulate it into a more advanced form of safeguard.


We never replied to his last message where he lost it on Ascender. The connection should still be open, but with magiq dwindling your affinity may be essential to it working.


I overlooked that detail. Ok. Let’s still draft something to Eaves, and I’ll still conserve my energy for if we need it.


Things Eaves should know;

  • We have all the runes
  • “The Veil” is a protection measure, but may be corrupt
  • Ascender sacrificed himself to make the spell work (should we include all the bits about his dishonesty, or is that “speaking ill of the dead”?)
  • Twelve spells were used to create a triple layer protection
  • We want to figure out how it works so we can expand the barrier instead of break it down
  • “@Robert”: “one of his last thoughts was to meet his daughter. I think that is a key hole in the veil.”

What else?


I think we’ve shared (at least some of) the memories verbatim before, but should probably do a sum up of the important bits at the beginning as a tl;dr of sorts. Since we know how Eaves feels about Ascender, I don’t see how mentioning Ascender’s own acknowledgement of several of the hate points would hurt.


We want to mention one of his last thoughts was to meet his daughter. I think that is a key hole in the veil.


while we are doing that, im gonna start brainstorming some ways to possibly set up a 12 way casting circle, at least to help lighten the load.
maybe we can do a two fold Calling again, but using the new runes as foci and our elements as the filter.
Then we may just need a third layer of protection…maybe by using our improved jordians? we still have those from the last time we needed them against the storm right?
6 Amped Jordians, 6 elements, and 6 runes.
that should mix well to a 3 layer spell right? (even outside the normal connotation of 3 sixes.)


ive been sitting this one out to give the newbies a bit more of a chance, and can i just say im so proud of all of you for jumping into this with such vigor? Absolutely stunning work so far, guys. Lets bring it home.


If the message hasn’t been sent to Eaves yet, can we hurry up and get on with it!
Eaves has kept the channel open for 10days so far, the more we delay replying the more sick Eaves is gonna be.


Okay, @Augustus_Octavian wanted to send this time to try and mitigate how bad the spell sickness is going to hit Eaves, right? I put together a thing, if it’s okay; left space to personalize.

(Insert sender’s personal introductory pleasantries)

Ascender’s gone. The veil spell (called Determiner 12) had a history of being volatile enough to destroy the caster, and the recent changes that were made in an attempt to stabilize it did not change that. The memories that Peering Arts dug up were what got caught up in what we assume was the calling the corners part of Determiner 12 as it was cast.

Other important things from the last two journals:

  • Determiner 12 is made of pieces of twelve spells, making a three-tier protection against what the spell deems a threat/unnecessary with occasional allowances for messengers to come in and out.
  • A long meeting decided that they would use the spell, and that the Mountain and the Mounties in the forum would be within the protections of it.
  • Ascender spent two weeks “looking for a magiq ring to protect him from the spell”, which we read as “set his affairs in order.”
  • Endri knew that the creepy mirror lady was coming for Ascender and called him on his BS before he cast the spell.
  • Endri was the one that requested that the Guide be the determiner, and that the forum folks be the primary target for protection should things look like both groups couldn’t safely be boxed in together.
  • Ascender has a daughter out there somewhere whom he’s never met (perhaps some of what he did during that two weeks relates to her?)
  • Knowing now that D-12 wasn’t a unilateral decision of one person, maybe find a way to allow more communication through without taking a block of magiqal C4 to it and leaving us completely exposed.

Here are the full contents for the Light and Aether journals:


That looks like a really thorough summary to me, I’m good with it if everyone else is.


I think we also want to add that we want to figure out how to expand the Determiner twelve to try to reach the Sanctuary, or at the very least include a “negative entity” scan for people trying to make contact with the forum so that it’s easier for our allies to weed out the Mirror Hag and other mal-intents in their midsts.
Everything else looks perfect! Thanks for drafting this so thoroughly!


Good point, added to the bullet list that we’d like to not blow the protections to the six corners if possible.


It all sounds very good. I think @Augustus_Octavian should send it as soon as he can.


Okay. I’ve been resting and hydrating. I’ve also been reflecting on how to actually perform Communion Arts, and I think that I’ve figured out how to do it: It’s like being your individual self’s own best friend, but you’re also someone else at the same time. Or like photosynthesis, except you’re both the sunshine and the leaves, and the other person is both, too.

Here goes.